
第 1 到 240 筆結果,共 240 筆。

2020Study on the integration of disaster prevention database for central and local government at Keelung city(3/3)Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Study of Technology and Policy Development for Disaster Protection in Coastal Area under Extreme Climate Condition( III )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Study of Technology and Policy Development for Disaster Protection in Coastal Area under Extreme Climate Condition (I)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2024Resilient City and Disaster Prevention Adaptation under Extreme Disasters-Keelung City( III )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Study of Technology and Policy Development for Disaster Protection in Coastal Area under Extreme Climate ConditionLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2022The Study of Hydrogeological Characteristics and Groundwater Cycle at a Small Alpine Watershed - Case Study of Beinan River( II )Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Environmental Change Effect on Distribution and Ecology of Cephalopods in the Surrounding Waters near Taiwan Bank( II )Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Holocene Extreme Hydroclimatic Change in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas (Ii)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2022Using Cross-Borehole Heat Tracer Test to Characterize Hydrogeology with High Resolution at the Groundwater Contaminated Site( II )Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2022111年學海飛颺計畫Huei-Fen ChenMinistry of Education
2022111年新南向學海築夢計畫Huei-Fen ChenMinistry of Education
2022Study on the Developments of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Mitigation of Land Subsidence( II )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Research on determining abalone provenance by emerging technologiesChia-Hui WangFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2022基隆市110年及111年災害防救深耕第3期計畫Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2022晚第四紀西北太平洋與東北冰洋與全球及亞洲季風百年至千年尺度氣候變化連繫機制研究(3/3)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2022Study on the Developments of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Mitigation of Land Subsidence( II )National Science and Technology Council
2021Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluid and Rock Dating of Nephrite in Fengtian, HualianHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Holocene Extreme Hydrographic Climate Change in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Late Quaternary Climate Evolution in the Warm Pool Indo-Pacific Oceans(I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Organic Geochemistry and Botanical Affinity of Fossil ResinYing-Ju ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Learning geology by doingYing-Ju ChangMinistry of Education
2021Electrical Resistivity Model of the Kaohsiung-Pingtung AreaChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Study of Hydrogeological Characteristics and Groundwater Cycle at a Small Alpine Watershed - Case Study of Beinan River( I )Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Sedimentary and Crustal Velocity Structures of the Foreland Basin System in Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs and Mcs Data (III)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Environmental Change Effect on Distribution and Ecology of Cephalopods in the Surrounding Waters near Taiwan Bank( I )Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年度學海飛颺計畫Huei-Fen ChenMinistry of Education
2021Using cross-borehole heat tracer test to characterize hydrogeology with high resolution at the groundwater contaminated site(1/2)Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2021姑婆嶼栽培漁業區第二年期放流效益評估Chia-Hui WangAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2021國家海洋日海洋生態保育及海洋活動展示Chia-Hui WangOcean Affairs Council
2021電火花反射震測及海底地震儀資料收集乙式Chih-Wen ChiangNational Central University (NCU)
2021海水環境下甲種漁船油菌蝕降解試驗Ying-Ju ChangExploration & Development Research Institute
2021加熱式光纖溫度感測器井下跨孔高解析度地下水流速與流向調查Yung-Chia ChiuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2021110年度補助辦理環境教育推廣計畫Cheng-Yu KuMinistry of Education
2021基隆市110年及111年災害防救深耕第3期計畫Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2021臺俄(RU)雙邊協議型擴充加值(add-on) 國際合作研究計畫-晚第四紀西北太平洋與東北冰洋與全球及亞洲季風百年至千年尺度氣候變化連繫機制研究(2/3)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021台東紅葉地區三維大地電磁資料分析Chih-Wen ChiangDepartment of Earth Sciences,NCU
2021以科學方法辨識烏魚子之產地來源研究Chia-Hui WangFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021Study on the Developments of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Mitigation of Land Subsidence( I )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2020井下單極天線半空間感應電場評析Chih-Wen ChiangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020Experimental and Numerical Simulation Studies on the Influence of Groundwater Management and Ground Level Disturbance on Subsurface Water Cycle and Land Subsidence and Liquefaction(II)Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Utilize Heat as a Tracer to Study the Characteristics of Groundwater Flow and Hydrological Cycle in Alpine HydrogeologyYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study on the Groundwater-Related Disaster Risk Assessment in Coastal RegionsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Sedimentary and Crustal Velocity Structures of the Foreland Basin System in Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs and Mcs Data (II)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Mechanisms of Hydrographic Changes Linking with Mega-Droughts and Floods in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas and East Asia of the Common Era (III)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Late Quaternary Climate Evolution of the Pacific Ocean(IV)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Genesis of Serpentinite and Nephrite in the Fault Zone of Fengtien, HualiannHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Relation between Source Parameters of the Earthquakes Occur in Ryukyu-Taiwan-Manila Collision SystemYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Microbial System Equipment for Oil Spill ResponseYing-Ju ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study on the Integrated Numerical Weather and Wind-Wave Ai-Based Model to Predict Wind Field and Offshore Wind-Wave during TyphoonsChih-Chiang WeiNational Science and Technology Council
2020Movement Pattern of the Bigfin Reef Squid Sepioteuthis Lessoniana in Taiwan Coastal WatersChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020北部海域採樣及試驗分析研究計畫Huei-Fen ChenMMA GLOBAL AQUA CO., LTD
2020Development of Smart Models and Techniques for Managing Regional Groundwater( IV )
2020教育部109年新南向學海築夢Huei-Fen ChenMinistry of Education
2020教育部109年學海築夢Huei-Fen ChenMinistry of Education
2020教育部109年學海惜珠Huei-Fen Chen
2020教育部109年學海飛颺Huei-Fen ChenMinistry of Education
2020姑婆嶼栽培漁業區增添資源放流效益評估Chia-Hui WangAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2020臺灣沿近海帶魚漁業資源管理研究Chia-Hui WangFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2020基隆市109年災害防救深耕第3期計畫採購案Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2020分散式光纖溫度感測器在地下水污染場址之高解析度井下水文地質調查(II)Yung-Chia ChiuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2020臺俄(RU)雙邊協議型擴充加值(add-on) 國際合作研究計畫-晚第四紀西北太平洋與東北冰洋與全球及亞洲季風百年至千年尺度氣候變化連繫機制研究(1/3)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020湄公河三角洲魚類多樣性及洄游研究(2/2)Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Industrial-academic cooperative R&D system and technology commercializationCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019用過核子燃料最終處置計畫─海平面長期演化之地表水文與水文地質模式分析技術研究Cheng-Yu KuAtomic Energy Council
2019Sedimentary and Crustal Velocity Structures of the Foreland Basin System in Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs and Mcs Data (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019分散式光纖溫度感測器在地下水污染場址之高解析度井下水文地質調查(I)Yung-Chia ChiuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2019Experimental and Numerical Simulation Studies on the Influence of Groundwater Management and Ground Level Disturbance on Subsurface Water Cycle and Land Subsidence and Liquefaction(I)Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Using Heat and Salt as Groundwater Tracers to Evaluate the Interactions between Surface Water and Streambed and the Application of Fiber Optical Distributed Temperature Sensor(II)Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Study of Integrated Risk Assessment of Climate Change in Coastal Areas in National Land Use Management and AdaptationLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study on Groundwater Characteristics and the Risk of Land Subsidence in Coastal AreasCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Late Quaternary Climate Evolution of the Pacific Ocean(III)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Mechanisms of Hydrographic Changes Linking with Mega-Droughts and Floods in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas and East Asia of the Common Era (II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Resource Exploration and Genesis of Nephrite in Fengtien, HualianHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Source Parameters and Rupture Characteristics of Earthquakes Occur in Moderate and Deep Depth in Manila-Taiwan-Ryukyu Collision SystemYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Testing of Marine Electromagnetic and Magnetotelluric Observatory Systems and Their Time Series AnalysesChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Application of Ftir Atr to the Classification of Kerogen-Types,Thermal Maturation and the Evolution of Hydrocarbon Potential of Source Rock.Ying-Ju ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Modeling Study of Taiwan'S Riverbed Dust Emissions and Its Comparison with Asians Dust Emissions (II)Fu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2019基隆市核子事故區域民眾防護應變計畫修訂案Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2019Development of Smart Models and Techniques for Managing Regional Groundwater( III )National Science and Technology Council
2019Mechanism and Ecological Impact by the Atlantic Predatory Invasive Red Drum, Sciaenops OcellatusNational Science and Technology Council
2019108年高級中等以上學校校園能資源管理及環境安全衛生計畫Cheng-Yu KuMinistry of Education
2019基隆市108年災害防救深耕第3期計畫Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2019高屏地區聲頻大地電磁法野外測勘、處理、分析與解釋Chih-Wen ChiangCPC Corporation, Taiwan
