Ecology and Environment Construction


第 1 到 282 筆結果,共 282 筆。

2022雲林海岸(雲海)環境永續發展及推廣計畫Ming-An LeeWPD TAIWAN ENERGY CO., LTD.
2022沿近海漁業海象資訊服務技術發展(1/4)Ming-An LeeCentral Weather Bureau
2022都市總合治水建設管理服務團推動計畫Kwan-Tun LeeConstruction and Planning Agency, MOI
2022111年集水區水源應用規劃作業系統技術諮詢服務Kwan-Tun LeeWater Resources Planning Institute
2022Habitat Assessment and Restoration Indicators Development for Isolated Creeks-Using Three Creeks in the Northeast Coast as Examples( II )National Science and Technology Council
2022流域水文與水理設計分析模式之地文與水文分析模組功能維護Kwan-Tun LeeWater Resources Planning Institute
2022111 年度「精進衛星海洋應用產品」發展案Ming-An LeeCentral Weather Bureau
2022111年度因應海污事件現地生態調查及補償機制研析計畫Sha-Yen ChengOcean Conservation Administration
2022台灣鄰近海域隨選預報場域波浪模式建置可行性研究Chih-Chieh YoungMercuries Data Systems Ltd.
2022氣候變遷對臺灣沿岸漁場變化之影響Ming-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2022111年度金門縣一般性海堤風險評估Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2022臺東一般性海堤岸段風險評估與因應策略(2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2022桃園市人工魚礁現況調查暨沿岸漁獲量變動分析Ming-An LeeCPC Corporation, Taiwan
2022111年宜蘭縣海洋保護區海域生態調查及管理評估計畫Sha-Yen ChengMarine and Fisher Development Office, Yilan Country
2022國際產學聯盟-研擬臺灣民眾及離岸風電產業對鯨豚(白海豚)保護守則計畫Pey-Yi LeeXidao Wind Power Co., Ltd.; Changfang Wind Power Co., Ltd.
2022The investigation and stock assessment of Mene maculate (moon fish) in the southwestern waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2022運用地理空間技術(Geospatial technology)進行氣候變遷對印度與台灣海岸區域衝擊之比較分析(1/2)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2022Study of precautionary indices for fish species under management in offshore and coastal water of TaiwanHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2021永安廠西碼頭流場計算分析工作Sung-Shan HsiaoDNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE CO., LTD.
2021Development of a Forecasting Model for Determining Large-Scale Inundation Areas and Providing Detailed Analysis of Flood-Prone AreasPin-Chun Huang
2021Integrated Watershed and Channel Hydrological Response Function for Flood Disaster Management and Forecast (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年度議題導向跨領域敘事力培育計畫-海洋產業跨域與資源永續-創新實踐敘事力培育計畫Ming-An LeeMinistry of Education
2021110年大專校院學生雙語化計畫「普及提升」學校Ming-An LeeMinistry of Education
2021Effects of Environmental Change on the Impacts Associated with the Sustainable Development Strategies of Coastal Communities Nearby Kouhu Township in the Coast Zone of Western TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Ecosystem Dynamics Associated with the Environmental Change Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan BankMing-An Lee
2021Application the Uav Photography to Observation Water TurbidityHui-Ming FangNational Science and Technology Council
2021On the Characteristics of Tidal Wave/Flow Asymmetry in a Tidal EstuarySung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2021生態方塊衝擊區及對照區水域作業2年調查執行計畫Sung-Shan HsiaoHOPING INDUSTRIAL PORT CORPORATION
2021海洋表水溫反演校正與魚群分布動態解析Ming-An LeeInternational Integrated Systems
2021金門海岸(烈嶼鄉西側)監測及侵淤評估規劃計畫Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2021110年新竹漁港海岸監測防護計畫Wei-Po HuangHsinchu City Government
2021海流海溫資料在近海漁業應用技術發展(4/4)Ming-An LeeCentral Weather Bureau
2021The investigation and stock assessment of Mene maculate in the southwestern waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021「海鼎離岸式風力發電計畫1號風場中華白海豚野生動物重要棲息環境報告書」中華白海豚調查工作Pey-Yi LeeUnltech New Energy Engineering
2021Habitat assessment and restoration indicators development for isolated creeks-using three creeks in the northeast coast as examples( I )National Science and Technology Council
2021海洋運動能力分級與海洋環境條件關係調查分析Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Academy of Marine Research
2021水庫可能最大洪水量估算模式功能擴充Kwan-Tun LeeWater Resources Planning Institute
2021協和計畫發展海洋牧場可行性先期評估-2Fan-Hua NanState-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC
2021國際產學聯盟-中華白海豚族群生態環境調查及保育規劃-海上調查Pey-Yi LeeSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2021全國海灘及釣點環境調查與安全評估作業Wei-Po HuangNational Academy of Marine Research
