College of Engineering


第 1 到 1000 筆結果,共 1698 筆。

2020Study on the integration of disaster prevention database for central and local government at Keelung city(3/3)Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Study of Technology and Policy Development for Disaster Protection in Coastal Area under Extreme Climate Condition( III )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Study of Technology and Policy Development for Disaster Protection in Coastal Area under Extreme Climate Condition (I)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2024Resilient City and Disaster Prevention Adaptation under Extreme Disasters-Keelung City( III )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Study of Technology and Policy Development for Disaster Protection in Coastal Area under Extreme Climate ConditionLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2024A Study on Floating and Submerged Structures for Extraction of Renewable Energy and Coastal ProtectionTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2024Exploration of Clean Energy in Deep Ocean( III )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2024國立陽明交通大學─科研產業化平台計畫National Science and Technology Council
2024國科會博士生研究獎學金(2月入學)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2023112年度補助大學校院培育優秀博士生獎學金Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2023111年度補助大學校院培育優秀博士生獎學金Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2023Extention of Wwmiii to the Case of Porous Sea Bottom Based on Theoretical Analysis and Realistic Application( III )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2023Development of Meshless Computer Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction - Applications of Marine Freely-Floating Platform of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine( III )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2023Damage Detection of Mooring Line Failure of Net Cages Using Artificial Neural NetworkHung-Jie TangNational Science and Technology Council
2023Evaluation of Optimized Dynamic Inter-Array Cable Configuration for Floating Offshore Wind FarmNational Science and Technology Council
2023Exploration of Clean Energy in Deep Ocean( II )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2023波蘭波羅的海離岸風機基礎沖刷數值分析(2/2)Tai-Wen Hsu
2023國立陽明交通大學─科研產業化平台計畫National Science and Technology Council
2022Satellite Image Analysis on Coastal Protection Using Geotextile Tube– a Case Study on Cigu Spit, Taiwan
2022Water Resources Diversified Joint Allocation and Adjustment Strategy in Tsengwen-Nanhua Water Supply Area (Ii)( I )Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Extention of Wwmiii to the Case of Porous Sea Bottom Based on Theoretical Analysis and Realistic Application( II )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Development of Meshless Computer Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction - Applications of Marine Freely-Floating Platform of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine( II )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2022An Investigation of Bending-Stiffness Characteristics Improvement and Measurement Analysis for Flexible Thin-Film Polymer Substrates Based on Graphene Materials(II)Bor-Jiunn WenNational Science and Technology Council
2022Are the Direct and Indirect Bem Equivalent? (II)Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2022Study of the Double-Degeneracy Problem in the Bem/Biem(3/3)Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2022Development of Meshless Numerical Model for Flow Field of Incompressible Viscous Fluid and Forced Convection - Applications of Ventilation Efficiency in Classroom (II)Chia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2022Multiscale Modeling of Ocean Currents on Island Wake and Estuary by Unstructured MeshesChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2022Nonlinear Dynamic Meshless Method for Plate Structures Based on Momentum-Time Difference SchemeShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2022Evaluation and Prediction on Wave Characteristics and Wave Energy Resources in Key High-Potential Marine Waters of Taiwan-2Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2022A Study on the Binary Cement Based Crack Injection Materials (II)Jiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Fabrication Micro Quartz Crystal with Correct Frequency for High Frequency CommunicationJihng-Kuo HoNational Science and Technology Council
2022Parameters Optimization of Three-Dimensional Rectangular Micro-Perforated Panel and Application in the Top Device of the Noise BarrierJinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Developments of Real-Time Forecasting and Warning System for Regional Inundation by Using Machine Learning Algorithm and Hydraulic Numerical ModelsChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2022海洋能測試場建置規劃Shiaw-Yih TzangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2022捷運汐止東湖線路線規劃及沿線周邊土地整體開發計畫基本設計、專案管理暨相關委託技術服務案Wei-Lun HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2022都市總合治水建設管理服務團推動計畫Kwan-Tun LeeConstruction and Planning Agency, MOI
2022111年集水區水源應用規劃作業系統技術諮詢服務Kwan-Tun LeeWater Resources Planning Institute
2022頭前溪各水庫集水區保育治理專案管理Yu-Jia ChiuNorthern Region Water Resources Office,WRA, MOEA
2022Wong Tsoo Systems Engineering Research Center( II )Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2022Development of the Earth-Abundant Kesterite-Inspired Materials for Solar Energy Applications by Using High-Throughput Combinatorial ExperimentationsCheng-Ying Chen
2022Exploration of Clean Energy in Deep Ocean( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2022永續能源跨域應用人才培育聯盟計畫-海域再生能源聯盟中心Pai-Chen GuanMinistry of Education
2022Habitat Assessment and Restoration Indicators Development for Isolated Creeks-Using Three Creeks in the Northeast Coast as Examples( II )National Science and Technology Council
2022111年度寶二水庫整備維護檢查專業事務工作Yu-Jia ChiuNorthern Region Water Resources Office,WRA, MOEA
2022試片海水自然老化驗證Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2022窗型結構於穿透損失之評估Yao-Chi Tang長泰金屬企業有限公司
2022浮式風電示範風場策略研析Lien-Kwei ChienShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2022海水過濾組件性能驗證Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2022流域水文與水理設計分析模式之地文與水文分析模組功能維護Kwan-Tun LeeWater Resources Planning Institute
2022澎湖縣鳥嶼漁港水工模型試驗Wen-Kai WengNational Sun Yat-sen University
2022磺港漁港北防波堤延伸工程委託協辦數值模擬評估工作Tai-Wen Hsu昇昌工程技術顧問有限公司
2022鼻頭漁港防波堤龜裂修復工程委託協辦數值模擬評估工作服務Chi-Yu Li昇昌工程技術顧問有限公司
2022111及112年度石門水庫自來水水質水量保護區巡守協管(1/2)Yu-Jia ChiuNorthern Region Water Resources Office,WRA, MOEA
2022海纜交會散熱模擬分析Ching-Yeh HsinShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2022111年度第六河川局防汛護水志工服務實施計畫Yu-Jia ChiuThe 6th River Management Office,WRA
2022「協和電廠更新改建計畫-防波堤暨圍堤造地海事工程委託技術服務」-防波堤及海堤斷面模型試驗Wen-Kai WengCECI Engineering Consultants, INC., TAIWAN
2022「協和電廠更新改建計畫-防波堤暨圍堤造地海事工程委託技術服務」-平面遮蔽水工模型試驗Wen-Kai WengCECI Engineering Consultants, INC., TAIWAN
2022111年度金門縣一般性海堤風險評估Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2022臺東一般性海堤岸段風險評估與因應策略(2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2022111年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Wen-Cheng Huang雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2022利用〝絕緣開流〞技術生產可高溫熱處理之壓鑄件Shuei-Wan JuangM.D.T. TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
2022壓鑄模具與製程技術產學服務聯盟Shuei-Wan JuangDiecasting Industry Technology Service Alliance
2022Development of teaching aid packages for large scale landslide disaster preventionShih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2022Vegetation recovery study using multiple satellite long-term imagery in Google Earth EngineYuan-Fong SuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2022壓鑄模具鑄造鑄造方案模流分析服務Shuei-Wan JuangYEH HSIN HSUEH INDUSTRY CORP
2022國立陽明交通大學-科研成果產業化平台計畫National Science and Technology Council
2022國立陽明交通大學-科研成果產業化平台計畫National Science and Technology Council
2022教育部輔助111年高教深耕計畫附冊USR計畫:打造國際旅遊島-和平島及其周邊之地域創生與永續發展Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2022教育部補助111年高教深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心計畫-海洋工程科技中心:全球變遷下海洋工程科技之創新Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2022Study on agricultural waste as a cementitious materialTai-An ChenCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2022110學年度教育部補助大專校院實施特殊優秀人才彈性薪資經費Chau-Chang ChouMinistry of Education
2022Study on the Developments of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Mitigation of Land Subsidence( II )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2022基隆市110年及111年災害防救深耕第3期計畫Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2022發展一高效率評估船舶於實海域油耗之方法(II)Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2022水下結構物聲波訊跡分析模擬(1/2)Pei-Tai Chen海軍造船發展中心
2022波蘭波羅的海離岸風機基礎沖刷數值分析(1/2)Tai-Wen Hsu
2022Study on the Developments of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Mitigation of Land Subsidence( II )National Science and Technology Council
2021Using salt ponding to analysis the durability of reservoir sludge concreteChung-Chia YangWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2021PBCF的設計方法建立與模型試驗Jui-Hsiang KaoHUNG SHEN PROPELLER CO., LTD.
2021螺槳設計程式與程序的強化Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021水動力驗收試驗Yaw-Huei LeeCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021永安廠西碼頭流場計算分析工作Sung-Shan HsiaoDNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE CO., LTD.
2021壓鑄方案設計技術評估與模流分析服務Shuei-Wan JuangBon Technology Aluminum Co., Ltd.
2021A new method for generating the geometry of the water jet blades with performance analysisJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2021東部深層海水水質整合監控平台Chih-Wei WuNijin Environmental Technology CO., LTD
2021國際產學聯盟-SM570合金鋼之顯微組織解析及探討添加適量合金元素對其機械性質之改善Shing-Hoa WangTUNG HO STEEL ENTERPRISE CORP.
2021國際產學聯盟-產業新尖兵計畫-無人機救災之影像感測與分析實務人才培訓班Bor-Jiunn WenvMaker
2021腐蝕電位試驗(桃園觀音)Tai-An Chen晨威工程顧問有限公司
2021Technology Development of Composite Failure Modes and Health Index for Rolling Mill EquipmentYih-Hwang LinChina Steel Corporation
2021110年坡頭漁港南北堤延伸工程水工模擬計畫Wen-Kai WengHsinchu County Government
2021110年箔子寮漁港外砂洲地形變化監測計畫Tai-Wen HsuYunlin County Government
2021離岸風電開發設計安全及運維管理評估IIITai-Wen HsuChina Steel Corporation
2021110學年度「新南向培英專案-教育部獎補助大學校院招收東南亞及南亞國家大學講師來臺攻讀學位計畫」Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2021覆晶封裝之多尺度模擬研究計畫Chia-Cheng TsaiCORETECH SYSTEM CO., LTD.
2021前瞻性海洋工程科技產學支援研究計畫Chia-Cheng Tsai佳譽科技顧問有限公司
2021岸基式波能轉換器海洋大學海堤海側實海域測試Shiaw-Yih TzangFLH Energy Technology Ltd.
2021Development of a Forecasting Model for Determining Large-Scale Inundation Areas and Providing Detailed Analysis of Flood-Prone AreasPin-Chun Huang
2021Synthesis of Sea Surface Temperature Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Application in Typhoon Number ProjectionWen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Tsengwen-Nanhua Water Supply Area Water Resources Diversified Joint Allocation and Adjustment Strategy (I)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development of a Microfluidic Device Integrated with an Optical Detection System for Measuring Brain Tissue Oxygenation and Damage in Zebrafish with and without Hypothermia Therapy during Hypoxia/ReperfusionShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Application of K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in Intelligent Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Blade DamageYao-Chi TangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Effect of Compound Mineral Admixtures for Cement Matrix Crack InjectionTai-An ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Application of Stone Sludge to the Development of Packaged Cement SandTai-An ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021電弧爐煉鋼爐碴應用於透水混凝土之應用研究計畫Tai-An ChenTaiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association
2021Integrated Watershed and Channel Hydrological Response Function for Flood Disaster Management and Forecast (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2021A Study of Horseshoe Vortex Development in a Juncture Flow near Free SurfaceJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Are the Direct and Indirect Bem Equivalent? (I)Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Nonlinear Dynamic Meshless Method for Plate Structures Based on Momentum-Time Difference SchemeShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2021Research on Noise Radiation Efficiency of Rail Bridge System and Sensitivity Analysis of Influencing ParametersWei-Lun HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Extention of Wwmiii to the Case of Porous Sea Bottom Based on Theoretical Analysis and Realistic Application( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Estimation of Hydrogeological Parameters in Mountainous Areas Using Down-Hole Geophysical Survey Data and Its ApplicationShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021A Study on the Binary Cement Based Crack Injection Materials (I)Jiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Theoretical Design and Experimental Verification of Stationary Cam-Modulated Linkages for Press Driving MechanismsWen-Tung ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021無人機螺槳設計技術之開發IJui-Hsiang KaoAsia Vital Components Co.,Ltd.
2021Development of Nesting System Based on No-Fit Polygon for Irregular ShapesWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development of Meshless Numerical Model for Flow Field of Incompressible Viscous Fluid and Forced Convection - Applications of Ventilation Efficiency in Classroom (I)Chia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development of Meshless Computer Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction - Applications of Marine Freely-Floating Platform of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Investigation of High-Performance Single-Crystal Perovskite Surface Plasmon Nanolasers(III)Tzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021Scattering Effects on the Characteristics of Surface Plasmon Nanolasers(III)Tzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Study of Seakeeping and Wave Loads on an Ultra Large Container Ship in Irregular WavesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Application the Uav Photography to Observation Water TurbidityHui-Ming FangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Recurrent Neural Network Multi-Scale Method Enhanced Isogeometric Method for Strength Analysis of Ship StructurePai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2021Experimental Study on Wave Attenuation by a Fixed Type of Artificial Vegetation Floating Island (Ii)Yuan-Jyh LanNational Science and Technology Council
2021On the Characteristics of Tidal Wave/Flow Asymmetry in a Tidal EstuarySung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2021生態方塊衝擊區及對照區水域作業2年調查執行計畫Sung-Shan HsiaoHOPING INDUSTRIAL PORT CORPORATION
2021Development and Design of Novel Crosswind Kite Power System with Dual Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (I)Hsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Effect of Adding Carbon Nano-Fillers in Matrix on the Low-Velocity Impact Resistance and Post-Impact Fatigue Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Laminates (I)Yi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Investing the Influence of Ship Wake Velocities in Waves Considering Ship/Hull Interactions to Propeller Performance and Unsteady Forces (III)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2021Characteristics of Wave-Induced Hydrodynamics and Dispersion Coefficient in the Surf Zone(2/2)Ting-Chieh Lin
2021Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of PH Stainless Steel by Different Aging Methods Coupling subzero Treatment (II)Shing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Evaluation and Prediction on Wave Characteristics and Wave Energy Resources in Key High-Potential Marine Waters of TaiwanShiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Investigation on the Motion and Wave Dissipation of the Air-Compressed Moored Floating BreakwaterWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2021Multiscale Modeling of Ocean Currents on Island Wake and Estuary by Unstructured Meshes 2021Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2021Design and Mechanical Analysis of the Piezoelectric RobotYu-Chih LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021A New Softening Hyperbolic Type Model for Load Tests on Rock Socketed Drilled ShaftSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021Relubrication Technology Applied to the Development of Smart Pulse Stamping MoldChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2021Experimental Investigations on Flow and Acoustic Characteristics of Two Cavities in TandemYi-Chih Chow
2021A Study on the Effects of Wave Nonlinearity Induced by a Crescent Shaped Shoal on Wave FocusingChi-Yu LiNational Science and Technology Council
2021海域水質及海域地形變遷影響評估Ting-Chieh LinUnltech New Energy Engineering
2021Development of Precast Pervious Lightweight ConcreteWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2021人工智慧影像之紫外光於脂類的特性分析Bor-Jiunn WenIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021An Investigation of Bending-Stiffness Characteristics Improvement and Measurement Analysis for Flexible Thin-Film Polymer Substrates Based on Graphene Materials(I)Bor-Jiunn WenNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Benefits of Slag on Improvement of Cementitious Materials Matrix and Itz Transport PropertiesChung-Chia YangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Analytical Studies of High Reynolds Number Flows in Hydraulic EngineeringYu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Study of the Double-Degeneracy Problem in the Bem/Biem(2/3)Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021基隆港東8碼頭鄰近水域波浪分析技術服務Wen-Kai WengPort of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation
2021廣慈博愛園區整體開發計劃行政大樓第A標及社福大樓B標統包工程Yao-Chi Tang長泰金屬企業有限公司
2021淡海輕軌運輸系統計畫基本設計及第1期專幹管理顧問委託技術服務案-河岸段補充振動評估調查作業Wei-Lun HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2021臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫DJ01標北段鐵路工程設計及監造工作噪音振動評估分析Wei-Lun HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2021高雷諾數流通過6:1橢球體的實驗研究(IIIOJiahn-Horng ChenUnited States Navy
2021調整合金元素組成以提升鋁合金地板之承載能力Shuei-Wan JuangVERO VERIA CORPORATION
2021水下載台精進型螺槳性能試驗1項Jui-Hsiang KaoNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2021「再生能源海洋能發電次領域」技術資料統整暨彙編Chen-Chou LinIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021金門海岸(烈嶼鄉西側)監測及侵淤評估規劃計畫Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2021異形微孔吸隔音牆先期開發研究Rong-Juin ShyuCKM APPLIED MATERIALS CORP.
2021Design and Development of a Modular Miniature All-Vanadium Flow Battery StackChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development of an Integrated Design and Analysis Computational Tool for Contra-Rotating PropellersChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2021螺旋槳轂導流帽鰭應用於水下載具與材料選用-階段I:設計開發Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021110年新竹漁港海岸監測防護計畫Wei-Po HuangHsinchu City Government
2021XV10145P518PE-CSPei-Tai ChenMaterials and Electro-Optics,National ChungShan Institute of Science&Technology
2021Wong Tsoo Systems Engineering Research Center( I )Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021北段山區水文地質調查 110-滲透係數推估模式與結構特徵Shih-Meng HsuSinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2021Habitat assessment and restoration indicators development for isolated creeks-using three creeks in the northeast coast as examples( I )National Science and Technology Council
2021PET整合式多通道感測功能之電解液特性監測電路板Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021離岸風力機水下安全性之基準與海象模擬分析Tai-Wen HsuNational Taipei University of Technology
2021海水循環過濾組件壽命週期性能驗證Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2021海洋運動能力分級與海洋環境條件關係調查分析Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Academy of Marine Research
2021等參幾何法用於模擬與評估熱壓模具之疲勞強度Pai-Chen GuanCORETECH SYSTEM CO., LTD.
2021水庫可能最大洪水量估算模式功能擴充Kwan-Tun LeeWater Resources Planning Institute
2021底碇式波浪發電機組測試申請與海象觀測Shiaw-Yih TzangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021台塑勝高環境影響說明書海域二維水動力模式及水質擴散模式作業Ting-Chieh LinCHINJET LTD.
2021國際產學聯盟-產業新尖兵計畫–無人機環境監測訓練班Bor-Jiunn WenvMaker
2021發展一高效率評估船舶於實海域油耗之方法(I)Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021左營軍港二港口擴建對鄰近漁港之影響評估工作-海岸漂砂水工模型試驗Ruey-Syan ShihNational Sun Yat-sen University
2021全國海灘及釣點環境調查與安全評估作業Wei-Po HuangNational Academy of Marine Research
2021桃園一般性海堤區域及重要聚落海岸變遷監測調查計畫(2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 2th River Management Office,WRA,MOEA
2021110年度花蓮縣一般性海堤風險評估(1/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 9th River Management Office, WRA
2021The Assessment on Coastal Morphology Within the Coastal Sectors of the Sea Dikes and the Settlements (Fugang to Lijia River) (2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2021建立提升鋁合金輪圈壓鑄模具壽命之設計與製作流程的作業規範Shuei-Wan JuangM.D.T. TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
2021臺灣浮式風場開發環境議題及未來發展短中長期建議Lien-Kwei ChienShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2021精密水中離子量測電路模組委託製作Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021Study on the effects of the hydrodynamic characteristics under a mooring system failure for an aquaculture net cage(II)Hung-Jie TangNational Science and Technology Council
2021以珊瑚養殖評估氧化碴及還原碴再利用於海域環境之可行性研究計畫Chung-Chia YangTaiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association
2021真空壓鑄專題研究討論Shuei-Wan JuangLioho Machine Works, LTD.
2021壓鑄技術產學服務聯盟Shuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2021舷外機渦輪葉片設計Jui-Hsiang KaoBELASSI TAIWAN LTD.
2021Research on Solutions of Taiwan’s Ocean Energy Development – The preliminary study and analysis of the commissioned professional service for the integrated design of oscillating water column wave power generationChen-Chou LinNational Academy of Marine Research
2021橡膠層減重化設計之變形量實驗Pai-Chen GuanMaterials and Electro-Optics,National ChungShan Institute of Science&Technology
2021110年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Sung-Shan Hsiao雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2021Risk analysis on the coast defense of TaitungWei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2021110年度補助辦理環境教育推廣計畫Cheng-Yu KuMinistry of Education
2021Development of educational aids for deepseated landslide disaster prevention: from understanding the micro-topography, phenomena, causes, monitoring to engineering remediationShih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2021壓鑄模具鑄造鑄造方案模流分析服務Shuei-Wan JuangQ.C. WITNESS INT. CO., LTD.
2021不同鹼激發爐石砂漿配比對於鋼筋抗腐蝕能力之影響研究計畫Tai-An ChenADVANCED-TEK SYSTEMS Co.,Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2021基隆市110年及111年災害防救深耕第3期計畫Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2021高等教育深耕計畫第2部分-特色領域研究中心-海洋工程科技中心Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2021國立交通大學-科研成果產業化平台計畫ITai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021「教育部工具機教學設備更新計畫」第二階段(110年度)採購補助案Wen-Tung ChangMinistry of Education
2021中信100T加強螺槳實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoJong Shyn Shipbuilding Co,. Ltd
2021高效能低水下噪音的大型圍網漁船開發Jui-Hsiang KaoFAIR WELL FISHERY CO, LTD.
2021Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( Iv )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Study on the Developments of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Mitigation of Land Subsidence( I )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2021東北海域站水質監測委託專業服務案Chih-Wei WuNational Academy of Marine Research
2021海域三維水質模式研發與測試Ting-Chieh LinUnltech New Energy Engineering
2020109年度購置教學研究相關圖書儀器及設備改善計畫Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2020環狀線東環段土建基本設計服務暨測量、地質及管線調查工作DF118設計標振動評估分析工作Rong-Juin ShyuDepartment of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture
2020「教育部工具機教學設備更新計畫」第一階段(109年度)採購補助案Wen-Tung ChangMinistry of Education
2020潛艦國造研究發展專案計畫-波浪動態效應對柴油機排煙脈衝背壓之影響Yuan-Liang JengCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2020Development on Cloud Computing Automated River Channel Hydrodynamic Measurement SystemHui-Ming FangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study on Application of Ground Granulated Coal Bottom Ash as Coal Fly AshTai-An ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Performance improvement of micro-perforated panel and development of indoor sound absorption and sound insulation technologyJinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2020NB565漁業訓練船螺槳性能及空化實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoLUNGTEH SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
2020NB564漁業巡護船螺槳性能及空化實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoLUNGTEH SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
2020金山區濆水海岸垃圾防治方法檢討評估Wen-Kai WengNorth Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau, MOTC
2020波浪發電轉換器概念規劃設計與海洋能通識課程規劃Chen-Chou LinIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020基隆港碼頭檢測及評估工作Shyh-Rong Kuo東昇營造工程有限公司
2020多型態穿透顯示光學元件機械性質分析Bor-Jiunn WenIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020海水循環過濾壽命週期之評估Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2020水下角錐吸音材之模擬及實驗測試Pei-Tai Chen國家中山科學研究院化學研究所
2020應用計算流力與動態規劃方法進行天氣定航之研究(II)Ching-Yeh HsinCR CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY
2020109學年度「新南向培英專案-教育部獎補助大學校院招收東南亞及南亞國家大學講師來臺攻讀學位計畫」Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2020裂隙岩體滲透性推估模式建置Shih-Meng HsuSinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2020船艦開孔流體噪音評估及隔柵設計Yi-Chih ChowCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2020宜蘭海岸線零米水位變化歷年分析Wei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2020研訂整體海岸管理計畫第一次通盤檢討Lien-Kwei ChienConstruction and Planning Agency, MOI
2020離岸風機水下基礎安全性之基準與分析流程Tai-Wen HsuNational Taipei University of Technology
2020Computational Study of Flow Past an Prolate Spheroid at Various Angles of Attack and High Reynolds NumberJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Characteristics of Wave-Induced Hydrodynamics and Dispersion Coefficient in the Surf Zone(1/2)Ting-Chieh LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020A Method of Fundamental Solutions with Source on the Real Boundary for Solving Scattering Problems of Water WaveYing-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Integrated Watershed and Channel Hydrological Response Function for Flood Disaster Management and Forecast (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Theoretical Analysis and Application for Waves Propogating over Poros Sea Bottom Using WwmiiiTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter (Fpwec): Developments and Comparisons of Computer Simulation ModelsChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2020Developments of Meshless Numerical Model for Three-Dimensional Flow Field of Viscous Incompressible Fluid by Using Stream-Function Vector FormulationChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2020Develop and Apply the Adaptive Meshfree Method for the Modeling of Ship-Hull-Crack PropagationPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2020A Study on the Precast Pervious Concrete Products Using Different BindersWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Benefits of Silica Fume and Fly Ash on Improvement of Cementitious Materials Matrix and Itz Transport PropertiesChung-Chia YangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Rock Mass Permeability Identification by Integrating the Techniques of Geological Features and Logistic RegressionShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Applications of Time-Discretized Energy Identity and Strong-Form Meshless Method to Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Beam StructuresShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study of the Double-Degeneracy Problem in the Bem/Biem(1/3)Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Diversification of Water Resources Management and Its Adjustment over the Areas of Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Taipei.(Iii)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Study of Comprehensive Risk Assessment on Coastal Erosion and Strategies for Resilience AdaptabilityWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Pressure on a Ultra Large Container Ship in Oblique WavesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Measurement and Discussion of Propeller Blade Tip Vortex InceptionYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Investing the Influence of Ship Wake Velocities in Waves Considering Ship/Hull Interactions to Propeller Performance and Unsteady Forces(II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Analyzing the Propeller Blade Noise of the Underwater Vehicle in Different Operating StatesJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2020Researches on Analyses for Two Special Sets of Pile Loading TestsSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Analysis of Dynamic Changes of Estuary and Coastal Environment and Review of Coastal Structure Protection Standards under Climate ChangeSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2020Sub-Project3:The Study of Risk Assessment in Multi-Disaster and Protection Strategy of Climate Change in Coastal AreasLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study on the Groundwater-Related Disaster Risk Assessment in Coastal RegionsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Investigation of High-Performance Single-Crystal Perovskite Surface Plasmon Nanolasers(II)Tzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Self-Powered Fish Physiological Tags and Machine Vision for the Application of the Intelligent Net CageShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Design and Application of Modulating Wind-Turbine Blade Using Active/Passive Flow Control (II)Shun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Erasmus+ Mobility ProjectChi-Yu LiEuropean Commission
2020Modified Sampling for Concrete Ponding Test and Its Application in Accelerated Chloride Migration Test(II)Chung-Chia YangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Experimental Analysis on the Bulk and Interlaminar Fatigue Properties of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites with Matrix Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoplatelets(III)Yi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Ph Stainless Steel by Different Aging Methods Coupling Subzero Treatment(I)Shing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study in Micro and Nano-Structured Thermoelectric MaterialsChun-I WuNational Science and Technology Council
2020A New Approach to the Formation Mechanisms and Tribology Properties of Microdiamond-Incorporated Nickel Matrix Composite Layers Coated on Brass Substrates by Composite Electrodeposition TechnologyChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2020Scattering Effects on the Characteristics of Surface Plasmon Nanolasers(II)Tzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Theoretical Analysis and Application for Waves Propogating over Poros Sea Bottom Using WwmiiiTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Experimental Study on Wave Attenuation by a Fixed Type of Artificial Vegetation Floating IslandYuan-Jyh LanNational Science and Technology Council
2020Multiscale Modeling of Ocean Currents on Island Wake and Estuary by Unstructured Meshes 2020Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2020Numerical Modeling of Long-Period Infragravity Waves in Harbors and an River MouthShih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Development and Application by Incorporating Wwm3 into Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Crenulate Bay Shapes(III)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Applied Landslide Area-Ratio in Slope Unit for Landslide Potential Prediction Models-1Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Characteristics of Sar Radar Image for Landslide Area and Its Application to Rapid Landslide Detection(I)Yuan-Fong SuNational Science and Technology Council
2020A Study of Delay-Aware Dynamic Wide Area Voltage Control Techniques(II)Heng-Yi SuNational Science and Technology Council
2020營建材料品管控制之檢測分析試驗Wei-Chung Yeih慶康實業股份有限公司
2020壓鑄模具鑄造方案拉伸試驗(2)Shuei-Wan JuangWang Pai Precision Enterprise
2020109年坡頭漁港改善規劃研究計畫Wen-Kai WengHsinchu County Government
2020109年坡頭漁港改善規劃研究計畫 -1Chi-Yu LiHsinchu County Government
2020109年坡頭漁港改善規畫研究計畫Wen-Kai WengHsinchu County Government
2020高雷諾數流通過6:1橢球體的實驗研究(II)Jiahn-Horng ChenUnited States Navy
2020多菌種自動光學數位病原量檢測模組Chih-Wei WuDepartment of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
2020整合人機介面開發Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020影像人工智慧海面汙染量測分析IIIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020南澳漁港港口改善工程評估工作計畫規劃Wen-Kai WengMarine and Fisher Development Office, Yilan Country
2020南澳漁港港口改善工程評估工作計畫規劃 -1Chi-Yu LiMarine and Fisher Development Office, Yilan Country
2020高雄新市鎮新設科學園區環境影響評估計畫-高速公路及高速鐵路振動調查評估Rong-Juin ShyuSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2020The Big Data Industry of Offshore Wind Energy in Taiwan: Development and Applications ( IV)National Science and Technology Council
2020水質物聯網固定式機台量測/校正介面開發Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020離岸風電開發設計安全及運維管理評估IITai-Wen HsuChina Steel Corporation
2020Multi-Response Optimization of Interrupted Cutting for High-Entropy Alloy Nitride Films Onto Cbn Tools InsertsNational Science and Technology Council
2020離島海岸災害風險與防災緩衝區韌性探討Wei-Po HuangWater Resources Planning Institute
2020多重化水質感測晶片開發Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020「東沙島環礁既有航道助航泊靠設施及海岸線強固工程」專案管理(含監造)暨現場調查工作委託技術服務Tai-Wen HsuYOUNG ENGINEERING CONSULANTS CO, LTD
2020北段山區水文地質調查109—滲透係數推估模式與結構特徵Shih-Meng HsuSinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2020鹽寮海岸短期性養灘之監督工作Sung-Shan HsiaoTaiwan Power Company
2020影像人工智慧海面汙染量測分析Bor-Jiunn WenIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020水庫安全評估之可能最大洪水量估算模式研發Kwan-Tun LeeDepartment of Harbor and River Engineering
2020桃園一般性海堤區域及重要聚落海岸變遷監測調查計畫(1/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 2th River Management Office,WRA,MOEA
2020花蓮縣鹽寮漁港海域監測暨補償方式評估計畫Sung-Shan HsiaoHualien County Government
2020海域分區劃設及分級使用管理研究(1/2)Lien-Kwei ChienOcean Affairs Council
2020高效能低水下噪音的大型圍網漁船開發Jui-Hsiang KaoFAIR WELL FISHERY CO, LTD.
2020艦艇結構寸法設計與有限元素分析之研究Pai-Chen GuanCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2020底碇式波浪發電機組測試申請與海象觀測Shiaw-Yih TzangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020Study on the effects of the hydrodynamic characteristics under a mooring system failure for an aquaculture net cage(I)Hung-Jie TangNational Science and Technology Council
2020林口電廠暨大潭電廠鄰近海岸線侵淤成因委託技術服務工作(林口電廠海岸漂砂水工模型試驗)Wen-Kai WengSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2020林口電廠暨大潭電廠鄰近海岸線侵淤成因委託技術服務工作(林口電廠海岸漂砂水工模型試驗) -1Chi-Yu LiSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2020林口電廠海域海岸漂沙技術暨指導與成果諮詢Tai-Wen HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2020林口電廠暨大潭電廠鄰近海岸線侵淤成因委託技術服務工作Wen-Kai WengDepartment of Harbor and River Engineering
2020連續彎曲通道製備A356鋁合金半固態漿料及其處變性質形成機制之研究Shuei-Wan JuangMIN-SHIAN INDUSTRIAL COMPANY
2020臺東一般性海堤區域及重要聚落海岸變遷監測調查計畫(富岡至利嘉溪口)(1/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2020壓鑄模具鑄造方案的開發Shuei-Wan JuangCHINA PRECISION DIECASTING INC
2020臺北都會區大眾捷運系統萬大-中和-樹林線(第二期工程)委託技術服務DQ126設計標計畫Rong-Juin ShyuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2020The commissioed project of pioneer research of turbine design of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) type wave energy conversion systemChing-Yeh Hsin
2020109年度智慧製造跨校跨域教學策略聯盟計畫(臺大聯盟)Wen-Tung ChangMinistry of Education
2020剪緣前泡水對鋁合金壓鑄輪圈性質之影響Shuei-Wan JuangM.D.T. TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
2020基隆市109年災害防救深耕第3期計畫採購案Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2020潔能系統整合與應用人才培育計畫區域推動中心計畫-北北基I推動中心Jiahn-Horng ChenMinistry of Education
2020109年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Sung-Shan Hsiao雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2020壓鑄技術產學服務聯盟Shuei-Wan JuangDiecasting Industry Technology Service Alliance
2020壓鑄模具鑄造方案模流分析服務Shuei-Wan JuangYEH HSIN HSUEH INDUSTRY CORP
2020Study on the Buildup of Big Data Web Platform for the Operation and Maintenance of Taiwan Offshore Wind Farm( II )National Science and Technology Council
2020土木水利工程學門研究發展及推動規劃小組計畫Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Optimization of Air-System Configuration in Warship Underwater CompartmentShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Study of Thermoelectric Materials for Vessel ApplicationsChun-I WuNational Science and Technology Council
2020分析高鐵機車車架結構靜態強度及疲勞Rong-Juin ShyuTAIWAN ROLLING STOCK
2020發明專利申請維護及推廣計畫Bor-Jiunn WenNational Science and Technology Council
2020高等教育深耕計畫 第2部分特色領域研究中心Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
2020Multi Agency Data Integration for Hazards Management- A Case study Lienchiang Country(3/3)Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2020國立臺灣海洋大學大型空蝕水槽性能提升Jiahn-Horng ChenCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2020Key Technologies R&D and Certification for the Anti-Typhoon Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine( II )National Science and Technology Council
2019協和電廠更新改建計畫環境影響評估案(冷溫排水擴散水工模型試驗)Wen-Kai WengPacific Engineers & Constructors, Ltd
2019協和電廠更新改建計畫環境影響評估案(冷溫排水擴散水工模型試驗) -1Chi-Yu LiPacific Engineers & Constructors, Ltd
2019車輛穩定性分析Rong-Juin ShyuTAIWAN ROLLING STOCK
2019用過核子燃料最終處置計畫─海平面長期演化之地表水文與水文地質模式分析技術研究Cheng-Yu KuAtomic Energy Council
2019三合一量測手持式電路設計Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019Developing an Innovative Propulsion System Operating in Shallow WaterJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2019國際產學聯盟-引擎環保節能裝置之車輛測試Shih-Pin Liaw新識能國際股份有限公司
2019水質檢測系統三合一量測全配電路設計Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019非接觸紅外溫度量測委外分析計畫(非接觸紅外油汙量測委外分析)Bor-Jiunn WenIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019"FRP船與FRP產品之實驗 -2"Pai-Chen GuanCompal Electronics, Inc.
2019都市排水規劃複合型排水模組檢核與預警分析應用計畫Kwan-Tun LeeConstruction and Planning Agency, MOI
2019Study of Plastic Deformation of Pressure Chamber and the Effect on Fatigue StrengthPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2019Development of Multiple-User Vr System for the Assembly of Oil-Pipelines in SubmarineWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2019壓鑄模具鑄造方案模流分析服務Shuei-Wan JuangYEH HSIN HSUEH INDUSTRY CORP
2019以非定常流影響為考量之水下載具螺槳分析與設計Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019利用CFD進行螺槳性能計算Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019高雷諾數流通過6:1橢球體的實驗研究Jiahn-Horng ChenUnited States Navy
2019第3代川渠水輪機模型效率試驗Wen-Kai Weng同達綠能股份有限公司
2019協和電廠更新改建計畫暨燃料供應可行性研究-海岸利用管理說明書Wei-Po HuangUNION-TECH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CO.
2019A Computational Study of Unsteady Junction Vortex Flow by Les MethodJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Quantitative Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems Having the Function of Stormwater Detention for Building and Community Scale(Ii)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Preliminary Study on the Establishment of the Database and Inquiry System of Wave Conditions around a Harbor/Bay for Coastal Disaster Precaution SystemJaw-Guei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019新基本解法於薄膜自由振動問題之研究Ying-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study with Integration Of, Multifunction Micro-Electronic Controllers Applied on the Artificial Intelligent Ventricular Assist DevicesJyh-Jier HoNational Science and Technology Council
2019半導體元件製程技術實物實作Tsung-Hui Tsai
2019Development and Application by Incorporating Wwm3 into Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Crenulate Bay Shapes(II)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Integrated Watershed and Channel Hydrological Response Function for Flood Disaster Management and ForecastKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Study on the Electronic Energy-Band Structures near Grain Boundaries/Within Grain Interiors of Novel Earth-Abundant Thin-Film Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Their Photovoltaic PropertiesCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Modified Sampling for Concrete Ponding Test and Its Application in Accelerated Chloride Migration Test(I)Chung-Chia YangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Buckling Strength Analysis of Pressure Vessels Using Brittle and Ductile Material under Residual Stress Due to WeldingPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Study on the Self-Compacting Concrete Made with Ultra-Fine Reactive Fly AshJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Study on the Recognition of Fracture Network Pattern and Hydraulic Boundary around a BoreholeShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Computational Framework of Strong-Form Meshless Method for Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Beam StructuresShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study of Degenerate Scale for 2d Exterior Problems: Analytical Derivation Using Bipolar Coordinates and Numerical Experiment Using Boundary Element MethodJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019On the Complete Base for the Steklov EigenproblemsJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Applications of Angular Basis Function (Abf) Method Containing Cracklets and Stokeslets to Solve the Crack and Stokes Flow Problems.Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Diversification of Water Resources Management and Its Adjustment over the Areas of Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Taipei.(Ii)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Risk Assessment on Coastal Erosion of Coastal Cities and Vi LlagesWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Study on the Modified Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2019Verification by Laboratory Model Tests on Capture Efficiency of a Bh-Owsc under Irregular Waves Offshore Northeastern TaiwanShiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Structural Response Analyses of High-Speed Monohull Ship with Large Wave AmplitudesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Development of Multi-Sheets Nesting System in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2019Establishment of Benchmark Experiments and Analyses for Calibrating Dynamometry and Numerical Simulations Associated with Marine PropellersYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019Investing the Influence of Ship Wake Velocities in Waves Considering Ship/Hull Interactions to Propeller Performance and Unsteady Forces(I)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Numerical Analyses and Shape Optimization for Bottom-Hinged Oscillating Wave Surge Converters(II)Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2019Bearing Capacity of Drilled Shafts in Gravel Formation- Back Analysis from Full Scale Pile Loading Tests and Numerical Parametric StudiesSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Study of Integrated Risk Assessment of Climate Change in Coastal Areas in National Land Use Management and AdaptationLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study on Groundwater Characteristics and the Risk of Land Subsidence in Coastal AreasCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Investigation of High-Performance Single-Crystal Perovskite Surface Plasmon Nanolasers(I)Tzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Design and Implementation of an Electronically Controlled Pto System of Bh-Owsc and Its Output Power Maximizing Control(II)Chen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Development of Self-Powered Biosensors for Multiple Physiological Index of a Free-Swimming Fish and Used in Application of Internet of Things (Iot)Shih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Measurement and Analysis Investigation of Bending-Mechanical Characteristics of Flexible Graphene Thin-Film Substrates by an Image-Type Optical InterferometryBor-Jiunn WenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Design and Application of Modulating Wind-Turbine Blade Using Active/Passive Flow Control(I)Shun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Experimental Analysis on the Bulk and Interlaminar Fatigue Properties of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites with Matrix Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoplatelets(II)Yi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Prediction of Process Parameters by Using an Neural Network Model for Die Casting Alloys––Practice Ai of Die Casting IndustryShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Retained Austenite Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Ph Stainless Steel by Subzero Treatment Coupling Different Aging MethodsShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019An Investigation on the Film Forming Mechanisms and Mechanical Properties of Cu/Ni-Microdiamond Multilayers on Copper Alloy Substrates by Composite Electrodeposition TechnologyChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2019Investigation on the Prediction of Wave Attenuation in Wave–Structure Interaction Field Resulting from the Influence of Forward and Reverse FlowRuey-Syan ShihNational Science and Technology Council
2019Using Spark Plasma Sintering Method to Develop Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for Technology Transfer(III)Chun-I WuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Diversification of Water Resources Management and Its Adjustment over the Areas of Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Taipei.(Ii)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Study on the Modified Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2019Quantitative Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems Having the Function of Stormwater Detention for Building and Community Scale(Ii)Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2019水下載具周圍細微流場SPIV量測與特性分析Yi-Chih ChowCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2019Analysis of Wave Scattering by Tension-Leg Structures of Arbitrary Shapes over Uneven Bottoms(II)Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2019Nearshore Waves and Currents on Reefs of Taiping Island and Dongsha Island under Typhoon EventsShih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Scattering Effects on the Characteristics of Surface Plasmon Nanolasers(I)Tzy-Rong LinDepartment of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
2019A Study of Delay-Aware Dynamic Wide Area Voltage Control Techniques(I)Heng-Yi SuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Fabrication Ceramics Target and Transparent Conductive Oxide Films on Flexible SubstratesJihng-Kuo HoNational Science and Technology Council
2019基隆市核子事故區域民眾防護應變計畫修訂案Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2019可攜式光學數位病原量辨識系統之優化設計開發Chih-Wei WuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019龍門廠海域興建LNG接收站對周遭海域地形變化之漂沙模擬Tai-Wen HsuUNION-TECH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CO.
2019營建材料品管控制之檢測分析Wei-Chung YeihTaiwan Cement Corporation
2019宜蘭縣海岸防護整合規劃暨二級海岸防護計畫-海岸侵蝕技術諮詢工作Wei-Po HuangSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2019The Big Data Industry of Offshore Wind Energy in Taiwan: Development and Applications( III )National Science and Technology Council
2019Site Selection & Field Testing on Aquanet'S Floating Owc at Tamets( I )Jiahn-Horng Chen
2019新型救難艦?葉模型試驗Jui-Hsiang KaoShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2019Structure and Properties of High-Entropy Alloys Dlc FilmsNational Science and Technology Council
2019離岸風電開發設計安全及運維管理評估Tai-Wen HsuChina Steel Corporation
2019北段山區水文地質調查108-水力參數補遺與評估Shih-Meng HsuSinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2019溫差發電海水管水動力計算Chen-Chou LinIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019108年高級中等以上學校校園能資源管理及環境安全衛生計畫Cheng-Yu KuMinistry of Education
2019Study on the Buildup of Big Data Web Platform for the Operation and Maintenance of Taiwan Offshore Wind Farm( I )National Science and Technology Council
2019Key Technologies R&D and Certification for the Anti-Typhoon Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine( I )National Science and Technology Council
2019金門海岸防護(烈嶼黃厝至南山頭段)監測計畫Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2019艦艇結構寸法設計與有限元素分析之研究(1/2)Pai-Chen GuanCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019底碇式波浪發電機組測試申請與海象觀測Shiaw-Yih TzangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019胎內振動訊號與輪胎動力特性關係解讀研究計畫Rong-Juin ShyuKENDA RUBBER IND. CO., LTD.
2019實海域螺槳與附屬物性能評估(II)Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019海岸侵蝕災害風險評估及非工程管理策略研擬(1/2)Wei-Po HuangWater Resources Planning Institute
2019地滑地搶救大作戰互動教具研發2.0Shih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2019108年度智慧製造跨校跨域教學策略聯盟計畫(臺大聯盟)Wen-Tung ChangMinistry of Education
2019基隆市108年災害防救深耕第3期計畫Cheng-Yu KuKeelung City Fire Department
2019108年雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟計畫Sung-Shan Hsiao雲端自動化河海測量系統產學技術聯盟成員
2019Industry-University Service Alliance on Die Casting Technology( III )Shuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019無感測器水泵系統開發專案Jyh-Jong SheenChicony Power Technology Co., Ltd.
2019新竹市二級海岸防護整合規劃及計畫Wei-Po HuangHsinchu City Government
2019河口輸砂調查及砂源對沿岸供砂之可行性評估(含利嘉溪、知本溪、太麻里溪)(2/2)Wei-Po HuangThe 8th River Management Office, WRA
2019自動化移動式海洋弧菌即時檢測系統模組開發Chih-Wei WuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019高等教育深耕計畫第2部分-特色領域研究中心計畫(海洋工程科技中心)Tai-Wen HsuMinistry of Education
201920噸之港區巡邏警艇監造委託Yaw-Huei LeeTaiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd.
2019海底電纜實海域測試與資料收集Shiaw-Yih Tzang
2019和平溪、南澳溪及花蓮溪流域水文與水力蘊藏量分析整合資訊平台Kwan-Tun Lee
2019土木水利工程學門研究發展及推動規劃小組計畫Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government at Keelung City( II )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( II )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019興達海洋園區放流水於興達港內擴散影響之環境評估Hui-Ming FangSing Da Marine Structure Corporation
2019測試載台2.0版螺槳更新設計Jui-Hsiang KaoNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2019水下目標材質擬真之聲回波模擬研究Pei-Tai ChenNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2019應用計算流力與動態規劃方法進行天氣定航之研究Ching-Yeh HsinCR CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY
2019Multi Agency Data Integration for Hazards Management- a Case Study Lienchiang Country( II )Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2018High-resolution predication and management of water-related disasters in mountainous areas under climate change conditions(2/3-3/3)(2/2)-2Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2018北海岸水域遊憩資源整體規劃案(委託專業服務)Wen-Kai WengNorth Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area
2018北海岸水域遊憩資源整體規劃案(委託專業服務) -1Chi-Yu LiNorth Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area
2018臺北港物流倉儲區第三、四期圍堤新建工程暨第二期中隔堤回收再利用工程圍堤斷面水工模型試驗Wen-Kai WengCECI Engineering Consultants, INC., TAIWAN
2018臺北港物流倉儲區第三、四期圍堤新建工程暨第二期中隔堤回收再利用工程圍堤斷面水工模型試驗 -1Chi-Yu LiCECI Engineering Consultants, INC., TAIWAN
2018「基隆港航道、迴船池水域加深浚挖工程及土方 收容填區圍堤工程」平面水工模型試驗Wen-Kai WengCECI Engineering Consultants, INC., TAIWAN
2018「基隆港航道、迴船池水域加深浚挖工程及土方 收容填區圍堤工程」平面水工模型試驗 -1Chi-Yu LiCECI Engineering Consultants, INC., TAIWAN
2018A Parametric Study of System Integration of Wave Energy Converter with an Open Caisson to Enhance the Power Take-OffJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Analysis of Natural Wind Speed Profile of Taiwan West Coastal AreaJing-Jong JangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study on the Influence of Integrating Canal Hydrodynamics Measurement System on the Effect of Sediment TransportHui-Ming FangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Applications of New Method of Fundamental Solution to the Inverse Cauchy ProblemsYing-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2018Development and Application by Incorporating Wwm3 into Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Crenulate Bay Shapes(I)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Meshless Implementation on Numerical Model Development of Boussinesq EquationTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Main Project and Subproject 4: Scenario Simulation and Disaster Management for Concentrated Runoff from Suburban Mountain Areas under Severe Weather Conditions (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2018A Study on the Electronic Energy-Band Structures near Grain Boundaries/Within Grain Interiors of Novel Earth-Abundant Thin-Film Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Their Photovoltaic PropertiesCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Using Generalized Finite Difference Method for Three-Dimensional Parallel-Computation Numerical Wave Flume Based on Viscous Incompressible FluidChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2018A Study on the Production of Flowing Concrete Using Ultra-Fine Reactive Fly AshJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Data Mining for Additional Hydrogeologic Data and Application on Groundwater Resources Assessment in the Mountainous Region of TaiwanShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Application of Rigid Body Motion Rule to Nonlinear Geometric Analysis of Thin-Shells Using the Strong-Form Meshless MethodShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study of Degenerate Scale for 2d Exterior Problems: Analytical Derivation Using Bipolar Coordinates and Numerical Experiment Using Boundary Element MethodJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018A Study on the Degenerate Scale by Using the Dimensionless 2d Fundamental SolutionJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Fictitious-Frequency Problem and Its Treatment in the Indirect Bem and the MfsJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Diversification of Water Resources Management and Its Adjustment over the Areas of Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Taipei.(I)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Study on Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment &Amp; Remedies( II )Wei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018A Study on the Modified Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2018Verification by Laboratory Model Tests on Capture Efficiency of a Bh-Owsc under Irregular Waves Offshore Northeastern TaiwanShiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Global Structural Response Analyses of a Trimaran with Equivalent Regular Design WavesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Investigation of Propeller Wake Geometry and Establishment of Its Computational MethodChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Numerical Analyses and Shape Optimization for Bottom-Hinged Oscillating Wave Surge Converters(I)Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2018Research on Virtual Reality Application to Ship Piping DesignWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2018Effects of Concrete Elastic Modulus and Readout Data from Different Gages on Interpretation of Axial Pile Loading Test of Drilled Shaft (Ii)San-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Hydrological Factor Measurement and Impact Analysis of Estuarine and CoastalSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2018Total Project: Coastal Development Use and Conservation of National Land and Environmental Risk Assessment and Sub-Project 3: Operation Permission Assessment of Coastal Area Land Development and Environmental Risk Management( II )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study on the Risk Assessment and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal Areas ( II - III )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Investigation of Tunable Graphene-Based Plasmonic-Photonic Crystal NanobiosensorsTzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Design and Implementation of an Electronically Controlled Pto System of Bh-Owsc and Its Output Power Maximizing Control(I)Chen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Integrally Formed Designs for the Rotational Balancing of Disk Cams and Their Optimization and Experimental VerificationWen-Tung ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Sex Differentiation Measurement of a Living Fish: Wireless Biosensor System for Real-Time Monitoring of Blood Steroid Hormones Levels in Grouper FishShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Interfacial-Stress Investigation of Flexible Transparent Multilayer Thin-Film Substrates by an Automatic Image-Type Single-Direction Common-Path InterferometryBor-Jiunn WenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Improvement of Air Flow in Duct Elbow Using Bulge-Modulated Blockage RatioShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study of the Ocean Wave Impacts on Vertical Cylinders in the Directional Irregular Wave Field (II)Chi-Yu LiNational Science and Technology Council
2018Experimental Analysis on the Bulk and Interlaminar Fatigue Properties of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites with Matrix Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoplatelets(I)Yi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Cryogenetic Strength and Toughness of Duplex Stainless Steel after Grain Refining and Phase Transformation by Thermal CyclingShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Meshless Implementation on Numerical Model Development of Boussinesq Equation 2018-1Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2018Analysis of Wave Scattering by Tension-Leg Structures of Arbitrary Shapes over Uneven Bottoms(I)Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2018Nearshore Waves and Currents on Reefs of Taiping Island and Dongsha Island under Typhoon EventsShih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Using Spark Plasma Sintering Method to Develop Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for Technology Transfer(II)Chun-I WuNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Establishment of an Air-Blower Wave Power Generation Device System in the Nearshore Zone( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Big Data Industry of Offshore Wind Energy in Taiwan: Development and Applications( II )National Science and Technology Council
2018萬里漁港東外堤改善工程水工模型試驗Wen-Kai WengNew Taipei City Government
2018萬里漁港東外堤改善工程水工模型試驗 -1Chi-Yu LiNew Taipei City Government
2018台中港外港區擴建計畫(第一期)環境影響評估-水工模型漂沙試驗Wen-Kai WengSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2018台中港外港區擴建計畫(第一期)環境影響評估-水工模型漂沙試驗 -1Chi-Yu LiSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2018Industry-University Service Alliance on Die Casting Technology( II )Shuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018National Science Technology Program- Energy Project for Promoting and Managing Energy Policy Bridging and Communication DivisionTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Engineering Databank and Information Modeling Platform for Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Design and Maintenance ManagementNational Science and Technology Council
2018National Energy Program-Phase II (Nep- II ): Program Office Operations &Amp; Management (2018)National Science and Technology Council
2018Smart Disaster Prevention System in Mountainous Region-Disaster Prevention and Management for Drought and LandslideShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018土木水利工程學門研究發展及推動規劃小組計畫Jeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Research on the Wave Effecs to Marine Propeller Performances (II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government at Keelung City( I )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Flood Forecasting with Short-Duration Heavy Rainfall by Using Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Modeling in River Basin-3Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Multi Agency Data Integration for Hazards Management- a Case Study Lienchiang Country( I )Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2017High-Resolution Predication and Management of Water-Related Disasters in Mountainous Areas under Climate Change Conditions( II - III )( I )-2Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2017風波能發電系統共置示範計畫可行性研究Tai-Wen Hsu
2017Using Spark Plasma Sintering Method to Develop Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for Technology Transfer(I)Chun-I WuNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Parametric Study of System Integration of Wave Energy Converter with an Open Caisson to Enhance the Power Take-OffJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Quantitative Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems Having the Function of Stormwater Detention for Building and Community ScaleChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2017Motorcycle Reduction Strategies for Improving Road Traffic SafetyTzay-An ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2017A New Scheme of Capturing Diagonal Terms in the Mfs for Potential ProblemsYing-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Meshless Implementation on Numerical Model Development of Boussinesq EquationTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Wave Induced Setup, Nearshore Current and Morphological Changes at Dongsha AtollTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Scenario Simulation and Disaster Management for Concentrated Runoff from Suburban Mountain Areas under Severe Weather Conditions (Ii)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Model Predictive Control Strategy to the Capturing of Ocean Wave EnergyChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Solving Large Scale 2d Hydrodynamic Problems with Weighted-Least-Square Local Polynomial ApproximationNan-Jing WuNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on the Defects and Bandgap/ Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations on the Performance of Cztsse Thin-Film Solar Cells with Sub-Millimeter-Scale GrainsCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Applications of Generalized Finite Difference Method and Rigid Body Rule to Geometrically Nonlinear Thin-Plate TheoryShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2017Using Generalized Finite Difference Method and Parallel Computation to Build a Three-Dimensional Numerical Wave FlumeChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2017Coupled Isogeometric Analysis Method and Peridynamics Method for the Modeling of Crack Open Analysis on Ship HullPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Submerged Creast Structure to Enhance Power Efficiency of a Group Point Absorption Wave ConvertorWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on the Performances of the Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study on Scattering of Sh Waves by a Semielliptic Canyon under Antiplane Line-Source ExcitationsDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2017Groundwater Recession Curve Analysis and Recharge Estimation in Fractured Rock AquiferShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Self-Regularized Boundary Element Method-Theory and ApplicationsJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study of Degenerate Scale for 2d Exterior Problems: Analytical Derivation Using Bipolar Coordinates and Numerical Experiment Using Boundary Element MethodJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Isogeometric Analysis Dual Bem for the Degenerate Boundary with Laplace EquationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Reservoir Operation Strategy for Multipurpose Utilization of Water Resources(Ⅲ)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Study on Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment &Amp; Remedies( II )Wei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on the Modified Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2017Comparison Study of Long-Term Extreme Value on Wave Loads for Different Routes of a High Speed TrimaranChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Ergonomics and Parameter Optimization for Intelligent Autostereoscopic Camera SystemHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Design, Sensing and Control Development for the Low Power Consumption Pulsatile Left Ventricular Assist Device PumpShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Research and Development of a Marine-Type, Contactless, Optical Torque MeterYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Investigation of Propeller Wake Geometry and Establishment of Its Computational MethodChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Cavitation Imaging and Piv Measurements for a Propeller Influenced by Pre-Swirl FinsYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2017Research on Optimization of Nesting Problem in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2017Effects of Concrete Elastic Modulus and Readout Data from Different Gages on Interpretation of Axial Pile Loading Test of Drilled Shaft and BarretteSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Developing Universal Led Water Fish LampJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Natural and Artificial Coastline Increasing/Decreasing Rate and Strategy for Mitigation Development of Taiwan Due to Environmental ChangesSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2017Experimental Study of the Harbor Ship Chimney Pollution Discharge Affecting on Nearby Urban Pedestrian Level Wind and Canopy Flow Environment and Pollution Dispersion CharacteristicsBao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2017Total Project: Coastal Development Use and Conservation of National Land and Environmental Risk Assessment and Sub-Project 3: Operation Permission Assessment of Coastal Area Land Development and Environmental Risk Management( II )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study on the Risk Assessment and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal Areas ( II - III )Cheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Investigation of Tunable Graphene-Based Plasmonic-Photonic Crystal NanobiosensorsTzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Model Predictive Control Strategy to the Capturing of Ocean Wave EnergyChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Development of a Microfluidic Device for the Investigation of Metabolic Profiles of Caenorhabditis Elegans Induced by High-Glucose Toxicity and the Protective Effect of Natural Anti-Glucose Toxicity DrugsShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Novel Bluff-Body on Improving Temperature Uniformity and Combustion Efficiency of Non-Premixed Flame (Ii)Shun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study of the Ocean Wave Impacts on Vertical Cylinders in the Directional Irregular Wave FieldChi-Yu LiNational Science and Technology Council
2017Temperature Effect on the Fatigue Strength of Carbon Nanotube/Graphene Nanoplatelet/Epoxy CompositesYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Feasibility Study on Using Fly Ash Used as Part of Mold Sand in Furan Sand MoldsShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Cryogenetic Strength and Toughness of Duplex Stainless Steel after Grain Refining and Phase Transformation by Thermal CyclingShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Corrosion Resistance and Adhesion Strength of a Dlc-Coated Bio-Medical Ti Alloy with an Interlayer of Ti/Si Hybrid OxidesChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Model Predictive Control Strategy to the Capturing of Ocean Wave Energy-1Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study of the Ocean Wave Impacts on Vertical Cylinders in the Directional Irregular Wave Field-1Wen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2017Meshless Implementation on Numerical Model Development of Boussinesq Equation 2017-1Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on the Stability of Offshore Structures Built on a Nonhomogeneous SeabedChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2017A High Resolution Flow Field Simulations of Dongsha IslandShin-Jye LiangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Numerical Study of Long-Period Infragravity Wave on the Nearshore of Dongsha IslandShih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( III )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Big Data Industry of Offshore Wind Energy in Taiwan: Development and Applications( I )National Science and Technology Council
2017The Big Data Industry of Offshore Wind Energy in Taiwan: Development and Applications( I )National Science and Technology Council
2017Erasmus+ Mobility ProjectChi-Yu LiEuropean Commission
2017協和電廠更新改建計畫暨燃料供應可行性研究定案平面配置水工模型遮蔽試驗Wen-Kai WengPacific Engineers & Constructors, Ltd
2017協和電廠更新改建計畫暨燃料供應可行性研究定案平面配置水工模型遮蔽試驗 -1Chi-Yu LiPacific Engineers & Constructors, Ltd
2017台北海岸防護計畫規劃Wen-Kai WengThe 10th River Management Office,WRA,MOEA
2017台北海岸防護計畫規劃 -1Chi-Yu LiThe 10th River Management Office,WRA,MOEA
2017Simulation and Testing Technology Development on the Performance of Car Manipulation for Tire( II )Jinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Industry-University Service Alliance on Die Casting Technology( I )Shuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017National Science Technology Program- Energy Project for Promoting and Managing Energy Policy Bridging and Communication Division 4Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Expansion and promotion of the cloud operation system for detention facility designKwan-Tun Lee
2017National Energy Program – Phase II (Nep-Ii): Program Office Operations &Amp; Management (2017)National Science and Technology Council
2017Study on the Integration of Disaster Prevention Database for Central and Local Government_A Pilot Study at Keelung CityCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2017在任意底床上波浪引致之土壤反應與液化Chia-Cheng Tsai
2017氣候變遷對海岸及河口地區衝擊之評估 (2/2)Tai-Wen Hsu
2017Multi Agency Data Integration for Hazards Management- a Case Study Lienchiang CountyYu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Simulation and Monitoring of Flow Discharge and Sediment Concentration in Tamsui River Basin( III )-7Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2016High-resolution predication and management of water-related disasters in mountainous areas under climate change conditions( I )-2Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study on the Influences of Electric-Arc Furnace Slag and Natural Coarse Aggregates on Properties of Self-Compacting ConcreteJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Value-added study of subsurface prospecting data to applications of geotechnical engineeringShih-Meng HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Study on the Interaction between the Vortex Shedding Due to Flow Past a Circular Cylinder and a JetJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Innovative Design and Application of Rainwater Harvesting System to Control Stormwater RunoffChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2016Wave Induced Setup, Nearshore Current and Morphological Changes at Dongsha AtollTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Meshless Implementation on Numerical Model Development of Boussinesq EquationTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Scenario Simulation and Disaster Management for Concentrated Runoff from Suburban Mountain Areas under Severe Weather ConditionsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016Wave Induced Setup, Nearshore Current and Morphological Changes at Dongsha AtollTai-Wen HsuLife Sciences Research Promotion Center (LSRPC)
2016A High Resolution Flow Field Simulations of Dongsha IslandShin-Jye LiangNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study on the Defects and Bandgap/ Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations on the Performance of Cztsse Thin-Film Solar Cells with Sub-Millimeter-Scale GrainsCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Generalized Finite Difference Method for Propagation of Nonlinear Water Waves in Numerical Wave FlumeChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Develop the Isogeometric Analysis (Iga) Ship Structural Analysis Model for Slamming AnalysisPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study on the Performances of the Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study of the Applications of the Electrochemical Dehumidification Method on the Concrete MembersWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2016Study on the Scattering Problem of Sh Waves by a Scalene Triangular HillDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2016Degenerate-Scale Free Bie Formulation and Boundary Element ImplementationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Self-Regularized Boundary Element Method-Theory and ApplicationsJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Applications of Modified Green$S Functions for Solving Boundary Value Problems of 2d Laplace EquationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Reservoir Operation Strategy for Multipurpose Utilization of Water ResourcesWen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Study on Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment &Amp; RemediesWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of a Novel Three-Dimensional Micro Particle Tracking Velocimetry Based on Bessel Beam ImagesJyh-Jong SheenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Long-Term Extreme Value Analysis on Wave Loads of a TrimaranChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of Dual-wavelength Laser Direct-write Nanolithography System for Localized Surface Plasma Resonance BiochipHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Piv Measurements and Cavitation Imaging for the Flow on the Blade Surface of a Rotating PropellerYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016Doppler Blood Flow Meter Development and Superficial Artery Vibration Measurement by Espi &Amp; Projection MorieShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of the Energy Loss of Propellers in Ship MotionsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Experimental Investigations on the Flow Past a Circular Cylinder Just before a Backward-Facing StepYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigating the Scattered Wave due to Dipoles of an Operating Propeller by a Weighting-Iteration MethodJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Natural and Artificial Coastline Increasing/Decreasing Rate and Strategy for Mitigation Development of Taiwan Due to Environmental ChangesSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016Experimental Measurement on the Airborne Pollution Dispersion around the Step up Street Canyon in the Turbulent Boundary Layer Cross FlowBao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2016Total Project: Coastal Development Use and Conservation of National Land and Environmental Risk Assessment and Sub-Project 5: Operation Permission Assessment of Coastal Area Land Development and Environmental Risk ManagementLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2016Study on the Risk Assessment and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal AreasCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Plasmonic Phoxonic Crystal NanolasersTzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Tunable Graphene-Based Plasmonic-Photonic Crystal NanobiosensorsTzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Design of a Ten-Link Type Double-Toggle Mold/Die Clamping Mechanism and its Mechanical Error Analysis and Performance VerificationWen-Tung ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Microwell Array Device for Measuring Single-Cell Oxygen Consumption Rates Based on Phase-Based Lifetime Detection in Applications of Tgiv Infection and Anti-Viral Drugs ScreeningShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of automatic image-type residual folding, thermal stresses, and electrical-property measurement and analysis of flexible transparent conducting substrates for whole folding testBor-Jiunn WenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Novel Bluff-Body on Improving Temperature Uniformity and Combustion Efficiency of Non-Premixed FlameShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2016中興社海鼎離岸風場可行性研究計畫–海域地形變遷影響評估Chi-Yu LiSinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2016Experimental Analysis on the Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Carbon Nanotube/Graphene Nanoplatelet/Epoxy CompositesYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Effect of Al2o3 Reacted by In-Situ Synthesis between Fly Ash and Aluminum Melt on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Fly Ash CompositesShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Mo Bearing Special Stainless Steels for New Ultra-Supercritical Coal-Fired Power Plant after Multiple Thermal CyclingShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Meshless Implementation on Numerical Model Development of Boussinesq Equation 2016-1Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2016Using Symbolic Computing to Study Mass Transport of Interfacial Waves in Lagrangian DescriptionChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2016A High Resolution Flow Field Simulations of Dongsha IslandShin-Jye LiangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Numerical Study of Long-Period Infragravity Wave on the Nearshore of Dongsha IslandShih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( II )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016105年度白沙灣離岸流動態模型建置計畫案Wen-Kai WengNorth Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area
2016105年度白沙灣離岸流動態模型建置計畫案 -1Chi-Yu LiNorth Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area
2016Adaptive plans for high risk coastal areas due to climate changeTai-Wen HsuWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)-4Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)-3Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016An Establishment of Oceanography Prediction System around Matsu AreaJaw-Guei LinInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2016Simulation and Testing Technology Development on the Performance of Car Manipulation for Tire( I )Jinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Promotion of the Cloud Automated Ocean and River Survey System( III )Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016Evaluating and reinforcing the coping capacity of disaster - A case study of Keelung PortTzay-An ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2016海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2016National Science Technology Program- Energy Project for Promoting and Managing Energy Policy Bridging and Communication Division 3Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of Flash-Flood Warning System Considering Watersheds with Different Geo-Hydrological CharacteristicsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016A study of Web-GIS cloud operation system for detention facilities capacity allocationKwan-Tun Lee
2016National Energy Program - Phase II (NEP-II) : Program Office Operations ; Management (2016)National Science and Technology Council
2016Simulation and monitoring of flow discharge and sediment concentration in Tamsui River basin(II)-3Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on Watershed’S Sediment Resources Management Topics( III )-1Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Shear Flow Past a Rotating Bluff BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Innovative Design and Application of Rainwater Harvesting System to Control Stormwater RunoffChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Age-Friendly Service Training for Bus Driver -A Case Study of New Taipei CityTzay-An ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Nonsingular Boundary Collocation Method for the Inverse Problems in ElasticityYing-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015Using Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method to Approximate Radiation Boundary ConditionsTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Application of Real-Time Runoff Model in Mountain Areas Integrated into Disaster Contingency Platform ( III )Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015Using Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method to Approximate Radiation Boundary ConditionsTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study on the Defects and Bandgap/ Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations on the Performance of Cztsse Thin-Film Solar Cells with Sub-Millimeter-Scale GrainsCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Using Generalized Finite Difference Method and GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) Parallel Computation to Develop a Highly Efficient Model for Shallow Water EquationsChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Acoustic Radiations of Infinite and Finite Ribbed Periodical Submerged Cylindrical ShellsPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Develop the Meshfree Numerical Method for the Fluid-Structure Interaction with Underwater ExplosionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on Wave Energy Focusing Induced by Submerged Composite Crescent Plate.Wen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study of the Applications of the Electrochemical Dehumidification Method on the Concrete MembersWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study on the Performances of the Cement-Based Crack Injection MaterialsJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on the Scattering Problem of SH Waves in a Horizontally Truncated Wedge-Shaped Interior PlaneDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2015Applications of the Rigid Body Rule and Force Equilibrium to Geometric Nonlinear Theory of Thick ShellsShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2015Degenerate-Scale Free Bie Formulation and Boundary Element ImplementationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Main Tuned Mass Damper of Taipei 101 BuildingJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Self-Regularized Boundary Element Method-Theory and ApplicationsJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Reservoir Operation Strategy for Multipurpose Utilization of Water ResourcesWen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Study on the Coastal Protection Engineering Guideline and the Non-Engineering Strategy for Thesustainable ManagementWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2015An Application of Collision Avoidance System for a Container Ship with Real-Time SimulatorChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Model-Free Predictive Current Control Technology for Advanced Slim Sensorless BLDC Permanent Magnet Electric Motors with Low Rare Earth ElementsHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Axial, Lateral and Biaxial Loading Tests and Analyses of Drilled Shafts Embedded in Composite GroundSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Sediments Transport of the Estuary and Coastal Area Which in the SurfzoneSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2015Elevated Point Source Dispersion around Consecutive Two Ridged Hills in the Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow of Coastal CityBao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study of Coastal Area Development and Ocean Change Interaction under Climate Change - Sub-Project 5:A Study of Risk Assessment and Management of National Land and Urban Planning on Coastal Area under Climate Change( II )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Groundwater Flow Models in Unsaturated Soils and Applications for Slope StabilityCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on the Characteristics of Regional Groundwater and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal RegionsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Investigation of Plasmonic Phoxonic Crystal NanolasersTzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on a Non-Contact and Integrated Measuring System for Profile Accuracy and Surface Roughness of Camshaft WorkpiecesWen-Tung ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Frequency-Domain Parameter Identification Using the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm for Low Signal-Noise Ratio SystemsChyun-Chau FuhNational Science and Technology Council
2015Wireless Biosensor System Integrated with a Microinjection System for Real-Time Monitoring of Blood Glucose/Cholesterol Levels and Drug Microinjection in Grouper FishShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Design and Performance of Cambered-Airfoil Turning Vanes in Duct ElbowsShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Static and Fatigue Properties of Carbon Nanotube/Graphene/Epoxy CompositesYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Influence of Pulsed Arc and Electromagnetic Vibration on Microstructure and Properties of Super Stainless Steel Weld MetalShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2015An Operational Quadtree-Adaptive Model to Predict the Wave Fields Generated by TyphoonsChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2015Using Local Radial Basis Function Collo-1cation Method to Approximate Radiation Boundary Conditions-1Chia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2015Numerical Study of Wave Spectrum Transformation over Fringing Coral Reefs(2)Shih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Areas (Ii)-1Shih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( I )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Soil Improvement for Offshore Wind Farm with Soft Soil( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Study to Cooperate Wash123d Surficial Flow Module to Disaster Management Informatics PlatformNational Science and Technology Council
2015An Establishment of Oceanography Prediction System around Kinmen Area for 2015Jaw-Guei LinInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2015Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing ConditionsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Investigation of environmental low-frequency noise and vibration and research project for improvement measuresRong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2015Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions-2Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2015EU FP7 Pearl: Preparing for Extreme and Rare Events in Coastal RegionsLife Sciences Research Promotion Center (LSRPC)
2015The Investigation on Flow Field Characteristics Near The Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2015A study of coastal protective impact and adaptation due to climate change on central (Yunlin, Taichung and Changhua) and Huatung coasts (2/2)Tai-Wen Hsu
2015National Science Technology Program- Energy Project for Promoting and Managing Energy Policy Bridging and Communication Division 2Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2015National Energy Program - Phase II (NEP-II) : Program Office Operations & Management (2015)National Science and Technology Council
2015Promotion of the Cloud Automated Ocean and River Survey System( II )Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2015Promotion Project for International Linkage on Offshore Renewable Energy DevelopmentJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Developing a Performance Evaluation System for Disaster Prevention and Evacuation---a Case Study of South-Link Line of Taiwan RailwaysTzay-An ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2015海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Flash-Flood Warning System Considering Watersheds with Different Geo-Hydrological CharacteristicsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015A study of decision support and cloud operating system for the allocation of stormwater detention capacityKwan-Tun Lee
2015Environmental System Analysis and Value-Added Climatic Index (III)Ming-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of a Point Absorption Wave ConverterWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2015Blade DesignChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Preliminary Study on an On-Shore OWC Incorporated with a FlapperYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2015Simulation and Monitoring of Flow Discharge and Sediment Concentration in Tamsui River Basin-3Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on Watershed’S Sediment Resources Management Topics( II )-6Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Self-Powered Wireless Biosensor System for Real-Time Monitoring of Blood Glucose/Cholesterol Levels in Grouper FishShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Shear Flow Past a Rotating Bluff BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development and Application of Reciprocating Pitch Angle Fluid Dynamic Energy ConverterNational Science and Technology Council
2014A Numerical Study on the Collision Avoidance of a Container ShipChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Analysis of Design Wind Speed Variation above the Gradient Height for Large City Terrain (III)Jing-Jong JangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Evaluating Transportation Sustainability and Transport Quality of Life (II)Tzay-An ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2014Semi-Analytical Approach for Torsion Problems of a Circular Bar with Multiple Holes and/or CracksYing-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Developments of a Novel and Parallel Numerical Model for Shallow Water EquationsChia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2014Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Structural Vibration Induced Noise Radiation in Water and Its Reduction by Nearly Periodical Rib StiffenersPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Effects of Specimen Parameters on the Concrete$S ResistivityJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Scattering Problem of SH Waves by an Isosceles Triangular HillDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2014A New Approach to Develop the Geometric Nonlinear Theory of Thin Shells Based on the Rigid Body Motion Rule and Force EquilibriumShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2014Program Development and Theoretical Study of Dual Boundary Integral Equation Method by Using the Singular Value Decomposition and Addition TheoremJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Degenerate-Scale Free Bie Formulation and Boundary Element ImplementationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources over Zhanghua and Yunlin Area and Its AdaptationWen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Study on the Coastal Protection Engineering Guideline and the Non-Engineering Strategy for the Sustainable ManagementWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2014A Study of the Applications of the Electrochemical Dehumidification Method on the Concrete MembersWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of Model-Free Predictive Current Control Technology for Advanced Slim Sensorless BLDC Permanent Magnet Electric Motors with Low Rare Earth ElementsHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Development of a Multi-Angle Incident Light and Multi-Point Measurement Phase Image Interrogation Surface Plasmon Resonance SystemShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of an Integrated Computational Method for the Propeller Energy Loss CoefficientsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Research on Irregular Stock Cutting Problem for Large Shapes in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2014Axial, Lateral and Biaxial Loading Tests and Analyses of Drilled Shafts Embedded in Composite GroundSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014A New Approach to Extract Characteristic Parameters of the Buoc-Wen Model for Describing the Structural Dynamic BehaviorJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Application of Real-Time Runoff Model in Mountain Areas Integrated into Disaster Contingency Platform (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Experimental Measurement on the Dispersion Characteristics of Elevated Point Source Discharge in Coastal and Harbor RegionBao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2014A Study of Coastal Area Development and Ocean Change Interaction under Climate Change - Sub-Project 5:A Study of Risk Assessment and Management of National Land and Urban Planning on Coastal Area under Climate ChangeLien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Characteristics of Regional Groundwater and Land Subsidence Problems in Coastal RegionsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Investigation of Plasmonic Phoxonic Crystal NanolasersTzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on a Rapid and Non-Destructive Measuring Method for the Web Thickness of MicrodrillsWen-Tung ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of the Automatically Celluar Metabolic Analyzer with Ablility of Simultaneous Measurement of Three Metabolic ProductsShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Wind-Farm Flow Behaviors of S809 Airfoils Using Various Geometric ArrangementsShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Effect of Mixed Mode at the Crack Tip on the Interfacial Fatigue Crack Behavior of Sandwich Beams with Aluminum Foam CoresYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Influence of Pulsed Arc and Electromagnetic Vibration on Microstructure and Properties of Super Stainless Steel Weld MetalShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Sol-Gel Built Thermal Barrier Interlayers on the Antioxidation and Adhesion of Two Substrates with Dlcs Outmost LayersChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2014An Operational Quadtree-Adaptive Model to Predict the Wave Fields Generated by TyphoonsChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2014Data Mining Model for Beach Profiles Evolutions-1Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2014Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Areas (II)-1Shih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Computations of the Propeller Forces of the High Speed Boats in WavesChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2014An Establishment of Oceanography Prediction System around Kinmen AreaJaw-Guei LinInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014近鄰低頻噪音及振動之調查及改善措施研究Rong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2014A Study on the Construction of Low Cost Offshore Wind Turbine Underwater StructureSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Investigation on Flow Field Characteristics Near The Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014A study on performance-based seismic design framework of port structures(4/4)Cheng-Yu KuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014National Science Technology Program-Energy Project for Promoting and Managing Energy Policy Bridging and Communication Division 1Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2014A study of coastal protective impact and adaptation due to climate change on central (Yunlin, Taichung and Changhua) and Huatung coasts (1/2)Tai-Wen Hsu
2014Promotion of the Cloud Automated Ocean and River Survey System (I)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2014海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Tai-Wen Hsu
2014Development of Flash-Flood Warning System Considering Watersheds with Different Geo-Hydrological CharacteristicsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014氣候變遷下的海岸地形變遷過程研究 (1/2)Tai-Wen Hsu
2014Numerical Study of Wave Spectrum Transformation over Fringing Coral ReefsShih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Establishment of Taiwan Marine Energy Test Site (Tamets) (Ii)Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on Watershed’S Sediment Resources Management Topics( I )-3Yu-Jia ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Innovative Design of a High Efficiency and Low Noise Hand DryerShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Null-Field Integral Equation Approach for Magnetoelectroelastic Problems with Circular and Elliptic InclusionsYing-Te LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Shear Flow Past a Rotating Bluff BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Analysis of Design Wind Speed Variation above the Gradient Height for Large City Terrain (II)Jing-Jong JangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Using SWAN to Simulate Directional Random Waves Passing Through a Submerged Dike Seated on Slopping BottomJaw-Guei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Evaluating Transportation Sustainability and Transport Quality of LifeTzay-An ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2013Using Swan to Simulate Directional Random Waves Passing through a Submerged Dike Seated on Slopping BottomJaw-Guei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Incorparation of WWM and HOMSE forsimulationg waves propagating submerged breakwater over a sloping beachTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2013On the directional wave specturm over a submerged breakwater on a sloping beach(III)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2013Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Structural Vibration Induced Noise Radiation in Water and Its Reduction by Nearly Periodical Rib StiffenersPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Experimental Study of Directional Irregular Wave’s Transformation around Submerged Breakwater on a Slope BeachWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2013A study on crack repair for concrete in marine environmentJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2013A Study of the Efficiency of Reducing Wave Energy by the Pervious ConcreteWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on the Interaction of Sh Waves with a Kink-Tipped Semi-Infinite CrackDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2013A New Method to Formulate Buckling Equations of Thin-Walled I-Beam with Variable Curvatures and Warping Deformations Based on Rigid Body Rule and Force EquilibriumShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2013Linkage between the Degenerate Scale in the Bem/Biems and Unit Logarithmic Capacity in the Theory of Complex VariablesJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Scattering problem of semi-circular and/or semi-elliptical hills containing tunnels subject to SH wave by using the null-field boundary integral equation methodJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Program development and theoretical study of dual boundary integral equation method by using the singular value decomposition and addition theoremJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources over Zhanghua and Yunlin Area and Its Adaptation (II)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Design and Drive Control Technology for High-Efficiency Halbach Magnetic Array and Double-Gap Transverse Flux Sensorless Brushless DC Motors with Low Rare Earth MaterialsHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Investigations of the Wave Effect on Propeller PerformanceChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Time-Resolved PIV Measurements for Pressure Distributions around 2D Hydrofoils at Different Cavitation NumbersYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2013A Study of Flow past a Circular Cylinder over a Backward-Facing StepJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Development and application of reciprocating pitch angle fluid dynamic energy converterNational Science and Technology Council
2013Axial, Lateral and Biaxial Loading Tests and Analyses of Drilled Shafts Embedded in Composite GroundSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Application of Real-Time Runoff Model in Mountain Areas Integrated into Disaster Contingency Platform (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013Experimental Measurement on the Pollution Dispersion of Negative Buoyant Heavy Gas Plume in the Topography with Upwind SlopeBao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on a rockmass discontinuum model integrated with the shallow water equation for granular debris flowsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Integrating Critical Path Method and High Level Petri Nets for Multiple Resources Constrained Project Management and Patent Citation AnalysisChang-Pin LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Theoretical Modeling and Design of Semiconductor Plasmonic Nanolasers (II)Tzy-Rong LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical SystemChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Development of the Automatically Celluar Metabolic Analyzer with Ablility of Simultaneous Measurement of Three Metabolic ProductsShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Flow Properties of Side-By-Side Blade-Wings and Its Applications on the Performance Improvement of Wind FarmShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Bending Fatigue Behavior Study on the Sandwich Panels with Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Resin Laminate Skins and Foamed Aluminum CoresYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study of Slurry Preparation Parameters on Wear Resistance of Aluminum-Fly Ash Composites by Die Casting ProcessesShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Influence of Pulsed Arc and Electromagnetic Vibration on Microstructure and Properties of Super Stainless Steel Weld MetalShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Detection and Inactivation of Pathogens of Epinephelus Roes at Low Concentration by a Remote and Automatic SystemChih-Wei WuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Oxidational Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Cnx-Deposited Cemented Wc with Thermal Barrier Interlayers Built by Sol-Gel Process under High TemperaturesChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-1Yaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-2Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-3Yuan-Liang JengNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-4Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2013Noise and Vibration Suppression Using an Array of Weak Radiating PanelsYih-Hwang LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013A Study of the Efficiency of Reducing Wave Energy by the Pervious Concrete-2Wen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2013The effect of viscosity on wave energy transfer mechanisms in three dimensionsChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2013Data mining model for beach profiles evolutions-2Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2013Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Areas-1Shih-Feng SuNational Science and Technology Council
2013新世代節能橡膠於環保輪胎之應用研發Rong-Juin Shyu
2013Behavior and Responses of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations under Extreme Environmental Loading Conditions( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2013National Energy Program -- Planning Project Phase IINational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2013Risk Analysis of Irrigation Supply under Climate ChangeWen-Cheng HuangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Development of Hydraulic Model for Irrigation Drainage NetworkKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013A study on performance-based seismic design framework of port structures(3/4)Cheng-Yu KuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2013A Study of Adaptation Capacity of Coastal Disasters Due to Climate Change in Order to Strengthen Northwest and Northeast Areas of Taiwan (II)Tai-Wen HsuWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2013The Study of Technical Code of Maritime Engineering Planning Design and Construction for Offshore Wind Farm( I )Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2012Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the River Estuary SedimentWei-Po HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Investigation on Flow Field Characteristics Near The Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2012Costal Zone Monitoring and AssessmentTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012The Technology Development Project of Cross-Sectoral Vulnerability Assessment in Natural Disaster Environmental SystemsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development and Manufacture of Mechanical Heart ValvesChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2012Analysis of Design Wind Speed Variation above the Gradient Height for Large City Terrain.Jing-Jong JangNational Science and Technology Council
2012工程處海洋工程學門國外參訪計畫Jaw-Guei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Using SWAN to Simulate Directional Random Waves Passing through a Submerged Dike Seated on Slopping BottomJaw-Guei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Incorparation of WWM and Homse Forsimulationg Waves Propagating Submerged Breakwater over a Sloping BeachTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012On the Directional Wave Specturm over a Submerged Breakwater on a Sloping Beach(II)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012工程處海洋工程學門國外參訪計畫Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012Analysis and Prediction of Storm Surge and Sea Level Rise Due to Climate ChangeTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012Investigation of Density Effect on Turbulent Round Jet in Wave EnvironmentNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012A Study on the Electrochemical Chloride RemovalWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2012An Analysis of Highly Efficient Two-Dimensional Flood Inundation Model ( III )Chia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2012Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2012Experimental Study of Directional Irregular Wave’S Transformation around Submerged Breakwater on a Slope BeachWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2012A Study on Crack Repair for Concrete in Marine EnvironmentJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study on the Scattering Problem of SH Waves by an Underground Semielliptic CavityDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2012Derivation of Structural Geometric Stiffness Matrices of Spatially Curved Beam Elements Based on Rigid Body Rule and Force EquilibriumShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2012Semi-Analytical Approaches for Multiply-Connected Eigenproblems Containing Circular and Elliptical Holes or StringersJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Scattering Problem of Semi-Circular And/Or Semi-Elliptical Hills Containing Tunnels Subject to Sh Wave by Using the Null-Field Boundary Integral Equation MethodJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Program Development and Theoretical Study of Dual Boundary Integral Equation Method by Using the Singular Value Decomposition and Addition TheoremJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources over Zhanghua and Yunlin Area and Its AdaptationWen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Establishment of a Coastal Wave Overtopping Warming Model with Incorporation of Storm Surge ( III )Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development and Applications of an Led Color Micro Particle Image VelocimetryJyh-Jong SheenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Drive and Control Technology for Advanced Sensorless Bldc Motors with Low Rare Earth MaterialHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Investigations of the Wave Effect on Propeller PerformanceChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Time-Resolved Piv Measurements for Pressure Distributions around 2d Hydrofoils at Different Cavitation NumbersYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2012Qualitative Research on the Irregular Stock Cutting Problem in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Cavitation for Internal Flow Past a ValveJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development and Application of Reciprocating Pitch Angle Fluid Dynamic Energy ConverterNational Science and Technology Council
2012A Study of Flow Past a Circular Cylinder over a Backward-Facing StepJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012工程處海洋工程學門國外參訪計畫Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Stability Analysis of Bridge Foundation Subjected to ScouringSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012New Approaches for Identifying the Heat Source in Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development of Real-Time Updating Runoff Model Using Rainfall Forecasting Dada (III)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012Experimental Measurement on the Dispersion Characteristics of Two Side by Side Plumes Interacting with the Fence in a Turbulent Cross FlowBao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2012Application of Resources Planning for Engineering Chain Management and E ManufacturingChang-Pin LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Development of a Rotational Knee Laxity Measurement Device - for Varus/Valgus and Inner/Outer RotationChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Research and Development of Web Thickness Measuring Methods and Systems for Undercut Type MicrodrillsWen-Tung ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Research and Design of a Novel Automatic BalancerChyun-Chau FuhNational Science and Technology Council
2012A Microfluidic Device for Measuring the Oxygen Consumption Rate of a Single Zebrafish Embryo in Applications of Toxicants and Anti-Cancer Drugs ScreeningShih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Flow Analysis and Application on the Performance Improvement of Wind Turbine Using Rifled/Unrifled Multi-Stage Rotary Rotors and Side-By-Side BladesShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Cloud Computing on Estimating Local Topography System of Near-Shore Area in TaiwanSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2012Bending Fatigue Behavior Study on the Sandwich Panels with Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Resin Laminate Skins and Foamed Aluminum CoresYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development on Key Technology of Mass Production of Aluminun-Fly Ash Composite Die Casting ProcessingShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012VI Bration Induced Microstructure of Nano/Micro Phase and Its Mechanical PropertiesShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study of Cell Mechanics of Single Cell Adhered on a Microcantilever by Digital Micromirror Devices and Optically-Induced Dielectrophoresis TechniquesChih-Wei WuNational Science and Technology Council
2012An Investigation on Oxidational Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Cnx-Deposited Cemented Wc with Thermal Barrier Coatings under High TemperaturesChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2012Optimal Tracking VI Bration Suppression of Flexible Beams Subjected to Moving Dynamic Loads with Complex Motion CharacteristicsYih-Hwang LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Effect of Viscosity on Wave Energy Transfer Mechanisms in Three DimensionsChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2012Data Mining Model for Beach Profiles Evolutions-2Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2012Evaluation of Crop Water requirements and Irrigation Water under Climate ChangeWen-Cheng HuangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2012Analysis of flooding storage in flat irrigation areas adapting to climate change.Kwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2012Developing the Flood Mitigation and Protection Manual in Communities and Building SitesChao-Hsien Liaw
2012A study of adaptation capacity of coastal disasters due to climate change in order to strengthen northwest and northeast areas of Taiwan (1/2)Tai-Wen HsuWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2012Durability and Remaining Service Life Prediction Methodology of BuildingsWei-Chung Yeih
2012A Study on Water Wave Energy Dissipation Structures(4/4)Jaw-Guei LinInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2012Future Plan for Research Development of Off-Shore Wind Power FarmTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012Future Plan for Research Development of Off-Shore Wind Power FarmTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2012The research of repair and strengthening for the reinforced concrete structure in marine environment(2/4)Wei-Chung YeihInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2012Feasibility Study on the Establish of the National Taiwan Marine Energy Test Site (TAMETS)Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Evaluation Study on Technology and Potential Sites of Wave Energy ConversionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Developing Flood Forecasting &Amp; Sediment Yield Estimating Techniques for Geo-Climatically Diverse Un-Gauged WatershedsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Study of Maritime Engineering Planning of the Pilot-Type Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan(II)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2012A Study on Water Wave Energy Dissipation Structures(4/4)-4Wen-Kai WengInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011Integrated Research of Professional and Popular Science Education on Ocean EnergyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Supply and Demand Analyses and Cultivation of Human Resource in the Ocean Energy IndustryHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011低阻力、低噪音環保輪胎設計與驗證技術研究﹝I﹞Rong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on the Distribution Characteristics of Planar Flow in Port of TaipeiSung-Shan HsiaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011Models of Greenroofs on Urban Stormwater Mitigation and Rainwater Harvesting System ( II )Chao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2011Incorparation of Wwm and Homse Forsimulationg Waves Propagating Submerged Breakwater over a Sloping BeachTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2011On the Directional Wave Specturm over a Submerged Breakwater on a Sloping Beach(I)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Collaboration between Professors and Educators in Marine Eduction Content DevelopmentNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development and Application of a 3d Numerical Model for Estuary HydrodynamicsNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2011Wave Prediction in Wwm Model Using Different Energy Dissipation TermsNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2011Investigation of Density Effect on Turbulent Round Jet in Wave EnvironmentNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2011A Study on the Electrochemical Chloride RemovalWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2011An Analysis of Highly Efficient Two-Dimensional Flood Inundation Model ( II )Chia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Experimental Study of Directional Irregular Wave’s Transformation around Submerged Breakwater on a Slope BeachWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of High Strength Pervious Concrete Using Alkali-Activated Slag Cement Paste and Slag AggregatesJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on the SH-Waves Scattering from a Shallow Elliptic Layered Sedimentary ValleyDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2011Buckling Theory of Curved Beams with Initial Pretwist Based on Rigid Body Rule and Force EquilibriumShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on Solving the Green's Function and Boundary Value Problems by Using the Image Method and the Null-Field Integral EquationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on Solving the Green's Function and Boundary Value Problems by Using the Image Method and the Null-Field Integral EquationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Semi-Analytical Approaches for Multiply-Connected Eigenproblems Containing Circular and Elliptical Holes or StringersJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Scattering Problem of Semi-Circular and/or Semi-Elliptical Hills Containing Tunnels Subject to SH Wave by Using the Null-Field Boundary Integral Equation MethodJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Building of Water Allocation Model Integrating with Rainfall Forecasting during Drought(II)Wen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Establishment of a Coastal Wave Overtopping Warming Model with Incorporation of Storm SurgeShiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Study for Discrete Optimization Problems --- Combining Particle Swarm Optimization with Successive Taguchi MethodJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Design and Fabrication of the Metallic Nano-Periodic Structure Substrate for SERS and SPR SystemShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of a Design Method for Propellers in the Unsteady InflowChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Experimental Investigations on Hydrodynamics of the Flap-Type Wave Energy Converter ArrayYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Cavitation for Internal Flow Past a ValveJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Stability Analysis of Bridge Foundation Subjected to ScouringSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011New Approaches for Identifying the Heat Source in Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011A New Computational Approach for Solving the Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem in an Arbitrary Plane DomainJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of Real-Time Updating Runoff Model Using Rainfall Forecasting Data (II)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Technical Development of the System Assessment for Environmental DisastersKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Experimental Study on the Flow and Dispersion Characteristics of near and Far Fields for Two Pollution Sources Discharging in the Turbulent Boundary Layer (I)(Ii)Bao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on a Rockmass Discontinuum Model Integrated with the Shallow Water Equation for Granular Debris FlowsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study and Application of Patent Citation and High Level Fuzzy Petri Nets on Technology Trend AnalysisChang-Pin LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011開發抗登革病毒與腸病毒71型的藥物及疫苗之快速篩選-細胞包覆耗氧感測微液珠陣列晶片應用於篩選抗登革病毒與腸病毒71型感染之藥物(子計畫二)( III )Shih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2011A Design and Analysis of Novel Non-Premixed Dual-Swirling Combustion NozzleShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Estimating Local Topography System of Near-Shore Area in Taiwan with Clound ComputingSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2011Bending Fatigue Behavior Study on the Sandwich Panels with Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Resin Laminate Skins and Foamed Aluminum CoresYi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on Light and Value Increased Aluminum - Fly Ash Composites by Diecasting ProcessingShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development and Properties of Nano-Micro Microstructure Weld by Hamonic Frequency Vibration with Active Flux for Advanced Structural MaterialsShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011開發抗登革病毒與腸病毒71型的藥物及疫苗之快速篩選-利用懸臂樑式生物微感測器探討登革病毒與腸病毒71型之感染機制及疫苗抗原表位(子計畫三)( III )Chih-Wei WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Biotribology of Modified Uhmwpes and Their Rubbing Pairs for Medical ApplicationChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2011Dynamic Analysis and VI Bration Control of a Precision Machine Subjected to Moving Dynamic LoadsYih-Hwang LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011A Study of Viscous Wave Propagating over Uneven SeabedChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2011Analysis and Prediction of Storm Surge and Sea Level Rise Due to Climate Change(I)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2011Incorparation of Wwm and Homse Forsimulationg Waves Propagating Submerged Breakwater over a Sloping Beach(I)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2011公務船造、修合約合理性與因應對策之研究結案報告Chih-Ching ChangCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2011Impact of Evapotranspiration on Agricultural Water Resources under Climate ChangeWen-Cheng HuangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Establishing a Procedure for Designing Ducted PropellersChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Influence of Extreme Rainfall Distribution on Inundation in Flat Irrigation AreasKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011A study of adaptation capacity of coastal disasters due to climate change in order to strengthen southwest area of Taiwan (2/2)Tai-Wen HsuThe Water Resources Agency, MOEA
2011Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Stability Analysis of Bridge Foundation Subjected to ScouringSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Rainwater Utilization System Planning Technology for Eco-communityChao-Hsien Liaw
2011A Study on Water Wave Energy Dissipation Structures(3/4)Jaw-Guei LinInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011Criteria of Life Cycle Assessment and Establishment of Durability Evaluation Indicators on Structural Materials(1)Jiang-Jhy Chang
2011A study of the repair materials and repair methods for concrete structures in harbor and Marine environment(1/4)Wei-Chung YeihInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011A Study on Water Wave Energy Dissipation Structures(3/4)-2Wen-Kai WengInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011The Evaluation Study on Technology and Potential Sites of Wave Energy ConversionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Developing Flood Forecasting Sediment Yield Estimating Techniques for Geo-Climatically Diverse Un-Gauged WatershedsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2010Future Plan for Research Development of Off-Shore Wind Power Farm (I)Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010The Research of Maritime Engineering for Guided Offshore Wind Farm (I)Lien-Kwei ChienNational Science and Technology Council
2010RC 橋梁材料耐久性評估與殘餘壽命預測之研究Institute of Transportation, MOTC
2010Models of Greenroofs on Urban Stormwater Mitigation and Rainwater Harvesting SystemChao-Hsien LiawNational Science and Technology Council
2010Application of CCD Remote Sensing to Ocean Wave Field Observation (II)National Science and Technology Council
2010Simulation of Water Waves by Higher Order Mild-Slope EquationTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010Study on the Direction of Irrgular Water WaveTai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010A Study on Directional Irregular Waves Deformations by SWAN ModelJaw-Guei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Research on Collaboration between Professors and Educators in Marine Eduction Content DevelopmentNational Science and Technology Council
2010An Analysis of Highly Efficient Two-Dimensional Flood Inundation Model (I)Chia-Ming FanNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Study on the Electrochemical Chloride RemovalWei-Chung YeihNational Science and Technology Council
2010Lab_On_A_Chip for Dna Hybridization AssaysPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Study of Directional Irregular Wave's Transformation in Wave BasinWen-Kai WengNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of High Strength Pervious Concrete Using Slag as the AggregateJiang-Jhy ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on the SH-Waves Scattering from a Partially Filled Semi-Elliptical Alluvial ValleyDeng-How TsaurNational Science and Technology Council
2010Application of Straight-Beam Transfer Matrix to Buckling Theory of Curved-Beam with Variable CurvatureShyh-Rong KuoNational Science and Technology Council
2010Null-Field Integral Equations and Their Engineering ApplicationsJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on Solving the Green's Function and Boundary Value Problems by Using the Image Method and the Null-Field Integral EquationJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Semi-Analytical Approaches for Multiply-Connected Eigenproblems Containing Circular and Elliptical Holes or StringersJeng-Tzong ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Building of Water Allocation Model Integrating with Rainfall Forecasting during DroughtWen-Cheng HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Establishment of a Coastal Wave Overtopping Warming Model with Incorporation of Storm Surge Simulation(I)Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Study of a Successive Taguchi Method Applied in Globally Optimizing ProblemsJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of a Design Method for Propellers in the Unsteady InflowChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Measurements and Assessments of Turbulence Model Performance with Shear-Layer Flows Using a Cost-Effective DP-SPIV SystemYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Study of Sloshing Motion and Its ReductionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Research on New Measuring Technique of Single Pile Lateral Behavior and Effect of Pile Cap on Lateral Capacity of Pile GroupSan-Shyan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010New Approaches for Identifying the Heat Source in Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of Real-Time Updating Runoff Model Using Forecasting Rainfall Data (I)Kwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2010Experimental Study on the Wind Flow and Airborne Pollutants Dispersion Characteristics in the Coastal Complex Terrains (III)Bao-Shi ShiauNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on the Application of Rockmass Discontinuum Model on Granular Debris FlowsCheng-Yu KuNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Research, Development, and Innovative Design of the Knee ArthrometerChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010開發抗登革病毒與腸病毒71型的藥物及疫苗之快速篩選---細胞包覆耗氧感測微液珠陣列晶片應用於篩選抗登革病毒與腸病毒71型感染之藥物(子計畫二)(II)Shih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Design and Analysis of Novel Non-Premixed Dual-Swirling Combustion NozzleShun-Chang YenNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Study of the Local Parameters for the Geography Estimate System of the Near-Shore AreaSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Study on Fatigue Property of CNT/Epoxy Resin Composite Materials (III)Yi-Ming JenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on Feasibility of Producing Aluminum-Based Composites by Die Casting Processes and Its Assoicated Mechanical PropertiesShuei-Wan JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of Nano and Amorphous Weld for Advanced Structural MaterialsShing-Hoa WangNational Science and Technology Council
2010開發抗登革病毒與腸病毒71型的藥物及疫苗之快速篩選---利用懸臂樑式生物微感測器探討登革病毒與腸病毒71型之感染機制及疫苗抗原表位(子計畫三)(II)Chih-Wei WuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Biotribology of DLC Coated Ti, Fe Alloys and Modified UHMWPE Polymers for Medical ApplicationsChau-Chang ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Unified Study on Independent Modal Vibration Control of Complicated Dynamic Systems Possessing Complex ModesYih-Hwang LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Using Fictitious Time Integration Method and Meshless Numerical Method for Solving Nonlinear ProblemsChia-Cheng TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2010Investigation of Density Effect on Turbulent Round Jet in Wave Environment (I)National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010Experimental and Numerical Studies on Wave Breaking over Sloping and Bar/Step-Type ProfilesNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010The Study on Coastal Buffer Zone in TaiwanYuan-Jyh LanNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010英國海洋能源研究參訪Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010A study of adaptation capacity of coastal disasters due to climate change in order to strengthen southwest area of Taiwan (1/2)Tai-Wen HsuWater Resources Agency,MOEA
2010Design Modifications of Propellers with Blunt Trailing Edges by Computational MethodsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Development of an Integrated Innovation Design of Servo-Controlled Hybrid Small-Pres and the Matched Pressing TechniquesChang-Pin LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Development and Improvement for Oyster Forming Platform in Open SeaWen-Kai WengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010Impact of Climate Change on Hydrologic Frequency of BasinWen-Cheng HuangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010Regional Inundation Analysis for Flat Irrigation Areas under Extreme Rainfall ConditionsKwan-Tun LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010A Study on the Estimation and Inventory Establishment of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fishing CraftsYuan-Liang JengCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010A Study on Water Wave Energy Dissipation Structures(2/4)-2Wen-Kai WengInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2010既有RC結構物鋼筋腐蝕量測技術及評估準則之研究Wei-Chung Yeih
2010A Study of Numerical Simulation of Nearshore Breaking Wave Model ( III )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2010Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( III )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Developing Flood Forecasting and Sediment Yield Estimating Techniques for Geo-Climatically Diverse Un-Gauged WatershedsKwan-Tun LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2010漁船溫室氣體排放及建立清冊之研究Yuan-Liang Jeng
2010A Study of Numerical Simulation of Nearshore Breaking Wave Model ( III )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
20102010「海峽兩岸水利及海洋工程研討會」Tai-Wen Hsu