2019湄公河三角洲魚類多樣性及洄游研究(1/2)Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019臺俄(RU)國合計畫-晚第四紀西北太平洋與亞洲季風及南北極百年至千年尺度氣候變化連繫研究(3/3)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government at Keelung City( II )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Centennial -Millennial Climate and Environment Changes of the Northwestern Pacific during Last Glaciation-Holocene, and Its Relationship with East Asia Monsoon and the North Atlantic and Antarctic Climate Variability(III)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Crustal Structures of P-Wave Velocity across the Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs Data (Ⅲ)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Using Heat and Salt as Groundwater Tracers to Evaluate the Interactions between Surface Water and Streambed and the Application of Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature SensorYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study on the Risk Assessment and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal Areas ( II - III )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Late Quaternary Climate Evolution of the Pacific Ocean(II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Mechanisms of Hydrographic Changes Linking with Mega-Droughts and Floods in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas and East Asia of the Common Era (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Paleotyphoon and Environmental Changes Inferred from Kitaura Lake SedimentsHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Source Parameters and Rupture Characteristics of Large Earthquakes Occur in Moderate and Deep Depth (III)Yi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Testing of Magnetotelluric Observatory Systems and Its Time Series AnalysisChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Forensic Fingerprinting of Biomarker for Oil Spill Characterization and Degradation of Sulfur HeterocyclesYing-Ju ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Modeling Study of Taiwan'S Riverbed Dust Emissions and Its Comparison with Asian Dust Emissions(I)Fu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government at Keelung City( I )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Centennial -Millennial Climate and Environment Changes of the Northwestern Pacific during Last Glaciation-Holocene, and Its Relationship with East Asia Monsoon and the North Atlantic and Antarctic Climate Variability(II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Crustal Structures of P-Wave Velocity across the Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs Data (Ii)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study on the Risk Assessment and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal Areas ( II - III )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Sst and Sss Variability and Their Control Mechanisms over the Past 2000 Years in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas (Ii)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Late Quaternary Climate Evolution of the Pacific Ocean (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Staring Project of Overseas Lacustrine Cores- the Tracks of Paleotyphoon in Northwestern PacificHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Source Parameters and Rupture Characteristics of Large Earthquakes Occur in Moderate and Deep Depth (Ii)Yi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Time Series Analysis of Long Period Magnetotelluric Data IiChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Biomarker Fingerprinting and Source Identification of Marine Petroleum Related Hydrocarbon Pollution in the North Coast, TaiwanYing-Ju ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific (Ii): Modeling Studies Of? ?Soluble Iron and the Aerosol Acid Reactions (3)Fu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2017Temporal Estuarine Recruitment Dynamic of the Three Cryptic Grey Mullet Species Juvenile in TaiwanChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Crustal Structures of P-Wave Velocity across the Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs Data(II)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Development of Smart Models and Techniques for Managing Regional Groundwater( I )Yung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government_A Pilot Study at Keelung CityCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Centennial -Millennial Climate and Environment Changes of the Northwestern Pacific during Last Glaciation-Holocene, and Its Relationship with East Asia Monsoon and the North Atlantic and Antarctic Climate Variability(I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Crustal Structures of P-Wave Velocity across the Taiwan Strait Analyzed from Obs Data (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Estimation of Relative Hydraulic Conductivity in the Unsaturated Zone of Using Relative Electrical ConductivityYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Study on the Risk Assessment and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal AreasCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Sst and Sss Variability and Their Control Mechanisms over the Past 2000 Years in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016East Asian and Western Pacific Paleoclimatic Research: Forcing Mechanisms and Novel Approaches (Iii)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on the Environments since Late Holocene in Central Taiwan- the Coring in Sun Moon Lake ( I )Huei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Source Parameters and Rupture Characteristics of Large Earthquakes Occur in Moderate and Deep DepthYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Time Series Analysis of Long Period Magnetotelluric DataChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific (Ii): Modeling Study of Soluble Iron and Aerosol Acid ReactionsFu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2016High-Resolution Records of Global Climatic and Oceanographic Responses from the Bering Sea and Northwestern Pacific during Late Pleistocene-HoloceneMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Crustal Structures of P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity off Taiwan and Philippine Sea Based on OBS Data (III)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Laboratory and Field Investigations of Dynamic Effects in Soil Water Retention CurveYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Groundwater Flow Models in Unsaturated Soils and Applications for Slope StabilityCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on the Characteristics of Regional Groundwater and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal RegionsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2015East Asian and Western Pacific Paleoclimatic Research: Forcing Mechanisms and Novel Approaches ( II )Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015IMAGES II-IMPRESS: SST and SSS Variations in the Northern South China Sea over the Last 2000 Years (II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Using the Character of Zeolite Adsorbed Cs in Treatment of Nuclear Wasted WaterHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Study of Earthquakes and Tectonic Structures from Southern Taiwan to the South China Sea and the Nearby RegionYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Ocean Coastal Effect on Magnetotelluric DataChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific (II): Modeling Studies of Aerosol ParticlesFu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2015Ecogeochemistry Research for Investigating Migration Pattern and Population Ecology of Mullet around TaiwanChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2015High-Resolution Records of Global Climatic and Oceanographic Responses from the Bering Sea and Northwestern Pacific during Late Pleistocene-HoloceneMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Deep Electrical Structure Model of TaiwanChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Crustal Structures of P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity off Taiwan and Philippine Sea Based on OBS Data (II)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Time Domain Reflectometry Estimation of Electrical Conductivity and Heavy Metal Concentration in Contaminated SedimentsYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Characteristics of Regional Groundwater and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal RegionsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2014East Asian and Western Pacific Paleoclimatic Research: Forcing Mechanisms and Novel ApproachesMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014IMAGES II: Temperature and Salinity Variations in the Northern South China Sea over the Last 2000 YearsMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Images Ii- Study the Tracks of Paleotyphoon in Northwest PacificHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Western North Pacific (I): Modeling Studies on the Effects of Atmospheric Dust Particle Distributions and ImpactsFu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2014Ecogeochemistry Research for Investigating Migration Pattern and Population Ecology of Mullet around TaiwanChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study of Deep Geothermal Power Generation at Lize, Ilan( I )Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2014A study on performance-based seismic design framework of port structures(4/4)Cheng-Yu KuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014High-Resolution Records of Global Climatic and Oceanographic Responses from the Bering Sea and Northwestern Pacific during Late Pleistocene-HoloceneMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Investigation on Major Fishery Resources and Studies on Reasonable Regulatiory Devices in the Coastal Water of Taiwan-5Chia-Hui WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Deep Electrical Structure Model of TaiwanChih-Wen ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Crustal Structures of P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity off Taiwan and Philippine Sea Based on OBS Data (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Laboratory Measurement of Contaminant Concentration and Field Experiment of Infiltration Test in Unsaturated Soil Using Time Domain ReflectometryYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on a rockmass discontinuum model integrated with the shallow water equation for granular debris flowsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Images II: Mud Drift Paleoceanography in Western Pacific Marginal SeasMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Genesis of Quartz Crystals in Fractures and Structure Research, PingtongHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Western North Pacific (I): Modeling Studies on the Effects of Iron Deposition from Aerosol ParticlesFu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2013Ecogeochemistry Research for Investigating Migration Pattern and Population Ecology of Mullet around TaiwanChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2013A study on performance-based seismic design framework of port structures(3/4)Cheng-Yu KuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2012Velocity Structure of the Philippine Sea Based on the Long-Offset Reflection and Obs Survey (Iii)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2012An Analysis of Utilizing Time Domain Reflectometry and Numerical Simulation to Characterize Hydraulic Properties and Mass Transport Process in the Unsaturated ZoneYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Paleoceanographic Investigations for Seas Surrounding Taiwan & Images II Integration Pilot StudyMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Using Sediments Examines the Chemical Weathering Proxy - the Simulate Systems of Experimental PetrologyHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Study for the Offshore Earthquake Swarms in Southern Taiwan and Manila SubductionYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Effect of Global Change on Derived Source of Atmospheric Particulate Organic Nutrients in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Western North PacificHung-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Effect of Global Change on Derived Source of Atmospheric Particulate Organic Nutrients in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Western North PacificHung-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Otolith Ecogeochemistry Researches: Applications of Isotopic Composition Analytical Techniques on Fish Ecological StudiesChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011An Analysis of Utilizing Time Domain Reflectometry and Numerical Simulation to Characterize Hydraulic Properties and Mass Transport Process in the Unsaturated ZoneYung-Chia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Velocity Structure of the Philippine Sea Based on the Long-Offset Reflection and Obs Survey (Ii)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on a Rockmass Discontinuum Model Integrated with the Shallow Water Equation for Granular Debris FlowsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Multiple SST Reconstructions of Tropical Pacific Climate since the Middle Pleistocene Transition (MPT)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Using Sediments to Probe the Mineral and Geochemistry Proxies between Summer Monsoon and Winter Monsoon in East AsianHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Characteristics of Pn Wave Velocity beneath the Offshore of Eastern Taiwan and the West Philippine BasinYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Effects of Environmental Changes on Atmospheric Chemical Transport and the Associated Modeling Study in the East China SeaFu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2011Otolith Ecogeochemistry Researches: Applications of Isotopic Composition Analytical Techniques on Fish Ecological StudiesChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Monitor and Analysis of Marine Environment and Ecology in the Waters around Taiwan Influenced Possibly by Climate Change-2Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Velocity Structure of the Philippine Sea Based on the Long-Offset Reflection and Obs Survey (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on the Application of Rockmass Discontinuum Model on Granular Debris FlowsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Multiple Sst Reconstructions of Tropical Pacific and South China Sea PaleoclimateMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Probing the Proxy of Winnter Monsoon in East AsiaHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Using Strong-Motion Records to Determine the Moment Magnitude Mw of Earthquakes in Taiwan AreaYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Effects of Environmental Changes on Atmospheric Chemical Transport and the Associated Modeling Study in the East China Sea (IV)Fu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2010Otolith Ecogeochemistry Researches: Applications of Isotopic Composition Analytical Techniques on Fish Ecological StudiesChia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Crustal Velocity Structure of the Philippine Sea Based on the Obs Survey (II)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development and Application of Discontinuum Model on Jointed Rock Masses(II)Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Carbon 14 Dating of Benthic Foraminifera and Intermediate to Deep Water Circulation in the Western Pacific (II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009Quaternary Climate and Environmental Change---Lake Sediments Research in Ilan , Taiwan (II)Huei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Study for Slab Structure beneath Northern Taiwan (III)Yi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Effects of Environmental Changes on Atmospheric Chemical Transport and the Associated Modeling Study in the East China SeaFu-Jung TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2008Development and Application of Discontinuum Model on Jointed Rock MassesCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2008Crustal Velocity Structure of the Philippine Sea Based on the Obs SurveyTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Stalagmite and Marine Sediment Records: Land-Sea Paleoclimatic Correlation in East AsiaMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Carbon 14 Dating of Benthic Foraminifera and Intermediate to Deep Water Circulation in the Western PacificMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Quaternary Climate and Environmental Change---Core Sediments Research in the Lakes of North China and Taiwan (I)Huei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Study for Slab Structure beneath Northern Taiwan (II)Yi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Crustal Velocity Structure of the Northern Taiwan Based on the OBS SurveyTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Late Quaternary Western Pacific and East Asian Climate Variability---Records and DynamicsMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2007Images-Paleoclimate of the Western Pacific and East AsiaMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2007Quaternary Climate and Environmental Change in North China (I)Huei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Study for Slab Structure beneath Northern TaiwanYi-Ling HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Geothermal Monitoring and Marine Volcanic Activity InvestigationTan-Kin WangCentral Geological Survey,MOEA
2006Crustal Velocity Structure of the Northern Taiwan Based on the Onshore-Offshore MCS/OBS Survey (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2006Synthesis of Western Pacific Ocean Paleodynamics (IMAGES/SWOP) Service ProjectMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2006Late Quaternary Western Pacific Surface Ocean Climate Variability---Records and DynamicsMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2006The Holocene Stratum-Sequences and Paleoclimate Research at Niherwam Basin in North ChinaHuei-Fen ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005Seismic Data Analysis of the Sedimentary and Crustal Structure, Southwestern Taiwan (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2005Synthesis of Western Pacific Paleodynamics (IMAGES/SWOP)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005Late Quaternary Western Pacific Sea-Surface Temperature Variability---Records and Dynamics (IMAGES & ODP Leg202)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005NCOR--Keelung Branch-1Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2004Crustal Velocity Structure of the Northeastern Margin of the South China SeaTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2004High-Resolution Records of Winter and Summer Monsoons of the Past 300,000 Years in the South China Sea (III)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2004International Marine Past Global Change Study Service Project (II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2003Pre-stack Inverse-Ray Imaging (II)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2003International Marine Past Global Change Study Service Project (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2003High-Resolution Records of Winter and Summer Monsoons of the Past 300,000 Years in the South China Sea (II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2003Marine Science & Technology Today (III)Min-Te ChenNational Museum of Marine Science & Technology
2002Pre-Stack Inverse-Ray Imaging (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2002International Marine Past Global Change Study Service Project (III)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2002High-Resolution Records of Winter and Summer Monsoons of the Past 300,000 Years in the South China Sea (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2002Strategic Planning Studies for the Exhibition Topics "Deep-Sea Hydrohermal Vent and Sediment Core" for the National Museum of Marine Science and TechnologyMin-Te ChenNational Museum of Marine Science & Technology
2002Marine Science & Technology Today (II)Min-Te ChenNational Museum of Marine Science & Technology
2001Diffracted Rays with the Zero Offset in 3D Complex StructuresTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2001International Marine Past Global Change Study Service ProjectMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2001High-Resolution Paleoceanographic Records of the Kuroshio---Core KS-1Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2001High-Resolution Records of Paleoceanographic Changes in the South China Sea (II)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
20003D Sedimentary and Velocity Structures in the SW Ryukyu Subduction ZoneTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2000High-Resolution Records of Paleoceanographic Changes in the South China Sea (I)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2000International Marine Pase Global Change Study Service ProjectMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1999Time-to-Depth Conversion of MCS Stacked Sections for 2D and 3D Irregular Multi-Layered StructuresTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
1999Late Quaternary Paleoclimatological Records of Biogenic Sediments from the South China SeaMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1998Three Dimensional Velocity Structures in the Western Ryukyu Forearc RegionTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
1998Late Quaternary Surface Circulation Variability in the South China SeaMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1997Refraction Survey and 3D Velocity Structures Offshore Eastern TaiwanTan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
1997Reconstructing East Asia Monsoon Variability over the Past 300,000 Years---Evidence Based on South China Sea Core Records of Planktonic ForaminifersMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1996OBS Wide Angle Refraction Survey Offshore Eastern Taiwan (II)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
1996Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Low-Latitude Pacific and the South China Sea---Evidence from Planktonic Foraminiferal Faunal Assembalges and Stable IsotopesMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1995OBS Wide Angle Refraction Survey along Offshore Eastern Taiwan (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
1995The Expression of Late Quaternary Asian Paleo-Monsoon Climate-Variability in the South China Sea---Orbital to Suborbital Time ScalesMin-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1995Strategic Planning Study for the Exhibition Topics "Ocean Environment and Global Change"Min-Te ChenMinistry of Education
1995Seismic Simulation and Inversion of 3-D Complex Structures of the Taiwan Area at the Medium Scale (I)Tan-Kin WangNational Science and Technology Council
1995Past Ocean Variability over Orbital to Suborbital Time Scales (10/sup 5/-10/sup 3/Years)Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
-Extracting Wind Field Feature from Radar Reflectivity Image and Estimating Wind Speed and Wind-Induced Wave during TyphoonsChih-Chiang WeiNational Science and Technology Council