2021桃園一般性海堤區域及重要聚落海岸變遷監測調查計畫(2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 2th River Management Office,WRA,MOEA
2021110年度花蓮縣一般性海堤風險評估(1/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 9th River Management Office, WRA
2021台灣鄰近海域波浪模式之預報場域建置研究Chih-Chieh YoungMercuries Data Systems Ltd.
2021The Assessment on Coastal Morphology Within the Coastal Sectors of the Sea Dikes and the Settlements (Fugang to Lijia River) (2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2021110年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Sung-Shan Hsiao雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2021Risk analysis on the coast defense of TaitungWei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2021Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvementSha-Yen ChengFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021Establishing prediction models for changes in important marine economic fisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020110年學術論文發表會暨會員大會計畫Ming-An LeeThe Fisheries Society of Taiwan
2020澎湖縣箱網養殖避寒區、外海養殖區及鎖港至烏崁海域海洋生產產業整體規劃Ming-An LeeAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2020宜蘭海岸線零米水位變化歷年分析Wei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2020Integrated Watershed and Channel Hydrological Response Function for Flood Disaster Management and Forecast (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Risk and Uncertainty of Storm Surge at Southwestern Coast with Consideration of Climate Changes: Natural Variations of Typhoon Factors and Their Influences(III)Chih-Chieh YoungNational Science and Technology Council
2020Effects of Environmental Change on the Coastal Industries and Social Humanities Associated with the Adaption Governance Strategies of Communities in the Coastal Zone of Yun-Lin and Chia-Yi County, TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank(III)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Study of Comprehensive Risk Assessment on Coastal Erosion and Strategies for Resilience AdaptabilityWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Analysis of Dynamic Changes of Estuary and Coastal Environment and Review of Coastal Structure Protection Standards under Climate ChangeSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2020建構臺灣海象及氣象災防環境服務系統-109年度海氣象災防環境服務作業系統建置(4/4)Ming-An LeeDepartment of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science
2020離島海岸災害風險與防災緩衝區韌性探討Wei-Po HuangWater Resources Planning Institute
2020台灣海域輻射背景調查計畫勞務採購案之海洋生物樣品之彙整和資料之統計與評析一式Ming-An LeeInstitute of Marine Ecology and Conservation,NSYU
2020海流海溫資料在近海漁業應用技術發展(3/4)Ming-An LeeMarine Meteorology Center,CWB
2020鹽寮海岸短期性養灘之監督工作Sung-Shan HsiaoTaiwan Power Company
2020水庫安全評估之可能最大洪水量估算模式研發Kwan-Tun LeeDepartment of Harbor and River Engineering
2020桃園一般性海堤區域及重要聚落海岸變遷監測調查計畫(1/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 2th River Management Office,WRA,MOEA
2020花蓮縣鹽寮漁港海域監測暨補償方式評估計畫Sung-Shan HsiaoHualien County Government
2020海域分區劃設及分級使用管理研究(1/2)Lien-Kwei ChienOcean Affairs Council
2020臺灣沿近海帶魚漁業資源管理研究Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020臺東一般性海堤區域及重要聚落海岸變遷監測調查計畫(富岡至利嘉溪口)(1/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2020109年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Sung-Shan Hsiao雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2020智慧城鄉109年度基隆市娛樂漁業漁船島礁磯釣活動管理計畫Ming-An LeeDepartment of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science
2020Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvementSha-Yen ChengCollege of Life Sciences
2020109年度大專校院學生國際體驗學習計畫「國際海洋產業之現況與發展」Sha-Yen ChengYouth Development Administration
2020Study on the integration of disaster prevention database for central and local government at Keelung city(3/3)Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Industrial-academic cooperative R&D system and technology commercializationCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019都市排水規劃複合型排水模組檢核與預警分析應用計畫Kwan-Tun LeeConstruction and Planning Agency, MOI
2019協和電廠更新改建計畫暨燃料供應可行性研究-海岸利用管理說明書Wei-Po HuangUNION-TECH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CO.
2019Integrated Watershed and Channel Hydrological Response Function for Flood Disaster Management and ForecastKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019Risk and Uncertainty of Storm Surge at Southwestern Coast with Consideration of Climate Changes: Natural Variations of Typhoon Factors and Their Influences(II)Chih-Chieh YoungNational Science and Technology Council
2019Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank(II)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank-2Sheng-Ping WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Quantitative Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems Having the Function of Stormwater Detention for Building and Community Scale(Ii)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2019Quantitative Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems Having the Function of Stormwater Detention for Building and Community Scale(Ii)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2019Risk Assessment on Coastal Erosion of Coastal Cities and Vi LlagesWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Study of Integrated Risk Assessment of Climate Change in Coastal Areas in National Land Use Management and AdaptationLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2019108年-澎湖縣海上養殖區域智慧監測及定位計畫-澎湖縣箱網養殖避寒區選址調查Ming-An LeeAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2019宜蘭縣海岸防護整合規劃暨二級海岸防護計畫-海岸侵蝕技術諮詢工作Wei-Po HuangSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2019108年台灣海域輻射背景調查計畫勞務採購案之海生物樣品之彙整和資料之統計與評析Ming-An LeeNational Sun Yat-sen University
2019建構臺灣海象及氣象災防環境服務系統-108年度海氣象災防環境服務作業系統建置(3/4)Ming-An LeeInternational Integrated Systems
2019第三座液化天然氣接收站建港及圍堤造地工程施工期間環境監測之漁業經濟調查Ming-An LeePan Asia Corp.
2019海流海溫資料在近海漁業應用技術發展(2/4)Ming-An LeeMarine Meteorology Center,CWB
2019108年度新南向計畫「個別學校申請項目」Sha-Yen ChengMinistry of Education
2019金門海岸防護(烈嶼黃厝至南山頭段)監測計畫Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2019海岸侵蝕災害風險評估及非工程管理策略研擬(1/2)Wei-Po HuangWater Resources Planning Institute
2019108年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Sung-Shan Hsiao雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2019新竹市二級海岸防護整合規劃及計畫Wei-Po HuangHsinchu City Government
2019河口輸砂調查及砂源對沿岸供砂之可行性評估(含利嘉溪、知本溪、太麻里溪)(2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2019和平溪、南澳溪及花蓮溪流域水文與水力蘊藏量分析整合資訊平台Kwan-Tun Lee
2019印度洋鮪釣漁業漁況預報可行性分析Ming-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2019Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvement-2I-Shiung ChenCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine Fisheries-6Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government at Keelung City( II )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Main Project and Subproject 4: Scenario Simulation and Disaster Management for Concentrated Runoff from Suburban Mountain Areas under Severe Weather Conditions (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2018Risk and Uncertainty of Storm Surge at Southwestern Coast with Consideration of Climate Changes: Natural Variations of Typhoon Factors and Their Influences(I)Chih-Chieh YoungNational Science and Technology Council
2018Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank(I)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2018Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank-1Sheng-Ping WangNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Study on Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment &Amp; Remedies( II )Wei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Hydrological Factor Measurement and Impact Analysis of Estuarine and CoastalSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government at Keelung City( I )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine FisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2017Scenario Simulation and Disaster Management for Concentrated Runoff from Suburban Mountain Areas under Severe Weather Conditions (Ii)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Quantitative Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems Having the Function of Stormwater Detention for Building and Community ScaleChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Study on Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment &Amp; Remedies( II )Wei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Natural and Artificial Coastline Increasing/Decreasing Rate and Strategy for Mitigation Development of Taiwan Due to Environmental ChangesSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Study of Arsenic Accumulating on Major Cephalopods Surrounding North Taiwan WatersSha-Yen ChengNational Science and Technology Council
2017Expansion and promotion of the cloud operation system for detention facility designKwan-Tun Lee
2017Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine FisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2016Scenario Simulation and Disaster Management for Concentrated Runoff from Suburban Mountain Areas under Severe Weather ConditionsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study on the Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Freak Waves Using Non-Linear Wave-Wave Interaction Theory and Non-Hydrostatic Numerical ModelingChih-Chieh YoungNational Science and Technology Council
