Bachelor Degree Program in Marine Biotechnology


第 1 到 254 筆結果,共 254 筆。

2022Bioactive Compounds Analysis, Proteomic Analysis and Animal Studies Reveal the Anti-Atherosclerosis Activity of Fermented Laminaria Japonica(3/3)Pai-An HwangNational Science and Technology Council
2022利用氣喘小鼠動物模式探討裙帶菜水萃物減緩懸浮微粒造成之呼吸道發炎及 過敏相關症狀之機轉(1/2)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Evaluating the Curcumin and Carbon Quantum Dots against Influenza Virus a Infection and Its Immunomodulatory Mechanism(II)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Mass Spectrometry-Based Omics Methods to Comprehensively Study the Impact of Plasticizers on Marine EcosystemsPang-Hung HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Biochemical Studies of Polyamine Synthases from Diatom, and Their Applications in Synthetic Biology(III)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2022Application of Genome Editing Technology in Targeted Mutagenesis of Dnd1 Gene for the Infertility Control of Ornamental Fish( III )Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2022北區水產加值打樣服務Chang-Jer WuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2022病毒免疫實驗室功能性驗證服務-植物乳桿菌對A型流感病毒感染之保護效果及機制Chang-Jer WuJICOND FOODS Co., Ltd.
2022病毒免疫實驗室功能性驗證服務-家樂易健康食品免疫調節評估預實驗Chang-Jer WuGANO E WORLDWIDE LTD.
2022國際產學聯盟-評估SH-217抑制冠狀病毒之功效Shih-Chao LinEncommelt Medical Sciences llc.
2022「精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫」食品創新教學推動中心Chang-Jer WuMinistry of Education
2022文蛤養殖環境植物性餌料生物調查及選種擴培Meng-Chou LeeChung Cheng Agriculture Science and Social Welfare Foundation
2022病毒免疫實驗室功能性驗證服務-長紓勉PLUS健康食品認證免疫調節及輔導調整過敏體質功效評估試驗Chang-Jer WuLytone Enterprise, Inc.
2022Development of Macrocyclic Supramolecules Based on Pillar[N]Arenes for Potential Applications (II)Kai-Chi ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021病毒免疫實驗室功能性驗證服務(1)Chang-Jer WuTAIWAN FERTILIZER CO.,LTD.
2021病毒免疫實驗室功能性驗證服務(2)Chang-Jer WuTAIWAN FERTILIZER CO.,LTD.
2021110年馬祖地區魚貝苗培植計畫Young-Mao ChenLienchiang County Government
2021Development and Application of the Sulfate Polysaccharide Extracts from Sarcodia Montagneana as the Health Care Agent against Pm2.5-Induced Pneumonia and Lung Cancer( II )Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2021以海藻纖維複合材料作為無紡布之應用Pai-An Hwang財團法人榮成循環經濟環保基金會
2021Bioactive Compounds Analysis, Proteomic Analysis and Animal Studies Reveal the Anti-Atherosclerosis Activity of Fermented Laminaria Japonica(2/3)Pai-An HwangNational Science and Technology Council
2021High-Throughput Rna Sequencing Identifies the Transcriptional Responses of Skeletonema to Varying Nutrient Availability during the Formation of Blooms(II)Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Examine the Molecular Mechanism of Retro-Fibrosis by Mass Spectrometry-Based ProteomicsPang-Hung HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021人類周邊血染色處理樣品分析Pang-Hung HsuChang-Geng Medical Foundation Keelung Chang-Geng Memorial Hospital
2021多肉大型藻海木耳在海洋酸化及溫度變化下之固碳作用Shye-Jye TangRising Sun Education Foundation
2021Biochemical Studies of Polyamine Synthases from Diatom, and Their Applications in Synthetic Biology(II)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021在變動的氮磷濃度下馬祖海域優勢矽藻實行生理適應的分子機制(Ⅱ)Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics Study of Multifunctional Feed Additive from Herbs or Algae to Enhance Disease-Resistance and Growth of Aquatic AnimalsHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2021Evaluating the Curcumin and Carbon Quantum Dots against Influenza Virus a Infection and Its Immunomodulatory Mechanism(I)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Marine Featured Drug Delivery System Combined with Quadruple TherapyHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021A proteomic approach for searching protein markers that regulate the growth of Caulerpa lentillifera under different nitrate concentrationPai-An HwangRising Sun Education Foundation
2021Application of Smart Technology in Fish Breeding Production System(III)National Science and Technology Council
2021科研創業計畫:前瞻臺灣鯛品系育種科技-1Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2021Application of Genome Editing Technology in Targeted Mutagenesis of Dnd1 Gene for the Infertility Control of Ornamental Fish( II )Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2021臺灣海洋大學水產加值打樣中心建置及試營運Chang-Jer WuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2021國際產學聯盟-利用便秘小鼠模式探討TCI604益生菌和TCI604菌液的生理功能Chang-Jer WuTCI CO., Ltd
2021協和計畫發展海洋牧場可行性先期評估-1Meng-Chou LeeState-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC
2021協和計畫發展海洋牧場可行性先期評估-2Fan-Hua NanState-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC
2021Bioactive Natural Compounds Isolated from Marine Microorganisms as Novel Antivirals for Fish Viral Nervous Necrosis InfectionsShih-Chao LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021「生醫產業與新農業跨領域人才培育計畫」- A類「生醫產業與新農業學產研鏈結人才培育計畫」Hong-Yi GongMinistry of Education
2021「生醫產業與新農業學產研鏈結人才培育計畫」A類食品科技產業創新領域課程Chang-Jer WuMinistry of Education
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫4:海藻活性物質應用及產業人才培育計畫Pai-An HwangMinistry of Education
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫8:越南永續海洋國際鏈結計畫Young-Mao ChenMinistry of Education
2021Development of Macrocyclic Supramolecules Based on Pillar[N]Arenes for Potential Applications (II)Kai-Chi ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development and application of fermented seaweed byproducts in white shrimp cultureMeng-Chou LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020葡萄王生技樣品具抗登革病毒或抗流感病毒潛力之篩選評估Chang-Jer WuGrape King Blo
2020Development and application of the sulfate polysaccharide extracts from Sarcodia montagneana as the health care agent against PM2.5-induced pneumonia and lung cancer(1/2)Chang-Jer Wu
2020Development of high thoughtput molecular diagnostic platfrom for common shrimp infectious diseasesHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020DWM1 UVC抑菌及抑藻效能研究 抑藻效能Meng-Chou LeeNKFG CORPORATION
2020探討完整營養配方Nutrawell對於化學藥物結合放射線治療的結腸癌小鼠之影響 (二)Chang-Jer WuNew Health Nutraceutical Supplement
2020善笙生技樣品具抗流感病毒潛力之篩選評估Chang-Jer WuSimpson Biotech
2020猴頭菇乙醇萃取物抑制日本腦炎病毒感染小鼠誘導腦部發炎及氧化壓力Chang-Jer WuDepartment of Food Science
2020Bioactive Compounds Analysis, Proteomic Analysis and Animal Studies Reveal the Anti-Atherosclerosis Activity of Fermented Laminaria Japonica(1/3)Pai-An HwangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Development and application of novel functional aquafeed additives(IV)National Science and Technology Council
2020High-Throughput Rna Sequencing Identifies the Transcriptional Responses of Skeletonema to Varying Nutrient Availability during the Formation of Blooms(I)Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Evaluating the Curcumin and Carbon Quantum Dots against Influenza Virus a Infection and Its Immunomodulatory MechanismChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2020國際水產養殖科技暨管理碩士班第18屆第1年Hong-Yi GongInternational Cooperation and Development Fund
2020國際水產養殖科技暨管理碩士班第17屆第2年Hong-Yi GongInternational Cooperation and Development Fund
2020Manupulation of the Microalgae Community of Shrimp Aquaculture Ponds by Polyamines and CiliatesHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Elucidation of the Function of Domains of Dual Acyl Carrier Protein and Methyltransferase from Chimeric 6-Methylsalicyclic Acid Synthase in Biosynthesis of 2-Hydroxy-2-(Propan-2-Yl) Cyclobutane-1,3-DioneShye-Jye Tang
2020Marine Featured Drug Delivery System Combined Photothermal and Magnetic Hyperthermia Therapy with Thermal Release ControlHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020109年海洋生物復育暨海洋環境教育宣導計畫Meng-Chou LeeOffice of Coast Administration Construction
2020Application of Smart Technology in Fish Breeding Production System(II)National Science and Technology Council
2020探討桑黃菌絲體萃取物對於 A 型流感病毒感染之保護效果及機制Chang-Jer WuGrape King Blo
2020Application of Genome Editing Technology in Targeted Mutagenesis of Dnd1 Gene for the Infertility Control of Ornamental Fish( I )Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2020Development and Application of the Sulfate Polysaccharide Extracts from Cladosiphon Okamuranus as the Atopic Dermatitis Health Care Agent ( II )Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2020石蓴乙醇萃取物應用於開發美白化妝品之評估Chang-Jer WuStone&Resource Industry R&D Center
2020「生醫產業與新農業學產研鏈結人才培育計畫」A類食品科技產業創新領域課程Chang-Jer WuMinistry of Education
2020「生醫產業與新農業跨領域人才培育計畫」-A類「生醫產業與新農業產研鏈結人才培育計畫」Hong-Yi GongMinistry of Education
2020馬祖裙帶菜機能性成分及加值於銀髮族健康輔助應用Chang-Jer WuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020建構台灣鯛基因體育種分析整合平台以應用於抗病台灣鯛分子標誌輔助選育Hong-Yi GongCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020小葉蕨藻加值利用之製程開發(中正農業科技)Meng-Chou LeeChung Cheng Agriculture Science and Social Welfare Foundation
2020農業副產物於臺灣鯛複方免疫調節劑之開發與應用Meng-Chou LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019價創計畫:從海洋淬鍊紅鑽-開發紅藻高價值應用產品Meng-Chou LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019石斑魚病毒檢測研究計畫IIYoung-Mao Chen環虹錕騰科技股份有限公司
2019葡萄王生技樣品具抗腸病毒、抗第二型登革病毒或抗流感病毒潛力之篩選評估Chang-Jer WuGrape King Blo
2019探討完整營養配方Nutrawell對於化學藥物結合放射線治療的結腸癌小鼠之影響Chang-Jer WuNew Health Nutraceutical Supplement
2019國際水產養殖科技暨管理碩士班第16屆第2年Hong-Yi GongInternational Cooperation and Development Fund
2019國際水產養殖科技暨管理碩士班第17屆第1年Hong-Yi GongInternational Cooperation and Development Fund
2019The Study of Biocompatibility of Spermidine Carbon Quantum DotsPang-Hung HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2019血液樣品中之微量元素分析Pang-Hung HsuChang-Geng Medical Foundation Keelung Chang-Geng Memorial Hospital
2019Functions of Hif, Mtor and Upr in Hypoxia Tolerance of Fish(III)Chin-Hwa HuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Molecular Mechanism Investigation of Gh and Myostatin Involved in Regulations of Skeletal Muscle Growth and Immunity in Zebrafish and Tilapia by Transgenesis and Genome Editing TechnologiesHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2019Plankton Ecological Processes in Subtropical-Shelf Ecosystems: Phytoplankton and Inorganic Nitrogen Uptake in the East China Sea (II)Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Using Asthma Mouse Model to Evaluat the Brown Algae Extracts against Pm2.5-Caused Airway Inflammation and Allergy Related Symptoms and Its MechanismChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Correlation of Sugar Profile of Seaweed Polysaccharide and Its Inhibition of Radiation-Induced Tissue Fibrosis (II)Pai-An HwangNational Science and Technology Council
2019應用水產資材之開發骨質保健產品暨功效評估Pai-An HwangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019Development and Application of Novel Functional Aquafeed Additives( III )National Science and Technology Council
2019Establishment of Ai Behavioral Traits Database for Breeding Standardization and AutomationJung-Hua WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Investigating Intermediates in 2-Hydroxy-2-(Propan-5-Yl) Cyclobutane-1,3-Dione Biosynthesis and Creating Novel CompoundsShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Studying of Uncommon Polyamine Metabolic Pathway and Corresponding Enzymes in Diatoms(I)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Photodynamic Therapy Drug Delivery System with Marine CharacteristicsHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019馬祖沿近海地區之三倍體生蠔掛養苗最佳體長研究Young-Mao ChenLienchiang County Government
2019Application of Smart Technology in Fish Breeding Production System(I)National Science and Technology Council
2019小球藻培養配方開發評估Chang-Jer WuSynmax Biochemical Co., Ltd.
2019Development and Application of the Sulfate Polysaccharide Extracts from Cladosiphon Okamuranus as the Atopic Dermatitis Health Care Agent(I)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2019人類周邊血染色處理樣本分析Pang-Hung HsuChang-Geng Medical Foundation Keelung Chang-Geng Memorial Hospital
2019海藻應用於製漿造紙之研究Pai-An Hwang財團法人榮成循環經濟環保基金會
2019葡萄王生技樣品具抗腸病毒或抗流感病毒潛力之篩選評估Chang-Jer WuGrape King Blo
2019探討海木耳水萃物對於A型流感病毒感染之保護效果Chang-Jer WuRising Sun Education Foundation
2019「生醫產業與新農業學產研鏈結人才培育計畫」A類食品科技產業創新領域課程Chang-Jer WuMinistry of Education
2019血液中微量元素與慢性肝病的世代研究Pang-Hung HsuChang-Geng Medical Foundation Keelung Chang-Geng Memorial Hospital
2019Development and application of agricultural by product as health aids for senior people-1Pai-An HwangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019Telapia fry cultivation, aquaculture management and value added use of by products.-4Yu-Wei ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019Development and application of agricultural by product as immunomodulation compound on Taiwan tilapiaMeng-Chou LeeCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019蕨藻之室內養殖條件建置及其育種遺傳轉錄基因SSR特性分析Pai-An Hwang臺灣國際藻類研究基金委員會; 財團法人海墾社會福利基金會
2019小葉蕨藻加值利用之製程開發(中正農業科技)Meng-Chou LeeChung Cheng Agriculture Science and Social Welfare Foundation
2018Establishment of a Mouse Model to Assess Colon Cancer Stem-Like Cell Performance and Examine Eliminate Capacity Following Dietary Supplementation with Fish Oil and Selenium YeastChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Plankton Ecological Processes in Subtropical-Shelf Ecosystems: Phytoplankton and Inorganic Nitrogen Uptake in the East China Sea(I)Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Multifunctional Silica Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System with Materials of Marine Origin(II)Hsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Correlation of Sugar Profile of Seaweed Polysaccharide and Its Inhibition of Radiation-Induced Tissue Fibrosis (I)Pai-An HwangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Functions of Hif, Mtor and Upr in Hypoxia Tolerance of Fish(II)Chin-Hwa HuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Phosphorus and Nitrogen Utilization in Diatoms under Ocean Acidification: Gene Expression and Proteomic AnalysisJeng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Establishment of a Mouse Model to Assess Colon Cancer Stem-Like Cell Performance and Examine Eliminate Capacity Following Dietary Supplementation with Fish Oil and Selenium YeastChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Effects of Global Change on Phytoplankton Ecology in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific: Application of Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization for Marker Gene Quantification (Ⅲ).Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Establishment of the Genetic Information of Giant Grouper Brood Stock and Development of Functional Marker-Assisted Selection and Breeding for Application Integration( II )National Science and Technology Council
2017Establishment of the Genetic Information of Giant Grouper Brood Stock and Development of Functional Marker-Assisted Selection and Breeding for Application Integration( II )-1Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2017Multifunctional Silica Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System with Materials of Marine OriginHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Correlation of Sugar Profile of Seaweed Polysaccharide and Its Inhibition of Radiation-Induced Tissue FibrosisPai-An HwangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Functions of Hif, Mtor and Upr in Hypoxia Tolerance of Fish(I)Chin-Hwa Hu
2017Development of the New Generation Humanize Bio-Cornea(3/3)-3Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2017Development and Application of Novel Functional Aquafeed Additives( I )National Science and Technology Council
2017Development of the Anti-Viral Brown Seaweed Sulfate Polysaccharide Extracts for Dengue Virus Type II (Dv2) InfectionChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Research on Molecular Mechanisms and Selective Breeding for Disease Resistance in FishHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2016Phosphorus and Nitrogen Utilization in Diatoms under Ocean Acidification: Gene Expression and Proteomic AnalysisJeng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Establishment of a Mouse Model to Assess Colon Cancer Stem-Like Cell Performance and Examine Eliminate Capacity Following Dietary Supplementation with Fish Oil and Selenium YeastChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Effects of Global Change on Phytoplankton Ecology in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific: Application of Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization for Marker Gene Quantification (Ⅱ).Lee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Establishment of the Genetic Information of Giant Grouper Brood Stock and Development of Functional Marker-Assisted Selection and Breeding for Application Integration( I ) -1Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2016Study of Silica Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System with Marine CharacteristicHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of Infertility Technology in Transgenic Fluorescent Ornamental Fish( III )Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of the New Generation Humanize Bio-Cornea( II )-2Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of the anti-viral brown seaweed sulfate polysaccharide extracts for Dengue virus type II (DV2) infectionChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Research on Molecular Mechanisms and Selective Breeding for Disease Resistance in FishHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2015Characterization of a Hematopoietic Tissue-Specific Gene, LP5, from Litopenaeus vannameiJiann-Horng LeuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Phosphorus and Nitrogen Utilization in Diatoms under Ocean Acidification: Gene Expression and Proteomic AnalysisJeng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Functional Genomics Study of Teleost Progranulin Genes Involved in Regulation of Innate Immunity and GrowthHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2015從生物矽稻殼灰製備成多功能的中孔二氧化矽奈米粒子做為藥物輸送系統Hsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Investigating the Relationship between the Fish Polyamine Catabolic Pathways and Hypoxia StressHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Integration and Evolution of Hypoxia Response Network: Systems Biology and Evolution Approach (III)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Genome-Wide Survey and Characterization of Polyketide Synthases and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases in Pseudallescheria boydii NTOU2362 from Endophytic Fungi of Mangrove PlantsShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on the Activity of Anti-enterovirus and Application as Prebiotics of Oligosaccharides from Carrageenan Abd Fucoidan-2Meng-Tsan ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on the Attenuation Mechanisms of Immuno-suppression and Muscle Proteolysis by Fish Oil and Selenium Yeast in Chemotherapy-Treated Lung Cancer Mice ModelChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Effects of Global Change on Phytoplankton Ecology in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific: Application of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization for Marker Gene QuantificationLee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development and Application of Molecular Markers-Assisted Selection and Breeding for Genetic Traits in Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)Chang-Wen HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development and Application of Molecular Markers-Assisted Selection and Breeding for Genetic Traits in Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) -1Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2015Study on the Activity of Anti-enterovirus and Application as Prebiotics of Oligosaccharides from Carrageenan Abd Fucoidan-1Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Infertility Technology in Transgenic Fluorescent Ornamental Fish (II)Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of the New Generation Humanize Bio-Cornea (I)-3Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2015Research on Molecular Mechanisms and Selective Breeding for Disease Resistance in FishHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2014Diatoms under Interspecific Competition: Expressions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Utilization Genes and Proteomic AnalysisJeng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Functional Genomics Study of Teleost Progranulin Genes Involved in Regulation of Innate Immunity and GrowthHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2014Preparation Photothermal Therapy of Multifuctional Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle as Theranostic Drug Delivery SystemHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Investigating the Relationship between the Fish Polyamine Catabolic Pathways and Hypoxia StressHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Integration and Evolution of Hypoxia Response Network: Systems Biology and Evolution Approach (II)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Genome-Wide Survey and Characterization of Polyketide Synthases and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases in Pseudallescheria boydii NTOU2362 from Endophytic Fungi of Mangrove PlantsShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Activity of Anti-enterovirus and Application as Prebiotics of Oligosaccharides from Carrageenan and Fucoidan-1Meng-Tsan ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Attenuation Mechanisms of Immuno-Suppression and Muscle Proteolysis by Fish Oil and Selenium Yeast in Chemotherapy-Treated Lung Cancer Mice ModelChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Activity of Anti-enterovirus and Application as Prebiotics of Oligosaccharides from Carrageenan and Fucoidan-2Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Effects of Global Change on the Distribution and Nitrogen Status of Coccolithophores in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest PacificLee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Activity of Anti-enterovirus and Application as Prebiotics of Oligosaccharides from Carrageenan and FucoidanChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2014提升智慧財產及技術移轉推廣人才培育計畫Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of Infertility Technology in Transgenic Fluorescent Ornamental Fish (I)Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2013Heat Shock Protein 70 as a Molecular Chaperone for DNA Mismatch Repair Factors in Fish Embryos and Its Antagonism against Oxidative StressTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Identification and Functional Characterization of Hematopoiesis-Related Genes in Litopenaeus vannameiJiann-Horng LeuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Diatoms under Interspecific Competition: Expressions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Utilization Genes and Proteomic AnalysisJeng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Functional Genomics Study of Teleost Progranulin Genes Involved in Regulation of Innate Immunity and GrowthHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2013Preparation Multifunctional Mesoporous Silica NanoparticleHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Investigating the Relationship between the Fish Polyamine Catabolic Pathways and Hypoxia StressHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Development of Nanomedicines and Their Performance Evaluation Platform for the Study of Anti-Tumor Angiogenesis (I)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Integration and Evolution of Hypoxia Response Network: Systems Biology and Evolution Approach (I)Wen-Shyong TzouNational Science and Technology Council
2013Genome-Wide Survey and Characterization of Polyketide Synthases and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases in Pseudallescheria boydii NTOU2362 from Endophytic Fungi of Mangrove PlantsShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on the Attenuation Mechanisms of Immuno-Suppression and Muscle Proteolysis by Fish Oil and Selenium Yeast in Chemotherapy-Treated Lung Cancer Mice ModelChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on the Activity of Anti-eterovirus and Application as Prebiotics of Oligosaccharides from Carrageenan and FucoidanChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2013Effects of Global Change on the Distribution and Nitrogen Status of Coccolithophores in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest PacificLee-Kuo KangNational Science and Technology Council
2013提升智慧財產及技術移轉推廣人才培育計畫Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Development of New Transgenic Fluorescent Ornamental Fish Species Expressing Various Taiwan Coral Fluorescent Proteins by Novel Muscle-Specific Enhancer/Promoter (II)Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2013Feasibility Study into the Incorporation of Carbon Footprint Labelling on Aquatic ProductsFan-Hua NanCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Establishment of the Hatching and Propagation Techniques of SyngnathidaeFan-Hua NanCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Study of Production and Management Technology of Rock Porgy (Oplegnathus fasciatus)Fan-Hua NanCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Development of Artificial Feed for Grouper---Application of Probiotics and Fermented Fish MealCheng-Hui LinCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Selection Breeding Program of Environmental Adaptation in Penaeid Shrimp and Freshwater ShrimpJenn-Kan LuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013陳鐵雄 Thomas T. ChenHong-Yi Gong
2012Development of the Anti-Viral Antrodia Camphorata Fermentation Products and Extracts for Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Fabrication of Fiber-Reinfored Collagen-Based Composite, and the Effects of Composition and Topography on the Behaviors of OsteoblastsFu-Yin HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2012從分子演化及系統生物學角度探討胚胎發育時期低氧細胞訊息路徑的功能與調控機制以生物資訊與蛋白質體學研究-子計畫1---研究斑馬魚胚胎發育時期低氧誘發因子抑制因子(FIH)的下游反應蛋白質基質與HIF訊息傳遞的關連性(III)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Using Zebra Fish as a Model to Study the Properties of Spermidine/Spermine Acetyltransferase I (Ssat1) and Evaluate Its Influences on Polyamine as Well as Energy Metabolism in FishHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study on the Biological Activities on Antivirus and Antipalatelet Aggregation of Algal Oligosaccharides with Higher Sulfate ContentChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study on the Mechanisms of Attenuation of Muscle Proteolysis and Immune Impairment by Nutraceuticals Intervention after Chemotherapy in Tumor-Bearing MiceChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development of new transgenic fluorescent ornamental fish species expressing various Taiwan coral fluorescent proteins by novel muscle-specific enhancer/promoter(1/2)Hong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of the Anti-Viral Antrodia Camphorata Fermentation Products and Extracts of Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Chaperoning Effects of Heat Shock Protein 70 on Dna Mismatch Repair Factors in Fish EmbryosTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Establishment of Growth and Metamorphosis Related Genes as Molecular Markers of Breeding to Improve Broodstock of the GrouperHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2011Preparation Multufunctional Intelligent Mesoporous Bioactivity Glass as Drug Delivery System and ApplicationHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Using Zebra Fish as a Model to Study the Properties of Spermidine/Spermine Acetyltransferase I (Ssat1) and Evaluate Its Influences on Polyamine as Well as Energy Metabolism in FishHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Fabrication of Fiber-Reinfored Collagen-Based Composite, and the Effects of Composition and Topography on the Behaviors of OsteoblastsFu-Yin HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2011從分子演化及系統生物學角度探討胚胎發育時期低氧細胞訊息路徑的功能與調控機制以生物資訊與蛋白質體學研究---子計畫1-研究斑馬魚胚胎發育時期低氧誘發因子抑制因子(FIH)的下游反應蛋白質基質與HIF訊息傳遞的關連性(II)Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of Dna Vaccines and Oral Vaccines against Helicobacter Pylori InfectionChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on the Biological Activities on Antivirus and Antipalatelet Aggregation of Algal Oligosaccharides with Higher Sulfate ContentChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of the New Systems for Quick Screening the Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccine of Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Establishment of Growth and Metamorphosis Related Genes as Molecular Markers of Breeding to Improve Broodstock of the GrouperHong-Yi GongNational Science and Technology Council
2010Using Zebra Fish as a Model to Study the Properties of Spermidine/Spermine Acetyltransferase I (Ssat1) and Evaluate Its Influences on Polyamine as Well as Energy Metabolism in FishHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Fabrication of Fiber-Reinfored Collagen-Based Composite, and the Effects of Composition and Topography on the Behaviors of OsteoblastsFu-Yin HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2010從分子演化及系統生物學角度探討胚胎發育時期低氧細胞訊息路徑的功能與調控機制---以生物資訊與蛋白質體學研究---子計畫一:研究斑馬魚胚胎發育時期低氧誘發因子抑制因子(FIH)的下游反應蛋白質基質與HIF訊息傳遞的關連性Han-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Inhibiting Cell Cycle Progression Reduces Nitric Oxide- and Amyloid Beta-Induced Neurotoxicity in PC12 Cells and BV2 Microglia: a Mechanism Involves BNIP3Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of Dna Vaccines and Oral Vaccines against Helicobacter pylori InfectionChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on the Biological Activities on Antivirus and Antipalatelet Aggregation of Algal Oligosaccharides with Higher Sulfate ContentChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of the New Systems for Quick Screening the Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccine of Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71 (II) (I)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Inhibiting Cell Cycle Progression Reduces Nitric Oxide- and Amyloid Beta-Induced Neurotoxicity in Pc12 Cells and Bv2 Microglia---a Mechanism Involves Bnip3Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development of DNA Vaccines and Oral Vaccines against Helicobacter pylori InfectionChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development of the New Systems for Quick Screening the Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccine of Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71 (I)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development of the New Systems for Quick Screening the Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccine of Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71 (I) -1Chih-Wei WuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development of the New Systems for Quick Screening the Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccine of Dengue Virus and Enterovirus 71 (I) -2Shih-Hao HuangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Polyamine Catabolic Enzymes and Their Influences on Pregnancy Mice and EmbryoHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2008Inhibiting Cell Cycle Progression Reduces Nitric Oxide- and Amyloid Beta-Induced Neurotoxicity in Pc12 Cells and Bv2 Microglia: a Mechanism Involves BNIP3Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Study on the Health Characteristics of Algal Oligosaccharides Derived from Algal Polysaccharides Hydrolysed by AgarasesChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2007Research Experience for Science Teachers---BiotechnologyShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Novel Metal Tetrazolate Coordination Polymer Developed by in Situ Hydrothermal Ligand SynthesisHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2007Trangenic Animal Models of Mouse Seminal VesicleHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2007Study of the Molecular Mechanisms of EGCG Inhibit Laminin Receptor-Mediated Metastasis and Regulate GM-CSF Signaling on Cancer CellsChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Study on the Health Characteristics of Algal Oligosaccharides Derived from Algal Polysaccharides Hydrolysed by AgarasesChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2007Trangenic Animal Models of Mouse Seminal VesicleHan-Jia LinNational Science and Technology Council
2007Development of the New Adjuvant Formula to Enhance Immunogenicity of JEV DNA VaccineChang-Jer WuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2006Study of the Effects of (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate (Egcg) in Japanese Encephalitis Virus (Jev) InfectionChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2006Polymorphisms of G-T Binding Proteins in Chlorella Pyrenoidosa and the Influence of TransgenesTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2006Preparing Novel Metal Organic Material and Application by in Situ Ligand SynthesisHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2006E2F1 Regulates Nuclear Factor-kB Expression in Macrophages: Potential Inflammatory Activity of the Transcription Factor E2F1Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2006The Study on the Health Characteristics of Algal Oligosaccharides Derived from Algal Polysaccharides Hydrolysed by AgarasesChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2006A New Delivery Strategy of Japanese Encephalitis Virus DNA Vaccine Using the Transcutaneous Immunization (II)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2005Analysis of DNA Mismatch Binding Complexes in Chlorella pyrenoidosa Based on Their Competitive Binding with MSH2-MSH6Todd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2005Design of New Nano-Porous Material Try to Emulated Nature's Open Framework in Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Complex and Their ApplicationHsiu-Mei LinNational Science and Technology Council
2005Candida rugosa Lipases Protein Eengineering Using Directed Evolution (III)Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2005Development of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus DNA Vaccine for SwineChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2005A New Delivery Strategy of Japanese Encephalitis Virus DNA Vaccine Using the Transcutaneous Immunization (I)Chang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2004Development of the New Adjuvant Formula to Enhance Immunogenicity of JEV DNA VaccineChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2004Analysis of DNA Mismatch Recognition Proteins in Chlorella pyrenoidosa by a MSH6-Dependent Competitive Binding AssayTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2004Candida rugosa Lipases Protein Engineering Using Directed Eevolution (II)Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2003Using Japanese Encephalitis Virus DNA Vaccine to Develop an Efficient Gene GunChang-Jer WuNational Science and Technology Council
2003Isolation of (6-4)Photoproduct-Binding Proteins from Chlorella Pyrenoidosa and cDNA CloningTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2003Candida rugosa Lipases Protein Engineering Using Directed Evolution (I)Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2002Characterization of Early-Responsive Proteins Induced in C. pyrenoidosa by Low Doses of UV-CTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2002Identify Domains Involving Activities of Candida rugosa Lipases and Create Novel Lipases from LIP1 and LIP4 Generated by Using in Vitro EvolutionShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2001Studies on the Assembly of DNA Repair Protein Complexes by Affinity Adsorption and a CrosslinkingTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2001Identify Domains Involving Activities of Candida rugosa Lipases and Create Novel Lipases from Lipase Library Generated by Using in Vitro EvolutionShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
2000Affinity Purification of DNA Repair Proteins from Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Their Functrional AnalysisTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2000In Vitro Recombination of a Family of Genes of Candida rugosa LipasesShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
1999Affinity Purification and Functional Analysis of DNA Repair Proteins from Chlorella pyrenoidosaTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
1998Excision Repair of Adducted DNA by Extracts from C. pyrenoidosaTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
1996Studying the Desaturase Functions in the Cold Acclimation of FishShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
1996Expressing and Purifying the His-Tagged Lipase Protein from Candida RugosaShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
1995Nucleotide Excision Repair of UV-Damaged DNA in C. pyrenoid DTodd HsuNational Science and Technology Council
1995Cloning and Characterization of the Lipase Genes from Candida rugosa (II)Shye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
1995Studying the Desaturase Functions in the Cold Acclimation of FishShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council
1994Studying the Desaturase Functions in the Cold Acclimation of FishShye-Jye TangNational Science and Technology Council