| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2024/8/21 | Novel isolates of hydrogen-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophic <i>Sulfurospirillum</i> provide insight to the functions and adaptation mechanisms of Campylobacteria in shallow-water hydrothermal vents | Wang, Li ; Cheng, Xinyi; Guo, Yizhe; Cao, Junwei; Sun, Mingye; Hwang, Jiang-Shiou ; Liu, Rulong; Fang, Jiasong | MSYSTEMS | | |
2 | 2024/1/19 | Hepatotoxicity evaluations of different surface charged carbon quantum dots in vivo and in vitro | Chen, Yi-Chun ; Chen, Hung-Hsiang; Lin, Han-Jia ; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Chen, Ku-Fan; Peng, Yen-Ping; Tsang, Yiu Fai; Chen, Yan-Hua; Lin, Kun-Yi Andrew; Lin, Chia-Hua | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES | | |
3 | 2023 | 普通教育教師融合教育準備度促進策略之探究~特殊教育導論SQD模型建構 | 張芝萱 | | | |
4 | 2023 | The Concept of Ocean Sustainability in High School: Measuring the Ocean Literacy of Vocational High School Students in Indonesia | Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Tsai, Liang-Ting ; Meliana, Dwi | SUSTAINABILITY | 0 | |
5 | 2023 | Student Placement Probabilistic Assessment Using Emotional Quotient With Machine Learning: A Conceptual Case Study | Kathirisetty, Nikhila; Jadeja, Rajendrasinh; Thakkar, Hiren Kumar; Garg, Deepak; Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Mahadeva, Rajesh; Patole, Shahikant P. | IEEE ACCESS | | |
6 | 2022 | A systematic review of assessments for young children's scientific and engineering practices | Chen, Yi-Chun ; Wu, Hsin-Kai; Hsin, Ching-Ting | RESEARCH IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION | 0 | |
7 | 2022 | 尋找本心的道德:道德教育的「心」體驗 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
8 | 2022 | SPE融入教學實習課程增進國小師資生學習成效之行動研究(Ⅱ) | 許籐繼 | | | |
9 | 2022 | A safety compliance model for container terminal operations: the roles of the safety climate, non-compliance cost and safety self-efficacy | Yen, Chia-Dai ; Hsu, Shih-Wei; Ye, Kung-Don ; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Wu, Chi-Hung | MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT | 0 | |
10 | 2022 | Teamwork Competence in Journalism Education: Evidence From TV Organizations' News Team in Taiwan | Wang, Cheng-Hui; Liu, Gloria Hui-Wen; Yen, Chia-Dai | FRONT PSYCHOL | 0 | |
11 | 2022 | Philosophy of education in Taiwan: Retrospect and prospect | Hung, Ruyu; Lenehan, Katia; Lee, Yen-Yi; Wang, Chia-Ling ; Shih, Yi-Huang; Ye, Yan-Hong; Chien, Cheng-Hsi; Hung, Jui-Hsuan; Yu, Chen-Peng; Wang, Chun-Ping; Kato, Morimichi; Maruyama, Yasushi | EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY | 0 | |
12 | 2022 | Science teaching in kindergartens: factors associated with teachers' self-efficacy and outcome expectations for integrating science into teaching | Chen, Yi-Chun ; Wu, Hsin-Kai; Hsin, Ching-Ting | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION | 1 | |
13 | 2022 | 大學靈性教育的學習內涵與實踐方向 | 王嘉陵 | 台灣教育研究期刊 | | |
14 | 2022 | An Overview of the Promotion and Development of Marine General Education in Taiwan | Wu, C. K.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
15 | 2022 | 我國海洋教育人才庫之推動與發展 | 張正杰 ; 趙秀怡 ; 蔡良庭 ; 鄭心惠 | | | |
16 | 2022 | 探討國中九年學生電學概念改變關係以花蓮某國中為例 | 黃薏菁; 陳霈語; 蔡良庭 | | | |
17 | 2021 | 從喧囂走入寧靜:災疫時代的心靈自處之道與靈性教育 | 王嘉陵 | 教育實踐與研究 | | |
18 | 2021 | Factors influencing regular exercise habits of women in Taiwan | Chia-Che Liu; Liang-Ting Tsai | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | 2 | |
20 | 2021 | A scale for assessing student understandings of marine resource conservation and sustainability: psychometric verification and the latent mean difference between genders | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Hu, Pei-Hsi | ENVIRON EDUC RES | 1 | |
21 | 2021 | SPE融入教學實習課程增進國小師資生學習成效之行動研究 | 許籐繼 | | | |
22 | 2021 | 未來教師影響力實驗室轉型思維之開展與實踐探究 | 張芝萱 | | | |
23 | 2021 | 從佛法觀照人與自然的不二關係及其對於靈性教育之啟發 | 王嘉陵 | 哲學與文化 | | |
24 | 2021 | The Concept of Ocean Sustainability in Formal Education-Comparative Ocean Literacy Coverage Analysis of the Educational Standards of India and the USA | Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Hirenkumar, Thakkar Chandni; Wu, Chin-Kuo | SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL | 1 | |
25 | 2021 | Effects of Science Reader Belief and Reading Comprehension on High School Students' Science Learning via Mobile Devices | Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chang, Chih-Hsuan ; Chang, Kuo-Chen; Su, Cheng-Fang | SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL | 1 | |
26 | 2021 | Impact of the Slow Fish Movement Curriculum on Students' Awareness of Marine Environment Conservation and Marine Resource Sustainability | Liao, Ya-Yin; Chang, Cheng-Chieh | SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL | 1 | |
27 | 2021 | Development of mathematics reading assessment: Psychometric evaluation based on SEM and IRT. | Yuan-Horng Lin; Liang-Ting Tsai | International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling | 0 | |
28 | 2021 | 中文版慈悲心靈量表應用於臺灣青少年之心理計量分析 | 張芝萱 | 特殊教育研究學刊 | | |
29 | 2021 | 網路測驗可以取代紙筆測驗嗎?中文版海洋素養量表的驗證 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 ; 張國珍 | | | |
30 | 2021 | 以108課綱為架構之高中生海洋素養測驗研發 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 ; 張國珍 | | | |
31 | 2021 | 臺灣大學生海洋資源保護與永續概念探討 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 ; 張國珍 | | | |
32 | 2021 | 臺灣海洋教育博碩士論文內容分析、比較與發展趨勢之研究 | Cheng-Chieh Chang ; 彭思瑜; Liang-Ting Tsai ; 張國珍 | | | |
33 | 2020 | Ruyu Hung. Education between speech and writing: Crossing the boundaries of Dao and deconstruction (London: Routledge, 2018) Author and Discussants | Hung, R. Y.; Kato, M.; Di, X.; Chia-Ling Wang | Educational Philosophy and Theory | | |
34 | 2020 | The Taiwanese Version of the Compassionate Mind Scale: Psychometric, Properties, Multiple Group Comparison, Implications for Affective Development of Gifted Students. | Chih-Hsuan Chang | 16th Asia- Pacific Conference on Giftedness | | |
35 | 2020 | 自閉症類群青少年伴隨雙極性情感疾患個案輔導與家庭支持之經驗探究 | 劉玟伶; 張芝萱 | | | |
36 | 2020 | Trauma as the turning point in opening up self-education: Embracing sorrow and this world throughno-self realisation | Chia-Ling Wang | Educational Philosophy and Theory | | |
37 | 2020 | The Beginning of Marine Sustainability: Preliminary Results of Measuring Students' Marine Knowledge and Ocean Literacy | Lin, Yen-Ling; Wu, Liang-Yu; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Cheng-Chieh Chang | SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL | 8 | |
38 | 2020 | The Research of Experiential Learning to Enhance Ocean Stewardship and Pro-Environmental Behavior Intention-Cross-Cultural Comparison from Taiwan and Indonesia | Chia-Dai Yen ; Julia Veranita Sembiring | Creative Education | | |
39 | 2020 | 課程地圖之應用:從高等教育到十二年國教 | 王嘉陵 | 台灣教育研究期刊 | | |
40 | 2020 | Depressogenic traits and depression: Are humor styles mediators? | Shayne S.-H. Lin; Chai-Chi Hong; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Emily T. Liu | HUMOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMOR RESEARCH | 2 | |
41 | 2020 | 教師文化對教學效能影響之探究 | 許籐繼 | | | |
42 | 2020 | The Research of Aboriginal Song and Dance Experiential Learning on Students' Multicultural Consciousness and Aboriginal Cultural Identity. | 嚴佳代 ; Jia-hui Zhang | International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies | | |
43 | 2020 | 雕琢復樸~資優生慈悲心靈之探究 | 張芝萱 | 載於郭靜姿、于曉平主編:2020年資優教育學術研討會論文集 | | |
44 | 2020 | 臺灣版慈悲心靈量表應用於資優生與普通群體之心理計量特性 | 張芝萱 | 特殊教育研究學刊 | | |
45 | 2020 | 資優生慈悲心靈之情意發展:理解與建構生命存有的另一種可能 | 張芝萱 | 資優教育季刊 | | |
46 | 2020 | 專家思維:資優學習者的核心素養 | 張芝萱 ; 江美惠 | | | |
47 | 2020 | CONCEPTUALIZING SPATIAL ABILITIES AND THEIR RELATION TO SCIENCE LEARNING FROM A COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE | Yi-Chun Chen ; Yang, Fang-Ying; Chen-Chieh Chang | Journal of Baltic Science Education | | |
48 | 2020 | Psychometric properties of mathematics reading assessment based on SEM and IRT | Lin, Y. H.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
49 | 2020 | 海洋資源保護與永續概念量表之心理計量評估與跨性別潛在平均數差異比較 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 | | | |
50 | 2020 | 以眼球追蹤法探究解決結構良好問題的認知歷程:星體運動為例。 | 陳怡君 ; 楊芳瑩 | 科學教育學刊 | 0 | |
51 | 2019 | 海洋體驗活動對護理人員正向心理資本及工作調適之影響 | 嚴佳代 ; 劉淑芬; 曹校章 | 臺灣體育運動管理學報 | | |
52 | 2019 | 海洋教育關鍵DNA:K-12海洋素養範圍與程序指引手冊 | 張正杰 ; 蔡良庭 ; 吳靖國 ; 林彥伶 | | | |
53 | 2019 | 推動海洋素養面臨的困境及其解決途徑 | 吳靖國 ; 張正杰 ; 蔡良庭 | 十二年國教108課綱實施與問題因應 | | |
54 | 2019 | Multilevel Effects of Student and School Factors on Senior High School Students' Ocean Literacy | Liang-Ting Tsai | SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL | 4 | |
55 | 2019 | An Assessment of Factors Related to Ocean Literacy Based on Gender-Invariance Measurement | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Lin, Yen-Ling; Chang, Cheng-Chieh | INT J ENV RES PUB HE | 5 | |
56 | 2019 | Learning from and for one another: An inquiry on symbiotic learning | Chia-Ling Wang | Educational Philosophy and Theory | | |
58 | 2019 | 未來教師影響力實驗室跨界導向學習之設計與實踐探究 | 張芝萱 | | | |
59 | 2019 | STEM融入海洋教育課程提升師資培育生海洋素養與實作能力之研究 | 張正杰 | | | |
60 | 2019 | A Pilot Exploration of Heart Rate Variability and Creative Thinking Responses to Ocean Virtual Reality Imagery | Chih-Hsuan Chang ; Chang, C. C. | | | |
61 | 2019 | 亞洲海洋教育合作與發展契機 | 嚴佳代 | 寧波大學學報(教育科學版) | | |
62 | 2019 | Development of Ocean Literacy Inventory for 16- to 18-Year-Old Students | Chang, Cheng-Chieh | SAGE OPEN | 7 | |
63 | 2019 | Teacher Perceptions and Support of Social Emotional Wellbeing for Gifted Students in Taiwan | Chih-Hsuan Chang | | | |
64 | 2019 | 臺灣海洋文化教育發展與教育政策方向 | 嚴佳代 | 海洋事務與政策評論 | | |
65 | 2019 | Measuring ocean literacy of high school students: psychometric properties of a Chinese version of the ocean literacy scale | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chang, Cheng-Chieh | ENVIRON EDUC RES | 9 | |
66 | 2019 | 有感?無感?--國中小教育人員對國教輔導團教師領導知覺之分析 | 許籐繼 ; 郭真善 | | | |
67 | 2019 | 國小教師領導與教學效能現況及其結構關係模式之分析 | 許籐繼 ; 倪靜宜 | | | |
68 | 2019 | 資優生慈悲心靈之情意發展:理解與建構生命存有的另一種可能 | 張芝萱 | 資優教育季刊 | | |
69 | 2019 | Improving Awareness of Marine Conservation and Sustainability among Taiwanese Middle School Students by Teaching Slow Fish Movement | Ya-Yin LIAO; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Ting-Kuang YEH; Cheng-Chieh Chang | 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集 | | |
70 | 2019 | Study on the ocean literacy of Taiwan high school students based on the principle of NMEA ocean literacy | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Cheng-Chieh Chang | | | |
71 | 2019 | 臺灣學生海洋素養現況調查 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 ; 林彥伶 ; 宋侑軒 | | | |
72 | 2018 | 海洋休閒觀光共通職能課程之建構 | 嚴佳代 ; 張正杰 ; 張曉楨 | 休閒事業研究 | | |
73 | 2018 | 輔導原理與實務師資培育課程素養導向的教學設計~心理位移與心智省察的實踐探究 | 張芝萱 | | | |
74 | 2018 | Content Analysis of Statistics for Mathematics Textbooks: A Comparative Study in Taiwan, China, Singapore, and USA | Cheng-Chieh Chang ; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Ken-Chih Wu | International Journal of Social Sciences | | |
75 | 2018 | Instructional Suggestions Supporting Science Learning in Digital Environments Based on a Review of Eye Tracking Studies | Yang, Fang-Ying; Tsai, Meng-Jung; Chiou, Guo-Li; Lee, Silvia Wen-Yu; Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Chen, Li-Ling | EDUC TECHNOL SOC | 17 | |
76 | 2018 | 心智省察~促進資優生自我轉化之情意發展 | 張芝萱 ; 張馨文; 連婉婷; 陳雅韻 | 資優教育季刊 | | |
77 | 2018 | Development of Marine Science Affect Scale for Junior High School Students in Taiwan: Testing for Measurement Invariance | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Wu, Chin-Kuo | EURASIA J MATH SCI T | 2 | |
78 | 2018 | 國小教師海洋文化素養與地方認同相關之研究--以一個海洋城市為例 | 許籐繼 ; 劉忻瑜 | | | |
79 | 2018 | 傳統生態智慧對十二年國教道德素養之啟發:論生態道德素養 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
80 | 2018 | 以科技創新接受角度探討公共費用智慧支付之使用意願 | 張曉楨; 沈明鋒; 嚴佳代 | 績效與策略研究 | | |
81 | 2018 | 海洋教育融入師資培育課程的檢討與建議 | 吳靖國 ; 王嘉陵 ; 張正杰 ; 蔡良庭 | 臺灣教育評論月刊 | | |
82 | 2018 | A Comparative Analysis of Ocean Literacy Coverage in the Educational Standards of Taiwan and the USA | Ching-jan TSAO; Cheng-Chieh Chang ; Liang-Ting Tsai | 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集 | | |
83 | 2018 | Development of ocean literacy scale for high school students | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Cheng-Chieh Chang | | | |
84 | 2018 | 海洋教育融入十二年國教從師資培育著手 | 吳靖國 ; 張正杰 ; 蔡良庭 | | | |
85 | 2017 | No-Self, Natural Sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development | Wang, Chia-Ling | EDUC PHILOS THEORY | 6 | |
87 | 2017 | The Effects of a Collaborative Computer-based Concept Mapping Strategy on Geographic Science Performance in Junior High School Students | Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Liu, Guan-Ying; Chen, Kuang-Jung; Huang, Cheng-Hao; Lai, Yu-Ming; Yeh, Ting-Kuang | EURASIA J MATH SCI T | 7 | |
88 | 2017 | Factors influencing interest in recreational sports participation and its rural-urban disparity | Chen, Chiehfeng; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Lin, Ching-Feng; Huang, Chun-Ching; Chang, Yao-Tsung; Chen, Ruey-Yu; Lyu, Shu-Yu | PLOS ONE | 13 | |
89 | 2017 | 臺灣海事教育博碩士論文現況與發展趨勢研究 | 張正杰 ; 嚴佳代 ; 呂佳築 | 中等教育 | | |
90 | 2017 | 國小學童收視海洋卡通對海洋興趣與海洋素養之影響 | 張正杰 ; 楊慧琳 | | | |
91 | 2017 | 國際海洋教育者協會發展 | 嚴佳代 | 中國海洋大學高教研究 | | |
92 | 2017 | The Effects of Mental Imagery with Ocean Virtual Reality on Creative Thinking | Chih-Hsuan Chang ; Chang, Cheng-Chieh; Sung, Ping-Hsuan; Chih, Cheng-Hsin | Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Education 2017 | | |
93 | 2017 | Development and validation of the ocean literacy scale for senior high school students | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chang, C. C.; Wu, C. K. | | | |
94 | 2017 | DLVQ method for assessing missing weights in CFA model | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chang, C. C. | | | |
95 | 2017 | Marine education system in Taiwan | Wu, C. K.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
96 | 2017 | 海洋素養知識量表編製之研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 ; 吳靖國 | | | |
97 | 2017 | 臺灣推動學生海洋素養調查的實施情形與檢討 | 蔡良庭 ; 張正杰 | | | |
98 | 2017 | 臺灣、大陸兩岸海洋教育推動與實踐之比較研究 | 張正杰 ; 蔡良庭 | | | |
99 | 2016 | 觀光旅遊之產品涉入對品牌權益與購買意願關係之探討 | 張曉楨; 黃品潔; 嚴佳代 | 台北海洋技術學院學報 | | |
100 | 2016 | Towards Self-Realisation: Exploring the ecological self for education | Wang, Chia-Ling | EDUC PHILOS THEORY | 11 | |
101 | 2016 | Influence of Socioeconomic Factors, Gender and Indigenous Status on Smoking in Taiwan | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Lo, Feng-En; Yang, Chih-Chien; Lo, Wen-Min; Keller, Joseph Jordan; Hwang, Chiou-Wei; Lin, Ching-Feng; Lyu, Shu-Yu; Morisky, Donald E. | INT J ENV RES PUB HE | 10 | |
102 | 2016 | The Effects of Integrating Computer-based Concept Mapping for Physics Learning in Junior High School | Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Yeh, Ting-Kuang; Shih, Chang-Ming | EURASIA J MATH SCI T | 4 | |
103 | 2016 | 臺灣海洋休閒觀光人才供需現況與未來發展 | 嚴佳代 ; 張正杰 ; 張曉楨; 張國珍 | 海洋休閒管理學刊 | 0 | |
104 | 2016 | Psychological empowerment and service orientation: A study of front-line employees in the food and beverage industry | Chia-Dai Yen ; Ching-Hui Yeh; Shin-Yi Lin | Journal of Foodservice Business Research | | |
105 | 2016 | Exploring learners' beliefs about science reading and scientific epistemic beliefs, and their relations with science text understanding | Yang, Fang-Ying; Chang, Cheng-Chieh ; Chen, Li-Ling; Chen, Yi-Chun | INT J SCI EDUC | 14 | |
106 | 2016 | Digital dynamometer and goniometer in analyzing isometric capacities and tennis serving | Chia-Che Liu; Chih-Chien Yang; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Bi-Fon Chang; Hsiao-Yun Chang; Chi-Fan Liu | The International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering | 0 | |
107 | 2016 | 國中學生生涯發展組型之探討 | 張靖卿; 吳武典; 鄒小蘭; 張芝萱 ; 吳道愉 | | | |
108 | 2016 | 分析海洋教育議題學習內涵之重要性 | 張正杰 ; 羅綸新 | | | |
109 | 2016 | 「生態自我」理念及其對生態教育之意涵 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
110 | 2016 | Development of Chinese version of marine affective scale for junior high school students | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Wu, C. K.; Lin, J. S. | | | |
111 | 2016 | Using the dynamic method to adjust sampling weights in an educational survey research | Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
112 | 2016 | 臺灣中學生海洋情意量表之編製 | 蔡良庭 ; 吳靖國 | | | |
113 | 2015 | Psychological distress in an incarcerated juvenile population | Shu-Yu Lyu; Ying-Chen Chi; David Farabee; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Ming-Been Lee; Feng-En Lo; Donald E.Morisky | JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION | 7 | |
114 | 2015 | Contextual factors influencing leisure physical activity of urbanized indigenous adolescents | Feng-En Lo; Feng-Chou Tsai; Ming-Been Lee; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Shu-Yu Lyu; Chih-Chien Yang | JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION | 1 | |
115 | 2015 | How intellectual capital influences individual performance: A multi-level perspective | Cheng-Hui Wang; Chia-Dai Yen ; Gloria H.W. Liu | Computers in Human Behavior | | |
116 | 2015 | Gender differences in factors affecting science achievement of eighth grade Taiwan students | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, Chih-Chien; Chang, Yu-Jen | Asia-Pacific Education Researcher | 0 | |
117 | 2015 | Hierarchical effects of school, classroom, and student level factors on the science performance of eighth-grade Taiwanese students | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang | International Journal of Science Education | 0 | |
118 | 2015 | Gender differences in recreational sports participation among Taiwanese adults | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Feng-En Lo; Chih-Chien Yang; Joseph Jordan Keller; Shu-Yu Lyu | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | 15 | |
119 | 2015 | 從時間性解析當前的課程改革 | 吳靖國 | 教育研究月刊 | | |
120 | 2015 | 多媒體教材組合模式對唐詩學習成效之影響 | 張正杰 ; 蔡玉茹; 羅綸新 | | | |
121 | 2015 | 高中職學生手機使用行為與手機成癮傾向之研究 | 張正杰 ; 施美雲 | | | |
122 | 2015 | 數位筆記本融入高級中學數學補救課程之研究 | 張正杰 ; 蘇承芳 | | | |
123 | 2015 | 影響國中學生海洋科學知識與海洋教育能力指標因素之研究 | 張正杰 | | | |
124 | 2015 | 「意識喚起」之外:從Deleuze的學習觀思考海洋教育的其他可能性 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
125 | 2015 | 平行課程模式與運用實例 | 張芝萱 | | | |
126 | 2015 | Investigating big-fish-little-pond effect on students’ self-concept of learning mathematics of eighth-grade Taiwanese students | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
127 | 2015 | Hierarchical Weighting Effects of Taiwan Social Change Surveys: Simulations Studies & Empirical Illustrations by the Leisure Exercises Survey | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅; 吳靖國 | | | |
128 | 2015 | Longitudinal Latent Semantic Trends of Taiwan Social Change Surveys (1985-2013): Clustering WordNets | 楊志堅; 倪偉倫; 蔡良庭 | | | |
129 | 2014 | Female media use behavior and agreement with publicly promoted agenda-specific health messages | Shu-Yu Lyu; Ruey-Yu Chen; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Shih-Fan Steve Wang; Feng-En Lo; Ying-Chen Chi; Donald E Morisky | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | 1 | |
130 | 2014 | Leadership and turnover intentions of Taiwan TV reporters: the moderating role of safety climate | Cheng-Hui Wang; Chia-Dai Yen | Asian Journal of Communication | | |
131 | 2014 | LVQ與多變數反覆加權法於測驗效度檢驗影響 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | 測驗學刊 | | |
132 | 2014 | 派遣公司人力資源管理措施對派遣人員離職傾向之影響:跨層次效果分析 | 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳; 吳國鳳 | 就業與勞動關係季刊 | | |
133 | 2014 | Weighting Imputation for Categorical Data | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang; Timothy Teo | Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization | | |
134 | 2014 | 臺灣中小學海洋教育政策評析 | 吳靖國 | | | |
135 | 2014 | 大學中的技職教育:培育學生的職涯發展能力 | 吳靖國 | 教育資料與研究 | | |
136 | 2014 | 國中教師與家長對實施海洋休閒教育態度與考量之比較研究 | 羅綸新 ; 李慧芳 | | | |
137 | 2014 | 十二年國教海洋能源模組化特色課程研發之啟示 | 吳靖國 ; 許育彰; 張正杰 | 教育資料與研究 | | |
138 | 2014 | 多媒體呈現模式與認知風格對國小自然科學學習成效之影響 | 張正杰 ; 莊秀卿; 羅綸新 | | | |
139 | 2014 | 生態型大學理念及其對於高等教育學習觀點之啟示 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
140 | 2014 | 課程地圖將導引大學課程走向何處?對大學課程地圖的檢視 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
141 | 2014 | Ronald Barnett的高等教育課程理念之探究 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
142 | 2014 | 課程地圖在高等教育的應用與展望 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
143 | 2014 | 高中資優學生生涯發展組型分析與輔導 | 吳武典; 鄒小蘭; 張芝萱 ; 吳道愉 | 資優教育論壇 | | |
144 | 2014 | Correction for unit nonresponse in latent variable modeling with big data | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
145 | 2014 | 學校、教師及學生個體因素對於科學成就之跨層次影響研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | | | |
146 | 2013 | 台灣風力能源產業人力資源需求估計:以調查法、裝置量估計法及工程經費法三種方法估計 | 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳; 林仲廉 | 健行學報 | | |
147 | 2013 | Fueling Green Dining Intention: The Self-Completion Theory Perspective | Meng-Lei Monica Hu; Jeou-Shyan Horng; Chih-Ching Teng; Wen-Bin Chiou; Chia-Dai Yen | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | | |
148 | 2013 | 以勝負網絡分析重新評估女子網球選手之歷史地位 | 楊志堅(Chih-Chien Yang); 蔡良庭(Liang-Ting Tsai) ; 張碧峰(Bi-Fon Chang) | 大專體育學報 | 0 | |
149 | 2013 | 運用S-B量尺卡方差異檢定於潛在變項交互作用檢定之研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | 中華心理學刊 | 0 | |
150 | 2013 | 多階層取樣單位異質性對科學調查之母體推論研究 | 蔡良庭(Liang-Ting Tsai) ; 楊志堅(Chih-Chien Yang) | 調查研究-方法與應用 | | |
151 | 2013 | Exploring the factor effect of learning vector quantization in artificial neural networks | Yih Shan Shih; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih Chien Yang | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 0 | |
152 | 2013 | Applying Structural Education Modeling in Educational Research: An Introduction. In Khine, M. S. (Eds.), Applications of Structural equation modeling in Educational Research and Practice. | Timothy Teo; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang | Sense Publishers | 0 | |
153 | 2013 | 要派機構與派遣公司人力資源管理措施對派遣員工 工作態度影響之多層次研究 | 嚴佳代 | | | |
154 | 2013 | 高中生海洋科學素養及迷思概念評量分析 | 羅綸新 ; 張正杰 ; 童元品; 楊文正 | | | |
155 | 2013 | Thinking Marine Education from the Foucauldian Perspective | 王嘉陵 | | | |
156 | 2013 | Does Service Orientation Matter to Employees Performance in the Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of LMX | Chia-Dai Yen ; Doresses Liu | Journal of Hospitality Application & Research | | |
157 | 2013 | Human capital and media teamwork: From a team relationship capital perspective. | Wang, C. H.; Chia-Dai Yen ; Chen, K. J. | Journal of Strategic and International Studies | | |
158 | 2013 | Survey nonresponse adjustments for estimates of CFA parameter | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
159 | 2013 | 具性別不變性基礎探討家長教育程度、科學正向態度及價值觀於學生科學成就影響 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅; 張毓仁 | | | |
160 | 2012 | Trends in adult smoking behavior from 2004 to 2007 | Shu-Yu Lyu; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Eugene Peng | | | |
161 | 2012 | Interpersonal mechanisms in the relationships between dependency/self-criticism and depressive symptoms in Taiwanese undergraduates: A prospective study | Emily Tung-Hsueh Liu; Wan-Lan Chen; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Meng-Shan Wu; Chia-Ling Hong | Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology | 0 | |
162 | 2012 | Improving measurement invariance assessments in survey research with missing data by novel artificial neural networks | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang | EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS | 4 | |
163 | 2012 | Workplace Sexual Harassment in Two General Hospitals in Taiwan: The Incidence, Perception, and Gender Differences | Wang, L. J.; Chen, C. K.; Sheng, Y. C.; Lu, P. W.; Chen, Y. T.; Chen, H. J.; Jyh-Sheng Lin | Journal of Occupational Health | | |
164 | 2012 | 窺探通識教育的重要性與發展方向 | 施宜煌; 吳靖國 | | | |
165 | 2012 | 個人化文本電腦輔助教學對國小代數文字題學習之影響 | 羅綸新 ; 劉宛枚 | | | |
166 | 2012 | 多媒體教材解釋模式對文言文學習成效之影響 | 羅綸新 ; 齊瑮琛 | | | |
167 | 2012 | 遵守規範還是踰越規範?一位大學初任教師藉由探索傅柯理論的自我教育實踐 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
168 | 2012 | 從Henry A. Giroux對Michel Foucault權力/知識觀的詮釋省思Giroux課程理論的權力/知識 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
169 | 2012 | The Import of Critical Pedagogy in the Context of Globalization | 王嘉陵 | | | |
170 | 2012 | The pay structure for task performance in the hospitality industry: The role of pay satisfaction. | Chia-Dai Yen ; Huang, T.C. | Journal on GSTF Business Review | | |
171 | 2012 | 從社會心理層面探討國小資優教育教師專業認定之發展與挑戰 | 張芝萱 | | | |
172 | 2012 | LVQ與傳統加權法於驗證性因素分析影響研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | | | |
173 | 2012 | 評估地理位置與教育分層取樣對臺灣民眾休閒社會決定因素推論影響 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
174 | 2012 | Exploring the factor effect of learning vector quantization in artificial neural networks | Yih Shan Shih; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih Chien Yang | | | |
175 | 2011 | 競合理論之再議—記者工作互賴與團隊層級之衝突合作對績效之影響 | 王正慧; 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳 | 管理學報 | | |
176 | 2011 | 餐旅服務業薪資結構、薪酬滿意及任務績效關係之研究:以階層線性模型分析 | 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳 | 餐旅暨家政學刊 | | |
177 | 2011 | 失.思.詩:詩性智慧對校園「詩性領導」的啟示 | 吳靖國 | | | |
178 | 2011 | 小學師資培育課程中「海洋教育」教學內容之研究 | 吳靖國 | | | |
179 | 2011 | 中小學學校網站之發展 | 羅綸新 | | | |
180 | 2011 | 國民小學教師海洋教育能力指標及權重體系建構之研究 | 許籐繼 | | | |
181 | 2011 | 臺灣國民小學教學困難教師之成因與輔導 | 許籐繼 | | | |
182 | 2011 | 記者任務互賴、衝突與績效--合作性衝突之再議 | 王正慧; 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳 | | | |
183 | 2011 | 如何成為一位好老師--Foucault治理術之反思 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
184 | 2011 | 臺灣高等教育課程地圖繪製之反思 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
185 | 2011 | 資優教育教師專業認定類型及其相關因素之探討 | 張芝萱 | 臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系學位論文 | | |
186 | 2011 | Development of a scale to assess physical inactivity among housewives | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C.; Lyu, S. Y.; Peng, E. Y. | | | |
187 | 2011 | An assessment of missing data of confirmatory factor analysis with categorical questionnaires. | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
188 | 2011 | 以事件誘發腦波電位探索圖像與符號之認知歷程關係 | 黃佩慈; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
189 | 2011 | 檢驗樣本數對「先天或教育」模型估算法之精準度影響 | 徐逸豪; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
190 | 2011 | 程序性知識與概念性知識在空間能力之應用 | 廖亭堯; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
191 | 2011 | 大腦認知模型在對稱性圖像概念之應用 | 吳南逸; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
192 | 2010 | Exploring the cognitive loads of high-school students as they learn concepts in web-based environments | Chen-Chieh Chang ; Yang, F. Y. | Computers & Education | | |
193 | 2010 | Population-based post-crisis psychological distress: An example from the SARS outbreak in Taiwan | Yu-Chang Peng; Ming-Been Lee; Shang-Ta Tsai; Chih-Chien Yang; Donald Edward Morisky; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Ya-Ling Weng; Shu-Yu Lyu | Journal of the Formosan Medical Association | 131 | |
194 | 2010 | Supervised learning vector quantization for projecting missing weights of hierarchical neural networks | Cin-Ru Chen; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang | WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications | | |
195 | 2010 | 中國上古詩性智慧的內涵及其對課程美學的啟示 | 吳靖國 ; 黃儀婷 | | | |
196 | 2010 | 國小海洋教育「關懷」課程內涵之建構 | 吳靖國 ; 施心茹 | | | |
197 | 2010 | 臺灣高等技職教育發展的理論性反思 | 吳靖國 ; 林騰蛟 | | | |
198 | 2010 | 中小學海洋教育課程綱要之檢討與重構 | 吳靖國 | | | |
199 | 2010 | 高中學生生涯發展組型建構及其在升學與生涯輔導上的意義 | 吳武典; 簡茂發; 洪冬桂; 舒琮慧; 鄒小蘭; 張芝萱 ; 吳道愉 | | | |
200 | 2010 | 教師專業發展網絡的意涵及其實踐:以NWP為例 | 許籐繼 | | | |
201 | 2010 | 創造力理論與當代議題面面觀 | 黃曉嵐; 蔡淑君; 胡翠茵; 張芝萱 | | | |
202 | 2010 | Using LVQ-ESW method to interpolate missing stratum weights in assess of measurement invariance | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
203 | 2010 | Earthquake emergency preparedness and gender issues: Perceptions of minority indigenous peoples versus non-indigenous | Lyu, S. Y.; Shih, F. Y.; Peng, E. Y.; Lo, W. M.; Morisky, D. E.; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, Y. C. | | | |
204 | 2010 | Media behavior and correlates of perception of health information among female Taiwan residents | Peng, E. Y.; Yang, C. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Morisky, D. E.; Weng, Y. L.; Lyu, S. Y. | | | |
205 | 2010 | Gender differences in substance abuse among juvenile inmates in Taiwan | Peng, E. Y.; Lyu, S. Y.; Morisky, D. E.; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yu, P. T. | | | |
206 | 2010 | Psychiatric morbidity in juvenile incarcerated population | Peng, E. Y.; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Lyu, S. Y.; Morisky, D. E. | | | |
207 | 2010 | Nonparametric rediscovers of missing sampling weights in estimating latent Variables of stratified surveys | Yang, C. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
208 | 2010 | An assessment of missing data for confirmatory factor analysis with binary questionnaires | Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
209 | 2010 | 注音符號辨認、聲韻調覺識能力與識字能力之認知歷程研究 | 葉俊傑; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
210 | 2010 | 提高採樣率對大腦皮質層交互作用檢測之影響研究 | 吳南逸; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
211 | 2010 | 檢驗「先天或教育」模型之估算法精準度研究 | 徐逸豪; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
212 | 2010 | 程序性知識與概念性知識在評量空間能力之應用 | 廖亭堯; 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
213 | 2010 | 分層權重遺失之插補於CFA參數估計影響 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | | | |
214 | 2010 | A neural network approach for amplifying random samples to stratified psychometrical population | Chen, C. U. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Yang, C. C. | | | |
215 | 2010 | Latent variable models for assessing interaction effects in cognitive neuroscience | Cin-Ru Chen; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang | | 0 | |
216 | 2010 | Latent variable models for assessing interaction effects in cognitive neuroscience | Cin-Ru Chen; Liang-Ting Tsai ; Chih-Chien Yang; Chih-Chiang Yang | The Proceedings of BioMedical Engineering and Informatics | | |
217 | 2009 | RMSEA與卡方差異法於檢定模式差異之正確性:測量不變性之檢定 | 楊志堅; 楊志強; 蔡良庭 ; 呂淑妤 | 教育與心理研究 | | |
218 | 2009 | Examining high-school students' preferences toward learning environments, personal beliefs and concept learning in web-based contexts | Yang, F. Y.; Chen-Chieh Chang | Computers & Education | | |
219 | 2009 | 海洋教育 : 教科書、教師與教學 | 吳靖國 | | | |
220 | 2009 | 「詩」對教學藝術的啟示:G. Vico的觀點 | 吳靖國 | | | |
221 | 2009 | 「海洋詩性智慧」教學內涵之探究 | 吳靖國 | | | |
222 | 2009 | 創作性戲劇活動提昇學童同儕人際關係研究 | 羅綸新 ; 簡良哲 | | | |
223 | 2009 | 客家文化與語言網路資源調查 | 羅綸新 | | | |
224 | 2009 | 資優教育師資專業標準之建構 | 吳武典; 張芝萱 | 資優教育研究 | | |
225 | 2009 | Satisfaction of the crisis management regarding Sanlu melamine milk powder incident among internet users | Chang, T. P.; Liu, H. M.; Lyu, S. Y.; Peng, E. Y.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
226 | 2009 | Special health care needs among school-age children with rare diseases | Peng, E. Y.; Lyu, S. Y.; Lee, W. Y.; Yang, C. C.; Lo, L.Y.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
227 | 2009 | Correlates and accuracy of osteoporosis screening among female community residents | Peng, E. Y.; Lyu, S. Y.; Yu, P. T.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
228 | 2009 | Prevalence and correlates of physical inactivity among housewives | Peng, E. Y.; Lyu, S. Y.; Yang, C.C.; Chen, S. F.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
229 | 2009 | 不同權重計算的取樣設計於因素分析之參數估算正確性研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | | | |
230 | 2009 | Caregiver burden among caregivers for children with rare diseases. | Peng, E. Y.; Lyu, S. Y.; Yang, C.C.; Chen, S. F.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
231 | 2009 | 以LVQ-ESW推估受訪者未知抽樣權重之研究 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 ; 楊志強 | 中華心理學刊 | 0 | |
232 | 2008 | 評估取樣權重於檢定Likert問卷之測量恆等性研究 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | 中華心理學刊 | | |
233 | 2008 | 應用MIMIC模式評估方法以檢定試題差異性之研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅; 王文中; 施慶麟 | 測驗學刊 | 0 | |
234 | 2008 | 取樣權重值於應用SEM模式分析之參數估算正確性研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | Journal of Education & Psychology | | |
235 | 2008 | 從「認識自己」到培育「英雄心靈」--論G. Vico的大學教育思想 | 吳靖國 | | | |
236 | 2008 | 課室共通感對「勞動與服務課程」學習結果之影響 | 吳靖國 | | | |
237 | 2008 | 中小學教科書海洋概念內容分析類目之建構 | 吳靖國 | | | |
238 | 2008 | 海洋通識課程之內涵:知識取向的探討 | 吳靖國 | | | |
239 | 2008 | 電腦化網球發球認知反應測驗工具之發展 | 張碧峰; 許太彥; 林順安; 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | | | |
240 | 2008 | 大學醫學系學生體適能之常模建立研究 | 張碧峰; 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | | | |
241 | 2008 | Estimated missing stratum weights on inferring population-wise CFA parameters. | Yang, C. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
242 | 2008 | Evaluating latent functional cortical regions interactions with structural equation modeling | Yang, C. C.; Tsai, L. T. | NeuroImage | | |
243 | 2008 | Evaluating latent functional cortical regions interactions with structural equation modeling | Yang, C. C.; Tsai, L. T. | | | |
244 | 2007 | 大學生命教育的教學省思--從「人之確定性」轉化為「人之開展性」的敘事探究 | 吳靖國 | | | |
245 | 2007 | 「視域交融」在生命教育課程中的教學轉化歷程 | 吳靖國 | | | |
246 | 2007 | 從聽故事的心理反應談故事教學之原則 | 吳靖國 ; 魏韶潔 | | | |
247 | 2007 | 臺灣人口結構變遷的教育研究與方法論省思 | 吳靖國 | | | |
248 | 2007 | 國民中小學推展海洋教育之內涵與其網站之分析 | 羅綸新 ; 楊玉梅 | | | |
249 | 2007 | 中小學教育類網站評鑑指標建構之研究 | 羅綸新 ; 許育彰 | | | |
250 | 2007 | 臺灣少子化現象對高等教育之衝擊與挑戰 | 羅綸新 | | | |
251 | 2007 | 臺灣中小學科學與數學教育的回顧與展望 | 羅綸新 | | | |
252 | 2007 | 評估取樣權重於檢定等級反應問卷之測量恆等性研究 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
253 | 2007 | 卡方差異檢定及RMSEA檢定法之探討 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
254 | 2007 | A simulation study on using MIMIC model to assess the accuracy of differential item functioning | Yang, C. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
255 | 2007 | Weighting effects of stratified sampling procedures on the accuracy of DIF identifications | Yang, C. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
256 | 2006 | A simulation study on computation and inference accuracy of factor loadings for large data mines | Chih-Chien Yang; Liang-Ting Tsai | Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization | | |
257 | 2006 | 國民中小學教師擔任校外交通導護工作之研究 | 許籐繼 ; 羅綸新 | | | |
258 | 2006 | 國小場域九年一貫課程實施之探究~~批判教育學觀點 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
259 | 2006 | 國小六年級國語文學習成就評量在學習現狀上的反應 | 許天維; 蔡良庭 | 文訊雜誌 | | |
260 | 2006 | 應用強韌性卡方差異檢定於MIMIC模式檢定試題差異性之研究 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
261 | 2006 | 學生國語文學習成就影響因素之研究 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 ; 許天維 | | | |
262 | 2006 | 應用取樣權重於因素分析之參數估算正確性研究 | 楊志堅; 蔡良庭 | | | |
263 | 2006 | Influences of sampling weights on SEM parameter estimation accuracy in large scale surveys | Yang, C. C.; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
264 | 2006 | A simulation study on computation and inference accuracy of factor loadings for large data mines | Chih-Chien Yang; Liang-Ting Tsai | | | |
265 | 2005 | 具差異試題功能之定錨試題對測驗等化之影響 | 蔡良庭 ; 施懿珊 | 測驗統計年刊 | 0 | |
266 | 2005 | 臺灣學生國語科學習成就評量資料庫建置之初探 | 許天維; 蔡良庭 | 研習資訊 | | |
267 | 2005 | 成就測驗試題編製概要 | 劉湘川; 蔡良庭 | 教育測驗統計簡訊 | | |
268 | 2005 | 論《新科學》中的社會起源過程及其教育蘊義 | 吳靖國 | | | |
269 | 2005 | 從海德格Einspringen與Vorausspringen的區別論師生關係 | 吳靖國 | | | |
270 | 2005 | 論「全性人」概念下的「女性領導」 | 吳靖國 | | | |
271 | 2005 | 國民小學海洋教育之教科書版本比較--以藝術與人文領域為例 | 吳靖國 ; 李秀卿 | | | |
272 | 2005 | G. Vico與H.-G. Gadamer的「共通感」在課室中的蘊義 | 吳靖國 | | | |
273 | 2005 | 建構具海洋特色之教育研究所課程與教學 | 羅綸新 ; 林先釧; 李秀卿 | | | |
274 | 2005 | 網路上教育資源與教學應用之評估 | 羅綸新 | | | |
275 | 2005 | 教學視導人員能力指標建構之研究 | 許籐繼 | | | |
276 | 2005 | 撥雲見日~ 一位特殊高智商資優生的故事 | 張芝萱 | | | |
277 | 2005 | 臺北縣市國中小教師特殊教育諮詢現況與問題之探討 | 黃裕惠; 張芝萱 | 特殊教育暨創造思考研究 | | |
278 | 2005 | 學前資優生提早入學制度之實施現況與檢討-由理論到實務的探討 | 張芝萱 ; 張馨仁; 鄒小蘭 | 資優教育研究 | | |
279 | 2004 | 學習向量量化網路之模擬研究 | 蔡良庭 ; 楊志堅 | 測驗統計年刊 | 0 | |
280 | 2004 | G. Vico「詩性智慧」的哲學構造與教育蘊義 | 吳靖國 | | | |
281 | 2004 | 師資生資訊素養自評結果之評析 | 羅綸新 ; 胡育如; 胡久樹 | | | |
282 | 2004 | 教育類網站評鑑規準建構之研究 | 羅綸新 | | | |
283 | 2004 | 中學教師教學專業發展系統 | 張德銳; 吳武雄; 許籐繼 ; 李俊達; 洪寶蓮; 王美霞; 陳偉泓; 曾美惠; 常月如; 曾政清; 黃春木; 白師舜; 曾燦金 | | | |
284 | 2004 | 行動研究--課程改革的「解藥」或「安慰劑」? | 王嘉陵 | | | |
285 | 2003 | 校長轉型課程領導的角色與任務 | 游家政; 許籐繼 | | | |
286 | 2003 | 從Giroux的批判教育學觀點反省課程改革中的教師角色 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
287 | 2003 | 九年一貫課程改革下的教師角色 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
288 | 2002 | 中等學校初任教師工作適應與輔導需求之調查研究 | 羅綸新 | | | |
289 | 2002 | 大學教育學程畢業初任教師之追蹤調查研究 | 羅綸新 | | | |
290 | 2002 | 學校本位課程發展的省思--一所國民小學之個案研究 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
291 | 2001 | Morphology and lightguide property investigation of a high quality DAST single crystal | Chen-Yang, Y. W.; Terng-Ji Sheu ; Lin, S. S.; Tu, Y. K. | Current Applied Physics | | |
292 | 2001 | 技專校院實施通識教育之現況調查 | 吳靖國 | | | |
293 | 2001 | 教育學程「環境倫理」教學模組設計--一則大學教師行動研究報告 | 羅綸新 | | | |
294 | 2001 | 教育實習理論與實務之探討 | 羅綸新 | | | |
295 | 2001 | 教學檔案與教師專業成長 | 羅綸新 | | | |
296 | 2001 | 學校組織權力重建 | 許籐繼 | | | |
297 | 2001 | 實施統整課程的歷程與困境--一個教學群之個案研究 | 王嘉陵 | | | |
298 | 2001 | 資優教育教師專業認定類型及其相關因素之探討 | 張芝萱 | | | |
299 | 2000 | 學校組織權力重建之研究 | 許籐繼 | | | |
300 | 2000 | 潛藏馬可夫模型之簡介 | 蔡良庭 | 教育測驗統計簡訊 | | |
301 | 2000 | 教育測驗資料missing data的介紹及處理方法簡介 | 蔡良庭 | 教育測驗統計簡訊 | | |
302 | 1999 | Planktonic foraminiferal sea surface temperature variations in the southeast Atlantic Ocean: A high-resolution record MD962085 of the past 400,000 years from the IMAGES II-NAUSICAA cruise | Chang, Y. P.; Wang, L. W.; Min-Te Chen ; Wang, C. H.; Yu, E. F.; Chen-Chieh Chang | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | 7 | |
303 | 1999 | Thermal reactions of phosphine with Si(100): a combined photoemission and scanning-tunneling-microscopy study | Lin, D. S.; Ku, T. S.; Terng-Ji Sheu | Surface Science | | |
304 | 1999 | 技職通識教育之理論建構與現況研究 | 吳靖國 | | | |
305 | 1998 | 誰有權力制訂與詮釋課程﹖ | 吳靖國 | | | |
306 | 1997 | The in vivo effect of lipopolysaccharide on Na+,K+-ATPase catalytic (alpha) subunit isoforms in rat sciatic nerve | Liu, S. H.; Terng-Ji Sheu | Neuroscience Letters | | |
307 | 1997 | Deep traps and mechanism of brightness degradation in Mn-doped ZnS thin-film electroluminescent devices grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition | Wang, C. W.; Terng-Ji Sheu ; Su, Y. K.; Yokoyama, M. | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers | | |
308 | 1995 | THE IN-VIVO EFFECT OF LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE ON THE SPONTANEOUS RELEASE OF TRANSMITTER FROM MOTOR-NERVE TERMINALS | Liu, S. H.; Terng-Ji Sheu ; Lin, R. H.; Linshiau, S. Y. | British Journal of Pharmacology | | |
309 | 1995 | 電子書與傳播新境 | 羅綸新 | | | |
310 | 1994 | 教育科技量化研究的省思 | 羅綸新 | | | |
311 | 1994 | 大容量儲存體--光碟 | 羅綸新 | | | |
312 | 1994 | 群隊軟體系統與傳播 | 羅綸新 | | | |
313 | 1993 | 以互動模式設計互動多媒體教學軟體 | 羅綸新 | | | |