2016Innovative Design and Application of Rainwater Harvesting System to Control Stormwater RunoffChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Study on Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment &Amp; RemediesWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Natural and Artificial Coastline Increasing/Decreasing Rate and Strategy for Mitigation Development of Taiwan Due to Environmental ChangesSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Study of Arsenic Accumulating Mechanism on Major Cephalopods Surrounding Taiwan WatersSha-Yen ChengNational Science and Technology Council
2016Promotion of the Cloud Automated Ocean and River Survey System( III )Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of Flash-Flood Warning System Considering Watersheds with Different Geo-Hydrological CharacteristicsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016A study of Web-GIS cloud operation system for detention facilities capacity allocationKwan-Tun Lee
2016Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine FisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2015Application of Real-Time Runoff Model in Mountain Areas Integrated into Disaster Contingency Platform ( III )Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015Innovative Design and Application of Rainwater Harvesting System to Control Stormwater RunoffChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Study on the Coastal Protection Engineering Guideline and the Non-Engineering Strategy for Thesustainable ManagementWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Sediments Transport of the Estuary and Coastal Area Which in the SurfzoneSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Investigation on Flow Field Characteristics Near The Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2015Promotion of the Cloud Automated Ocean and River Survey System( II )Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Flash-Flood Warning System Considering Watersheds with Different Geo-Hydrological CharacteristicsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015A study of decision support and cloud operating system for the allocation of stormwater detention capacityKwan-Tun Lee
2015Environmental System Analysis and Value-Added Climatic Index (III)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Application of Real-Time Runoff Model in Mountain Areas Integrated into Disaster Contingency Platform (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Data Mining Model for Beach Profiles Evolutions-1Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Study on the Coastal Protection Engineering Guideline and the Non-Engineering Strategy for the Sustainable ManagementWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Investigation on Flow Field Characteristics Near The Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014Promotion of the Cloud Automated Ocean and River Survey System (I)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of Flash-Flood Warning System Considering Watersheds with Different Geo-Hydrological CharacteristicsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Impact of Climate Change on Resources and Fishing Ground of Distant-Water Tuna FisheriesHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2014Ocean Environmental Analysis and Value-Added Climate IndexMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013Application of Real-Time Runoff Model in Mountain Areas Integrated into Disaster Contingency Platform (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013Data mining model for beach profiles evolutions-2Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2013Development of Hydraulic Model for Irrigation Drainage NetworkKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Basic Study on Fine Variety Breeding of the Grey MulletFan-Hua NanNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Study of Technical Code of Maritime Engineering Planning Design and Construction for Offshore Wind Farm( I )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Investigation on Flow Field Characteristics Near The Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2012Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the River Estuary SedimentWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Technology Development Project of Cross-Sectoral Vulnerability Assessment in Natural Disaster Environmental SystemsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development of Real-Time Updating Runoff Model Using Rainfall Forecasting Dada (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012Data Mining Model for Beach Profiles Evolutions-2Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2012Cloud Computing on Estimating Local Topography System of Near-Shore Area in TaiwanSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2012Analysis of flooding storage in flat irrigation areas adapting to climate change.Kwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2012Developing the Flood Mitigation and Protection Manual in Communities and Building SitesChao-Hsien Liaw
2012Developing Flood Forecasting &Amp; Sediment Yield Estimating Techniques for Geo-Climatically Diverse Un-Gauged WatershedsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Study of Maritime Engineering Planning of the Pilot-Type Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan(II)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on the Distribution Characteristics of Planar Flow in Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011Development of Real-Time Updating Runoff Model Using Rainfall Forecasting Data (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Technical Development of the System Assessment for Environmental DisastersKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Monitor and Analysis of Marine Environment and Ecology in the Waters around Taiwan Influenced Possibly by Climate Change-2Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Models of Greenroofs on Urban Stormwater Mitigation and Rainwater Harvesting System ( II )Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2011Estimating Local Topography System of Near-Shore Area in Taiwan with Clound ComputingSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2011Influence of Extreme Rainfall Distribution on Inundation in Flat Irrigation AreasKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Study on marine biodiversity and sustainable fishery exploitation in the waters surrounding Three Northern Islands, TaiwanMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Study on marine biodiversity and sustainable fishery exploitation in the waters surrounding Three Northern Islands, Taiwan-3Chao-Hsiung ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Rainwater Utilization System Planning Technology for Eco-communityChao-Hsien Liaw
2011Developing Flood Forecasting Sediment Yield Estimating Techniques for Geo-Climatically Diverse Un-Gauged WatershedsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of Real-Time Updating Runoff Model Using Forecasting Rainfall Data (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2010Models of Greenroofs on Urban Stormwater Mitigation and Rainwater Harvesting SystemChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Study of the Local Parameters for the Geography Estimate System of the Near-Shore AreaSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2010Regional Inundation Analysis for Flat Irrigation Areas under Extreme Rainfall ConditionsKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010Further Investigations of Fishery Resources and Its Precaution System Related to Cold Water Intrusion in Penghu WatersMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010Developing Flood Forecasting and Sediment Yield Estimating Techniques for Geo-Climatically Diverse Un-Gauged WatershedsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2009流域水情及淹水預報技術及資訊整合平台建置研究---子計畫:流域集塊式與分佈式降雨逕流模式之研發與應用(III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2009Effects of Environmental Changes on Ichthyoplankton Community in the East China SeaMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development of Urban Water Balance Model(II)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Study of the Local Parameters for the Geography Estimate System of the Near-Shore AreaSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2009Determination of Stable Channel Cross Section near Irrigation IntakesKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2009investigation on the coastal strrcture associated with the viodiversityMing-An LeeWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2009Study of the Effects from Climate Changes on Primary Production in Surrounding Water of TaiwanSha-Yen ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2009Impact of Climatic Change on Major Tuna Stocks in the Atlantic OceanHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Development and Application of Basin Lumped and Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2008Development of Urban Water Balance ModelChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Investigation of Estimation about Equilibrium Beach Profile with Various Sea Bed MaterialsSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2008Studies on the Stock Assessment and By-Catch of Anchovy Fisheries with Its Impact on Commercial Resources in the Waters of Taiwan-1Sheng-Ping WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Studies on the Stock Assessment and By-Catch of Anchovy Fisheries with Its Impact on Commercial Resources in the Waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Study of the Effects from Climate Changes on Primary Production in Surrounding Water of TaiwanSha-Yen ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Estimation of Suspended-Sediment Inflow Concentration at Irrigation Intake during RainstormsKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
200897年臺北港水理海岸變遷數值監測模式研究Sung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2008A Study on Tuna Stocks and Fishing Conditions in Relation to Oceanic Environmental (Climatic) VariabilityHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Investigation on Optimal Scale and Type of the Raft Fisheries---A Case Study of Yunlin and Chaiyi CountyChao-Hsiung ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Fishery Automatic Identification System for Small Fishing BoatSheng-Long KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2007Planning for the Research Topic of Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention WorkKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2007Development and Application of Basin Lumped and Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2007Modeling Dynamic River Systems under Extreme Floods in Different Landscapes of Monsoon Climate Zone (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Larval Fish and Fishery Resources Associated with the Environment in East China SeaMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2007Investigation of Equilibrium Beach Profiles with Different Sediment CharacteristicsSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2007Using DRBEM on Mild-Slope Equation to Analyze Wave TransformationSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2007Flood Frequency Analysis for Flow Record Limited AreasKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan BayMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-4Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-5Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-6Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-7Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Numerical Caculation of the Topographical Change in the Coastal Area near Taipei Harbor: Fiscal Year 2007Sung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2006Establishment of Geographic Habitat System for Important Commercial Fishery Resources in the Northern Waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2006Development of Runoff Estimating Model for Watershed Upstream Areas (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2006Modeling Dynamic River Systems under Extreme Floods in Different Landscapes of Monsoon Climate Zone (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2006A Study on Characteristics of Multi-Frequency Acoustic and Seawifs Ocean Color in the South China Sea Internal Tide Active RegionHsueh-Jung LuNational Science and Technology Council
2006Using Drbem on Mild-Slope Equation to Analyze Wave Transformation (II)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2006Investigation of the Effects of Dem Resolution on Watershed Geomorphic Factors and Hydrologic SimulationsKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2006Satellite Remote Sensing Application on Yellow-Fin Tuna Fishery in Indian Ocean (II)Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Analysis of Base Flow in Reservoir Watershd during Drought (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2005Modeling Dynamic River Systems under Extreme Floods in Different Landscapes of Monsoon Climate Zone (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2005NCOR--Keelung Branch-1Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005Feasibility Study of Implementing Distributed Small-Scale Stormwater Retention/Detention Facilities in Shijr Watershed (III)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2005Using DRBEM on Mild-Slope Equation to Analyze Wave Transformation (I)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2005Development of Potential Flood Area and Management System of Flood Mitigation in Urban DesignChao-Hsien Liaw
2005The Influence of Linear and Nonlinear Hydrologic System Characteristics on Watershed Runoff SimulationKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan Island-1Jeng ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan IslandKuo-Ping ChiangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Assessment of Fisher Harbor's Breakwater Reduction EngineeringSung-Shan HsiaoCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2004Analysis of Base Flow in Reservoir Watersheds during Drought (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2004Hydroacoustic and Optical Remote Sensing Used in Zooplankton Community Structure and the Hydrographic Condition Near to the Upwelling Zone in the NE TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2004Feasibility Study of Implementing Distributed Small-Scale Stormwater Retention/Detention Facilities in Shijr Watershed (II)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2004The Study of Wave Behavior in a Harbour Due to a Porous Floating Dock and QuaywallSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2004行政院環境保護署九十三年度「環保科技育成中心計畫」「營建混合物之再生結合方法及其結合物」計畫Chao-Hsien Liaw
2004Development of the Watershed Digital Topography Information System for Integrated Basin Management (V)Kwan-Tun Lee
2004Available Water Analysis during Drought in Tou-Chien Creek BasinKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2004Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan Island-2Cheng-Hsin LiaoCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2004Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan Island-1Jeng ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2004觀光漁港景觀及親水設施之設計構想Sung-Shan HsiaoCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2003Analysis of Base Flow in Reservoir Watersheds during Drought (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2003Development of Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Model Based on the Partial Contributing Area Concept (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2003Feasibility Study of Implementing Distributed Small-Scale Stormwater Retention/Detention Facilities in Shijr WatershedChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2003The Influence of Boundary's Period-Dependent Reflection on Harbor Tranquility SimulationsSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2003The Development of Runoff Prediction and Hydrologic Inquiry System in Ted-Chi Reservoir WatershedKwan-Tun Lee
2003Development of the Watershed Digital Topography Information System for Integrated Basin Management (IV)Kwan-Tun Lee
2003Research on Guideline of Flood Mitigation Planning on Watershed BasisChao-Hsien Liaw
2003Continuous Deterministic Runoff Model (III)Kwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2002Development of Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Model Based on the Partial Contributing Area Concept (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2002Aggregation and Abundance of Zooplankton and Fish Larvae and Their Relation to Environment Factors in the Waters of Taiwan Strait by Using the Hydroacoustic and Optic TechniquesMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2002Hydrological Analysis for Micro-management Practices and Their Optimization Strategy in Watershed Flood Mitigation (II)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2002The Influnce of Floating Dock on Harbor Tranquility (I)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2002Development of the Watershed Digital Topography Information System for Integrated Basin Management (III)Kwan-Tun Lee
2002Continuous Deterministic Runoff Model (II)Kwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2001Development of Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Model Based on the Partial Contributing Area Concept (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2001Aggregation Characteristics of Zooplankton and Fish Larvae and Associated Environment Factors in the Waters of Taiwan Strait by Using the Hydroacoustic and Optic TechniquesMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2001Hydrological Analysis for Micro-management Practices and Their Optimization Strategy in Watershed Flood MitigationChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2001A Study of Harbor Oscillation due to Energy DissipationSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2001Development of the Watershed Digital Topography Information System for Integrated Basin Management (II)Kwan-Tun Lee
2000Field Investigations on Extreme Nearshore Water Level Variations in North-East Coastal WaterSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1999Development of the Watershed Digital Topography Information System for Integrated Basin ManagementKwan-Tun Lee
1999Establishing Geographic Information System for Inundation Model---Establishing Basin Digital Topography and Stream Network Information System (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1999Development of the Inquiry System for Geomorphic and Hydrologic Information in Wu-She Reservoir Water(II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1999Establish a Sustainable Indicator System and Methodology for Assessment and Evaluation of Water Resources (II)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
1999Stochastic Analysis of Effects of Finite-Size Flow Domains in Saturated Porous MediaNational Science and Technology Council
1999Study on the Stability and Deformation of Foundation in Promennade Coastal Structure (III)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
1999Field Investigations and Analysis on Significant Water Level Variations in the North-Eastern Coastal Regions (III)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1999The Impact of Global Climate Change on FisheriesMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
1999Research on the Development of Technology of Fishery---The Part of Fishery Harbor EngineeringCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
1999Comprehensive Flood Reduction Strategy for Keelung River BasinChao-Hsien Liaw
1998Establishing Geographic Information System for Inundation Model---Establishing Basin Digital Topography and Stream Network Information System (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1998Development of the Inquiry System for Geomorphic and Hydrologic Information in Wu-She Reservoir Watershed (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1998Study on Characteristics of Nearshore Current Field and Topography Change (III)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1998Study on the Stability and Deformation of Foundation in Promenade Coastal Structure (II)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
1998Field Investigations and Analysis on Significant Water Level Variations in the North-Eastern Coastal Regions (II)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1997Development of the Inquiry System for Geomorphic and Hydrologic Information in Shui-Li Creek WatershedKwan-Tun Lee
1997Field Investigation and Analysis on Significant Water Level Variations in North-Eastern Coastal RegionsSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1996A Study of Runoff due to Moving StormsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1996An Experimental Study of Rooftop Rainwater Cistern SystemChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
1996Study on Characteristics of Nearshore Current Fields and Topography Changes (I)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1995The Estimation of Time of Concentration by Considering River Networks---Based on Kinematic Wave TheoryKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1995Wave Forces on an Artificial Island in a Wave-Current Coexisting FieldSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
1995The Dumping Site Selection and Transport Route Programming for Metropolitan Construction Work SoilTzay-An ShiauInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
1994Study on Agriculture Rain Water Systems of MudstoneCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
1994Improvement of Fishery Port in Erosive CoastalCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
1994Improvement of Fishery Port in Erosive CoastalCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
1992Development of Offshore Fishery Artificial-IslandCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
1991Improvement of Fishery Port in Erosive CoastCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan