
第 1 到 129 筆結果,共 129 筆。

2022Synthesis, Characterization and Application Studies of Stable Crystalline Zn-Based Materials( III)Chih-Ming WangNational Science and Technology Council
2022The Bottleneck of Late Movers: Energy Transition and Technological Upgrade of Wind Power Industry in Taiwan (II)Sheng-Wen TsengNational Science and Technology Council
2022雲林海岸(雲海)環境永續發展及推廣計畫Ming-An LeeWPD TAIWAN ENERGY CO., LTD.
2022沿近海漁業海象資訊服務技術發展(1/4)Ming-An LeeCentral Weather Bureau
2022111 年度「精進衛星海洋應用產品」發展案Ming-An LeeCentral Weather Bureau
2022氣候變遷對臺灣沿岸漁場變化之影響Ming-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2022桃園市人工魚礁現況調查暨沿岸漁獲量變動分析Ming-An LeeCPC Corporation, Taiwan
2022先進複合型生物防汙防腐塗料應用於文化資產之防護 (2/3)Chih-Ming WangBureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture
2022The investigation and stock assessment of Mene maculate (moon fish) in the southwestern waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2022運用地理空間技術(Geospatial technology)進行氣候變遷對印度與台灣海岸區域衝擊之比較分析(1/2)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2022Study of precautionary indices for fish species under management in offshore and coastal water of TaiwanHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2021The Bottleneck of Late Movers: Energy Transition and Technological Upgrade of Wind Power Industry in Taiwan (I)Sheng-Wen TsengNational Science and Technology Council
2021Using Social Design to Improve Sustainable Tourism in Matsu: Action Research on Volumetric Turn and Cooperative LearningSheng-Wen TsengMinistry of Education
2021The Catholic Society of Divine Word's Missionary Work in Southern Shandong During the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China(II)Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Synthesis, Characterization and Application Studies of Stable Crystalline Zn-Based Materials( II )Chih-Ming WangNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年度議題導向跨領域敘事力培育計畫-海洋產業跨域與資源永續-創新實踐敘事力培育計畫Ming-An LeeMinistry of Education
2021110年大專校院學生雙語化計畫「普及提升」學校Ming-An LeeMinistry of Education
2021Effects of Environmental Change on the Impacts Associated with the Sustainable Development Strategies of Coastal Communities Nearby Kouhu Township in the Coast Zone of Western TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Ecosystem Dynamics Associated with the Environmental Change Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan BankMing-An Lee
2021海洋表水溫反演校正與魚群分布動態解析Ming-An LeeInternational Integrated Systems
2021110年度基隆海域遊憩活動一站式服務資訊平臺擴充計畫Hui-Chiao WangKeelung City Government
2021海流海溫資料在近海漁業應用技術發展(4/4)Ming-An LeeCentral Weather Bureau
2021海洋科普教育英語培力營Hui-Chiao WangOcean Affairs Council
2021The investigation and stock assessment of Mene maculate in the southwestern waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021協和計畫發展海洋牧場可行性先期評估-2Fan-Hua NanState-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC
2021先進複合型生物防汙防腐塗料應用於文化資產之防護Chih-Ming WangBureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-逗陣來貢寮-打造共生共存共享的山海美境計畫-子計畫1-2:里山產業創新行銷推廣計畫Wen-Yi HsuMinistry of Education
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-逗陣來貢寮-打造共生共存共享的山海美境計畫-子計畫2-2:里海境閒置空間活化計畫Chung-Heng HsiehMinistry of Education
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫1:產學合作及生態觀光導覽計畫Hui-Chiao WangMinistry of Education
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫1:漁村文化再現及繁榮漁村計畫Wei-Hsuan ChouMinistry of Education
2020110年學術論文發表會暨會員大會計畫Ming-An LeeThe Fisheries Society of Taiwan
2020澎湖縣箱網養殖避寒區、外海養殖區及鎖港至烏崁海域海洋生產產業整體規劃Ming-An LeeAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2020九孔育種與產業提升Hui-Chiao WangFisheries Research Institute,COA,Executive Yuan
2020The Catholic Society of Divine Word'S Missionary Work in Southern Shandong during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China(I)Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank(III)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020人與海洋的距離-八斗潮間帶海食教育之教學實踐與研究Wei-Hsuan ChouMinistry of Education
2020Synthesis, Characterization and Application Studies of Stable Crystalline Zn-Based Materials( I )Chih-Ming WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Effects of Environmental Change on the Coastal Industries and Social Humanities Associated with the Adaption Governance Strategies of Communities in the Coastal Zone of Yun-Lin and Chia-Yi County, TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020以合作學習提升關鍵能力及促進地方創生:馬祖行動研究Sheng-Wen TsengMinistry of Education
2020大手牽小手共游海洋育樂營Hui-Chiao WangBachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management
2020「《臺灣藝文志-以美術為核心》跨域計畫第一期:清代」之「筆墨奇逸:清代臺灣水墨畫家林覺與「閩習」之藝術研究Chung-Heng Hsieh
2020建構臺灣海象及氣象災防環境服務系統-109年度海氣象災防環境服務作業系統建置(4/4)Ming-An LeeDepartment of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science
2020台灣海域輻射背景調查計畫勞務採購案之海洋生物樣品之彙整和資料之統計與評析一式Ming-An LeeInstitute of Marine Ecology and Conservation,NSYU
2020海流海溫資料在近海漁業應用技術發展(3/4)Ming-An LeeMarine Meteorology Center,CWB
2020基隆西岸觀光景點調查與遊程規劃Hui-Chiao WangKeelung City Government
2020109年食農教育推廣計畫-國立臺灣海洋大學Wei-Hsuan ChouFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2020臺灣沿近海帶魚漁業資源管理研究Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020智慧城鄉109年度基隆市娛樂漁業漁船島礁磯釣活動管理計畫Ming-An LeeDepartment of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science
2020教育部補助109年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫8:日本永續海洋國際鏈結計畫Sheng-Wen TsengMinistry of Education
2020Industrial-academic cooperative R&D system and technology commercializationCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
20192019年里海文化新運動研習營Hui-Chiao WangOcean Affairs Council
2019基隆漁村新住民女性生命故事融入性別平等課程之研究-以八斗子漁村為例Wei-Hsuan ChouMinistry of Education
2019社會設計取徑-融入Maker精神之教學實踐與研究Wei-Hsuan ChouMinistry of Education
2019The Study of Integrated Risk Assessment of Climate Change in Coastal Areas in National Land Use Management and AdaptationLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2019Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Stable Crystalline Frameworks( II )Chih-Ming WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019八斗優鱻好魚多Hui-Chiao WangMinistry of Education
2019Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank(II)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank-2Sheng-Ping WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019108年-澎湖縣海上養殖區域智慧監測及定位計畫-澎湖縣箱網養殖避寒區選址調查Ming-An LeeAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2019108年食農教育推廣計畫(學校組)Wei-Hsuan ChouCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
20192019年小小漁夫研習營Hui-Chiao WangOcean Affairs Council
2019108年台灣海域輻射背景調查計畫勞務採購案之海生物樣品之彙整和資料之統計與評析Ming-An LeeNational Sun Yat-sen University
2019建構臺灣海象及氣象災防環境服務系統-108年度海氣象災防環境服務作業系統建置(3/4)Ming-An LeeInternational Integrated Systems
2019第三座液化天然氣接收站建港及圍堤造地工程施工期間環境監測之漁業經濟調查Ming-An LeePan Asia Corp.
2019海流海溫資料在近海漁業應用技術發展(2/4)Ming-An LeeMarine Meteorology Center,CWB
2019馬祖北竿文旅科技聚落整合發展Sheng-Wen TsengTravel2local Co., Ltd.
2019108年度海洋事務輿情蒐集及情勢研析Huan-Sheng TsengOcean Affairs Council
2019漁村創新黑客松之設計與實踐-以八斗漁村為例Wei-Hsuan ChouSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2019Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine Fisheries-6Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019教育部補助108年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫4: 健康馬祖計畫Sheng-Wen TsengMinistry of Education
2019教育部補助108年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫4: 生態與青創馬祖計畫Sheng-Wen TsengMinistry of Education
2019印度洋鮪釣漁業漁況預報可行性分析Ming-An LeeFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2018Social Assistance or Political Participation?Father Thomas Megan'S Activities during the Second Sino-Japanese WarHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Stable Crystalline Frameworks(I)Chih-Ming WangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank(I)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2018Effects of Environmental Changes on the Ecosystem Dynamics Surrounding the Upwelling Zone of Taiwan Bank-1Sheng-Ping WangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine FisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2017Father Thomas Megan$S Missionary Work in Northern China, 1926-1948Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine FisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2016Father Thomas Megan$S Missionary Work in Northern China, 1926-1948Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Construction an Integrative Data System for Marine FisheriesCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2015Preaching Achievement of the Catholic Society of the Divine Word in North China: Focus on the Missionaries, 1882-1949Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Environmental System Analysis and Value-Added Climatic Index (III)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Development of the Catholic Divine Word Missionaries in Dapinglin District (1962-2012)Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Ocean Environmental Analysis and Value-Added Climate IndexMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Impact of Climate Change on Resources and Fishing Ground of Distant-Water Tuna FisheriesHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013The Development of the Catholic Divine Word Missionaries in Dapinglin District (1962-2012)Huey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Basic Study on Fine Variety Breeding of the Grey MulletFan-Hua NanNational Science and Technology Council
2012Local Leaders and Civil Society : a Comparative Study of the Hsu Clan and the Huang Clan in KeelungHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Social Mobilization and Political Participation in Local Festival Activities:A Case Study of Keelung during Colonial Taiwan PeriodHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Monitor and Analysis of Marine Environment and Ecology in the Waters around Taiwan Influenced Possibly by Climate Change-2Chia-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on marine biodiversity and sustainable fishery exploitation in the waters surrounding Three Northern Islands, TaiwanMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Study on marine biodiversity and sustainable fishery exploitation in the waters surrounding Three Northern Islands, Taiwan-3Chao-Hsiung ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010From Gentry-Merchants to Political-Merchants--- Local Leaders and the Development of Civil Society in Keelung during Colonial Taiwan PeriodHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Further Investigations of Fishery Resources and Its Precaution System Related to Cold Water Intrusion in Penghu WatersMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2009Blood, Geography and Occupation---The Network of Human Relations in Keelung Chung-Yuan FestivalHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Effects of Environmental Changes on Ichthyoplankton Community in the East China SeaMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2009investigation on the coastal strrcture associated with the viodiversityMing-An LeeWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2009Study of the Effects from Climate Changes on Primary Production in Surrounding Water of TaiwanSha-Yen ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2009Impact of Climatic Change on Major Tuna Stocks in the Atlantic OceanHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Blood, Geography and Occupation---The Network of Human Relations in Keelung Chung-Yuan FestivalHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2008Studies on the Stock Assessment and By-Catch of Anchovy Fisheries with Its Impact on Commercial Resources in the Waters of Taiwan-1Sheng-Ping WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Studies on the Stock Assessment and By-Catch of Anchovy Fisheries with Its Impact on Commercial Resources in the Waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Study of the Effects from Climate Changes on Primary Production in Surrounding Water of TaiwanSha-Yen ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008A Study on Tuna Stocks and Fishing Conditions in Relation to Oceanic Environmental (Climatic) VariabilityHsueh-Jung LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Investigation on Optimal Scale and Type of the Raft Fisheries---A Case Study of Yunlin and Chaiyi CountyChao-Hsiung ChengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Fishery Automatic Identification System for Small Fishing BoatSheng-Long KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2007Blood, Geography and Occupation---The Network of Human Relations in Keelung Chung-Yuan FestivalHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Larval Fish and Fishery Resources Associated with the Environment in East China SeaMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan BayMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-4Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-5Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-6Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Studies on the Biological Resource Diversity and Sustainable Fishery in I-Lan Bay-7Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2006Establishment of Geographic Habitat System for Important Commercial Fishery Resources in the Northern Waters of TaiwanMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2006The Tsa-Tzu Books in the People's Republic of ChinaHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2006A Study on Characteristics of Multi-Frequency Acoustic and Seawifs Ocean Color in the South China Sea Internal Tide Active RegionHsueh-Jung LuNational Science and Technology Council
2006Satellite Remote Sensing Application on Yellow-Fin Tuna Fishery in Indian Ocean (II)Ming-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Across the Ocean: The Overseas Spread Of Chinese Tsa-Tzu BooksHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2005NCOR--Keelung Branch-1Min-Te ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan IslandKuo-Ping ChiangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan Island-1Jeng ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2004Hydroacoustic and Optical Remote Sensing Used in Zooplankton Community Structure and the Hydrographic Condition Near to the Upwelling Zone in the NE TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2004Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan Island-1Jeng ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2004Studies of the Biological Diversity in the Waters Surrounding Kueishan Island-2Cheng-Hsin LiaoCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2003Words Recognition and Diverse Uses---the Tsa-Tzu Books During Ming Qing DynastyHuey-Fang WuNational Science and Technology Council
2002Aggregation and Abundance of Zooplankton and Fish Larvae and Their Relation to Environment Factors in the Waters of Taiwan Strait by Using the Hydroacoustic and Optic TechniquesMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2001Aggregation Characteristics of Zooplankton and Fish Larvae and Associated Environment Factors in the Waters of Taiwan Strait by Using the Hydroacoustic and Optic TechniquesMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1999The Impact of Global Climate Change on FisheriesMing-An LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan